Expo Boycott?


Very Active Member
I haven't heard much on the Expo fiasco for a while so thought I'd ask as I have been getting their emails lately to sign up! I'm a Non-resident and have enjoyed coming to the show the last several years contributing money to the local economy (hotels, food, $5 tags, etc.) However after seeing all the info on where the Expo money goes or what happens to it last year, I was wondering if anything has changed relative to the organizers positions on financial accountability? If it's status quo, I do not plan to attend next February as I think that's the only way to make the voices heard of those who oppose how things are being run.
Just my opinion! I assume a lively discussion will follow?
Not going this year. I don't have enough leave time to take off from work so I can make the trip. There are pros and cons to the Expo, but I enjoy the booths and running into old friends.

Nothing has changed. We will no longer attend and use the money to buy an extra tag in Idaho (a state whose previous commissioners respected the views of its constituents and has minimal SFW/BGF influence...so far).
Nothing has changed, at least for me. I haven't been since my father passed away 7 years ago and the only reason I went in the first place was to accompany him when he went. And, no, we never applied for the tags. We didn't know anything back then about the distribution of the $5 application fee, but trophy hunting was never our thing anyway so it didn't matter. And it still doesn't. And now that I know where that money is (or isn't) going, I'll continue my "boycott" at 8 years in a row, thanks!
Doug, Not sure I will be going anymore either. Nothing has changed. It is very frustrating with what all has happened with the expo bid, money and attitudes of the DWR and SFW about this. Makes me sick. And then when you hear the wildlife board members get all pissy and and tell us the rest of us are just arm chair biologist and we dont do a thing to help with the cause, I GET ANNOYED!!!

Some way, Doug, we need to hook up and hunt again. Maybe next year I will have a Colorado elk or deer tag.

OUT!!! I'm sure my "boycott" is shocking to everyone.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
The "not my expo" movement....too funny!!! I'm gonna guess here and say that the expo will have pretty much the same amount as usual.
They will have the same turn out and the same guys will still draw the tags besides a very few select people that ain't rich or s.f.w. linked.
Hornkillet and Bucc(help me find a bull)boy,

Could you please validate your claims with actual facts. I'd love to see them honestly.
Well, Look at how they won the bid last year, and you wonder why people question it?

Do you know that they still haven not changed the rules that they claimed was in the works when RMEF turned in the bid and told them they were invalid because they didnt follow the rules? When will that happen?

Maybe Ill see if I can buy a vernon deer tag and hunt the henries with it. Maybe if I do that, I can get off by stupidity. Well, never mind, I dont have tons of money so they would throw the book at me.
>Hornkillet and Bucc(help me find a
>Could you please validate your claims
>with actual facts. I'd
>love to see them honestly.
It's Simple ,same as Clinton cash and Clinton Foundation.
No I didn't ask for a comparison I asked for detailed validation of an accusation. You guys are always so confused.

And now I'm confused as to the comparison of you buying a Veron tag and hunting the Henrys with it. How did they validate anything.

I think you guys are still just frustrated and consumed and confused all at once. So to answer the original question in this post...no nobody is organized or making a big difference to help Utahs wildlife out side is of the usual groups including SFW. Just Internet crying and hollow claims. The expo will be a big success again the money will go where it is suppose to according to the contracts and all will continue.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-26-16 AT 10:13AM (MST)[p]I'm only frustrated that the lead groups do not seem to show any level of accountability regarding how they are spending the money....seems like a simple thing to show you are being honest. I can't see how much is actually being spent on wildlife and they sure give me the impression of being very uncooperative relative to all the complaints that people were making which is a big red flag to me. They'd rather argue about how much $ is raised. As such, I plan to not attend this year which is the 1st time in 5 years that I will miss. I love the show and booths and gear, and meeting up with friends, etc. but even paying the fee to enter the show is contributing. So, my opinion is you're either in or out and there's no in-between.
The expo is the last place you will find me. Me and some friends/family/Co workers. Are doing our own drawing. each of us are throwing 3-400$ into a pot. We figure there will be 16-18 of us. That puts our odds at 16-1 and we will purchase a cwmu or land owner tag for whoever gets lucky and draws.

It's a Win win I would spend that at the expo anyways If not more.

