
Long Time Member
After Reading This Story alot of Average Joe Blow Hunters will be SKEERED!

When In FACT it was a Dreaded Lion Hunter that Saved this Guys Life!

The Lion Probably Coulda took the Guys Life!

But it's Damn Rare when a Lion Takes a Human!

A Big Thanks to the Hounder!


I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
One lucky guy not have some teeth marks on him.
always carry that "Oh crap" bag with ya.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
lol....that is pathetic....

LAST EDITED ON Aug-04-19 AT 05:44AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Aug-04-19 AT 05:43?AM (MST)

>lol....that is pathetic....

For sure. Lots of great decisions there. The lion wouldn't even eat him.

A few years back a guy who worked for us got lost in Montana and had to be rescued. The newspaper got ahold of it and did a lengthy article. It was posted on every one of our jobsites across the country. :). There were joke boards, survival tip emails, suggestion boxes, you name it. Poor bastard....

Splitting my time time between the winter and summer range......
May you live long enough to cash in those preference points. Amen
Smart fella there ! Montana , forest road , middle of winter , in a rental car !!!!! Might as well have just lit the rental car on fire , saved the humility and been home that night.
>Smart fella there ! Montana ,
>forest road , middle of
>winter , in a rental
>car !!!!! Might as
>well have just lit the
>rental car on fire ,
>saved the humility and been
>home that night.

##### with it being a rental I think that would have been my first plan haha
LAST EDITED ON Aug-06-19 AT 08:58AM (MST)[p]I would say that is one lucky guy.

If he would not have broken his fibula, he could have wandered more and further off track and died.

What is the chances of lion hunters looking for tracks on the very road he was stuck on?

What is the chance of a lion following to the lost man and not hurting him, but peeing on him? You would think a big lion peeing on you might wake you up?

What is the chance of hunters finding him before the guy died from exposure and shock?

It looks like some divine help to me.

Very lucky and blessed guy.
Thanks to the stupidity of the LO in NM, you won't be able to trap lions on state land anymore so lion attacks may go up...
Wow, great story. I sometimes hunt alone, but its important to know your limitations and don't take lofty risks (listen to your gut at forks in the road/trail). Glad this guy survived...higher forces at play on this one.
Last year hunting Montana, I was 4 or 5 miles back on an unmaintained 2 track, when a Prius pulled up to my camp and asked me if this was the road to Yellowstone.... they said their gps had taken them on the road. (I was near Dillon Montana, and they were heading North...) I told them they were lost, and to follow me back to I-15. Once I got them to I-15, I told them not to leave pavement the rest of the trip. It's amazing where people will go to ?save? a couple minutes.

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