Expo Drawing


Long Time Member
Is the John Baer that won the rifle at the expo the same John Baer that won the sheep tag last year and the elk tag the year before. Isn't there a John Baer that is high up in SFW? That name sounds familiar to me.

10r catches Hell every year!:D

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Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
10r catches Hell every year!:D

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Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
Yes he is high up in sfw and that is just the start of the things he has got from the expo!

Rigged is all it is!!!

Sounds more than a little shady for someone to win three big prizes like that in three years and then find out he's a higher up in SFW! I'm sure you guys will get right on it though!!!
Wow what are the odds on that happening.Members on the sfw board should not even be aloud to enter this raffle of tags.Sounds like they got them one heck of a system for making sure they get to do some good hunts each year.
And thus we see the nasty circle....paid and promoted. This guy must be a great businessman. He seems to have all things figured out in his world.
Whats the big deal if one guy gets kick ass tags every year. Just think of all the good things that have come from the Expo tags and SFW managing wildlife in Utah. It's capitalism at its best!
John Bair is a good guy. He's not the only one winning tags every year. I know of a few that have won multiple tags in a row. He just happens to have a name that all people know. He is a good honest guy. I really don't think he has a hand in it. Just a lucky guy. I like John and he has been very nice to me, I can't say anything bad about the guy.
10r is a good Guy!

You can bet if He didn't ever pull any Tags/Prizes nobody would be Bittching!

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Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
LAST EDITED ON Feb-28-12 AT 08:23AM (MST)[p]10r or John Bair is a good guy and I am okay with him winning, however the name pulled is John baer not John Bair!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-28-12 AT 10:24AM (MST)[p]For the third year, I attended the expo draw to observe the process. I reviewed all of the winning names as they came off the printer and know that John Bair did not win any tags this year. I don't think he drew anything last year either, if memory serves. In years past he did draw a couple tags, but nothing wrong with that. Somebody has to win, I just wish it were me! I am aware that several officers and highly placed DWR personnel have declared themselves ineligible and do not apply to avoid the appearance of impropriety. While I certainly don't agree with SFW on many issues, the tag drawing seems to be entirely on the up and up. I don't know John Bair more than to say hello in passing, but from all accounts he is one of the good guys.

It seems quite a stretch to find a similar name (not the same, just similar) to try to cast derision on SFW. Additionally, the rifle in question was in a drawing completely separate from the tag draw, and that drawing was held in public also. If you purchased tickets for the Toyota truck and gun raffle you saw the bin and the number of tickets in the hopper at the expo.

Just imagine the injustice if someday John Bair were to win a pack of bubble gum or whatever in a raffle at an RMEF, MDF, or SFW banquet! Some people win these drawings because they enter lots of them and continue to contribute financially to the mission of these organizations. Oh yeah, I won a bow at an MDF banquet two years ago. If I could have back all the money I put into drawings in the last 2 years I could have bought the same bow many times over. While it is nice to win, I apply in these drawings to help support RMEF and MDF.
First of all, no matter what I say I am going to be called a liar. John Bair did not win the rifle. It was a John Bear. He does not live in the state. I think he lives back east. Second of all John is no longer a big shot in SFW. He resigned that post when he became a member of the big game board. He still is their auctioneer. He holds no office in SFW. The goat tag he had a few years ago he drew in the regular draw. He did draw a speed goat a few years ago and drew a big horn. a few years ago at the expo. The truck was won by someone who when they called him, he was a long ways away and was wondering how he was going to get the truck and get it home. They called him in front of everyone.

Thought We were gonna see 10r get RAZZED again!:D

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Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can

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