The odds of drawing will be a thousand times better.PLUS THERE WILL BE NO DOUBT IT'S NOT RIGGED and we get to pick what unit we want to hunt

I know whoever draws we will all have a great time.take that crooked sfw mwhahahaha
Brian PM sent

>The expo is the last place
>you will find me. Me
>and some friends/family/Co workers. Are
>doing our own drawing. each
>of us are throwing 3-400$
>into a pot. We figure
>there will be 16-18 of
>us. That puts our odds
>at 16-1 and we will
>purchase a cwmu or land
>owner tag for whoever gets
>lucky and draws.
>It's a Win win I would
>spend that at the expo
>anyways If not more.
>The odds of drawing will be
>a thousand times better.PLUS THERE
>NOT RIGGED and we get
>to pick what unit we
>want to hunt
> I know whoever draws we
>will all have a great
>time.take that crooked sfw mwhahahaha

"You sure you know how to skin grizz,
>again the money will go
>where it is suppose to
>according to the contracts

Yep, "personnel" as the contract puts it.

That sound better than, "in our own pockets".

>No I didn't ask for a
>comparison I asked for detailed
>validation of an accusation.
>You guys are always so
>And now I'm confused as to
>the comparison of you buying
>a Veron tag and hunting
>the Henrys with it.
>How did they validate anything.
> I think you guys are
>still just frustrated and consumed
>and confused all at once.
>So to answer the original
>question in this post...no nobody
>is organized or making a
>big difference to help Utahs
>wildlife out side is of
>the usual groups including SFW.
> Just Internet crying and
>hollow claims. The expo
>will be a big success
>again the money will go
>where it is suppose to
>according to the contracts and
>all will continue.

Similar to their first contract? The expo will be successful. Salt lake will give a tax break, the DWR will do the advertising, and man the booths. 200 dudes won't draw a tag through the general draw. Wade Lemon, Doyle Moss, and a handful of others will make a killing state subsidized. In all the $fw bs, there is that group, the outfitters, who suck in all the state welfare they can get, and make out huge.

The expo, where every bit of the good work, hard work the everyday $fw guys perform, gets pissed away to support the leadership, and their pursuit of whales.

Heres hoping for another soft winter so $fw can claim victory!

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
Just have not made it down the past couple years. Maybe this year. They have had good attendance the past couple years.
Yep, nothing really new, same show, same turn out and same people defending and same people whining.

All around the mullberry bush......
I can't remember the last time I made a decision to attend an event by asking other if they were still boycotting. Seems silly to ask for MM approval to attend a hunting expo.

I'll go, have fun, not bid on a thing, spend very little money, see some of you there and never miss you that decide to stay home.

Simple to me but so conflicting to the easily confused. Some will find a reason to go and others will find a reason to stay home. I have no ill will toward anyone either way.

I have to be honest here, reading this thread made me think of the election... Polls said trump didn't have a chance and then he wins...

Everyone saying they aren't going to the Expo and then we will find out that the attendance set yet another record from the previous year.

I for one understand both sides. I get the whole transparency side, but I also like to hunt. I have enough expendable income to drop a couple hundred bucks each year for an insanely low chance of drawing (which I finally did last year).

Its an extra chance, albeit small chance, to draw a premium hunt.

My $.02 that aren't worth even that much.
Those last two posts by Zeke and Maxxy pretty much
sum up my thoughts on this issue as-well........

>Those last two posts by Zeke
>and Maxxy pretty much
>sum up my thoughts on this
>issue as-well........

+2 on that goofyelk
I mainly posed the original question because of the significant amount of discussion last year regarding the premise that the Expo is promoted as raising money for Utah's wildlife. Most of the concerns raised didn't argue that a lot of $ is raised however there is no financial accountability so we have no clue whether 10% or 90% of the $ raised is actually going towards wildlife as promoted. So I was mainly curious to see if there are many people that actually care where the $ goes. Personally, I love the show, and will surely miss all the new gear, seminars and meeting up with friends but I'd just rather not contribute anything to an organization that consistently refuses to disclose what they are actually doing with the money raised.
Yes there's a lot people that care where the $ goes, others just want tags. When you see the back door deals that were done and one org offering 100% to go back to wildlife and losing to 30% offer, there's problem. I'm taking a stand on my principles and buying out of state tags, at least I know where my $ went.
Not going to the Expo.

The state should quit taking the money and start giving the tags to the public who have been applying for some of these tags for over 20 years in some cases. They sell tags and give away tags that belong to the general public. SFW got their hands involved in selling tags that are easily applied for in the draw. No reason to involve SFW but the state allows it anyway.

The booths there at the expos are a joke. You can buy all that junk at Cabelas or Sportsmans Warehouse. Why is it so neat to go to the expo....what a waste of time. To me, it looked like most of the people at the expo are the same people that drive around on 4 wheelers during the hunts drinking beer and thinking they are hunting. Same mentality. Walk around with their wives who wear their bling jeans and talk tough about how they want a new scope or some other junk....which they can buy at Cabelas...drop $100 on some tags thinking they have a chance....let the rich guy who spent $3000 on tags get the tag....then head home and come back next year thinking they had a chance....

Just put the darn tags back in the general pool and let us lowly public dudes draw a tag. SFW is a joke.

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
>Not going to the Expo.
>The state should quit taking the
>money and start giving the
>tags to the public who
>have been applying for some
>of these tags for over
>20 years in some cases.
> They sell tags and
>give away tags that belong
>to the general public.
>SFW got their hands involved
>in selling tags that are
>easily applied for in the
>draw. No reason
>to involve SFW but the
>state allows it anyway.
>The booths there at the expos
>are a joke.
>You can buy all that
>junk at Cabelas or Sportsmans
>Warehouse. Why is
>it so neat to go
>to the expo....what a waste
>of time. To
>me, it looked like most
>of the people at the
>expo are the same people
>that drive around on 4
>wheelers during the hunts drinking
>beer and thinking they are
>hunting. Same mentality.
> Walk around with
>their wives who wear their
>bling jeans and talk tough
>about how they want a
>new scope or some other
>junk....which they can buy at
>Cabelas...drop $100 on some tags
>thinking they have a chance....let
>the rich guy who spent
>$3000 on tags get the
>tag....then head home and come
>back next year thinking they
>had a chance....
>Just put the darn tags back
>in the general pool and
>let us lowly public dudes
>draw a tag.
>SFW is a joke.
>"The penalty good men pay for
>indifference to public affairs is
>to be ruled by evil
>men." - Plato

Ya but you don't get to have a pic and autograph with Doyle or WL at Cabelas.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
Before KSL.com, or Amazon, or Ebay, I think you could make the point that IF you were going to "help wildlife" or "save the deer" that the expo was a good way to do it, and that you may need a third party to do so. But, there is ZERO reason to have a third party now. Auction sites are a dime a dozen, the price of what $fw chages to do a 200 tag draw is NOT close to what it could be done for by the dwr. Its 2016, not 1994, times change, technology alone has made this whole fiasco not necessary. It is, exactly what it is, a big party thrown to suck in the whales, and a nice little buisness meeting for the guides to book clients, AT THE PUBLICS EXPENSE.

But I will say, 10 years ago the last time I went, the people watching was pretty fun, especially the fan boys who practically fight to be seen with a couple of the "famous" guides in the state. It was like watching tween girls at a boy band concert.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
>Before KSL.com, or Amazon, or Ebay,
>I think you could make
>the point that IF you
>were going to "help wildlife"
>or "save the deer" that
>the expo was a good
>way to do it, and
>that you may need a
>third party to do so.
> But, there is ZERO
>reason to have a third
>party now. Auction sites
>are a dime a dozen,
>the price of what $fw
>chages to do a 200
>tag draw is NOT close
>to what it could be
>done for by the dwr.
> Its 2016, not 1994,
>times change, technology alone has
>made this whole fiasco not
>necessary. It is, exactly
>what it is, a big
>party thrown to suck in
>the whales, and a nice
>little buisness meeting for the
>guides to book clients, AT
>But I will say, 10 years
>ago the last time I
>went, the people watching was
>pretty fun, especially the fan
>boys who practically fight to
>be seen with a couple
>of the "famous" guides in
>the state. It was
>like watching tween girls at
>a boy band concert.
>"The only thing that stops a
>bad guy with a gun
>is a good guy with
>a gun"

I agree, but you forgot to mention all the grown men in designer jeans and the wives sporting new Christmas racks.
I boycotted last year and nothing's changed. I won't be attending and I will continue to educate those who don't know what's been going on.

I probably averaged a couple hundred dollars spent when I did go. I'll just put that money towards out of state hunting opportunities.

"Wildlife and its habitat cannot speak. So
we must and we will."
Theadore Roosevelt
Someone would have to pay me to do the following at the expo:

1. Wander around a bunch of dudes decked out head to toe in full Camouflage. Rushing to pay their $5 without realizing only a small percentage actually goes back to wildlife. Actually I think most of them dont care, they just want to win a hunt.

2. Watch as a few rich individuals take auction tags from the general public. The public who is cheated out of their equal chance to hunt because of money. This slippery slope has and will continue to corrupt.

3. Witness the sad suck-in of a hunter by and outfitter. He pretends to be their best friend so when the moment of truth arrives he can lick their ear and tell them when to shoot. This is all done while mugging for the camera for film or social media.

4. See the professional hunters give lame seminars to a bunch of wanna be Mossback fans, and the next high country experts. There has got to be some secret they are missing besides hard work, patience, failure, time, ect.

5. I might even be able to rub shoulders with some idiot who brings in a buck he poached in Wyoming and thinks "nobody will notice"
I could go on....but its time for people to get educated and wake up to what is happening.
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