LAST EDITED ON Dec-03-15 AT 00:09AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Dec-03-15 AT 00:08?AM (MST)
>Did anything about this come out
>of the Wildlife Board meeting
Yes and No! And the plot thickens! We're not any closer to knowing who will be chosen, but we are closer to knowing more about the process. As I understood it (Hawkeye is a lawyer and he took much better notes, so he may have to correct me, which I certainly don't mind!), the RFP responses have been submitted, but they are not yet in the hands of the Evaluating Committee because of some needed clarifications and some possible compliance issues. The Evaluation Committee has to score them on some designated criteria and Purchasing wants to make sure they won't be disqualified later on.
Once they are in the hands of the Evaluating Committee they are given a score for each of the criteria (the exact criteria wasn't mentioned) and the one with the highest score will be the one submitted to the Wildlife Board for their approval. During the evaluation, the committee members (DWR, DNR, Governor's rep, State Purchasing rep, DTS rep) have to sign a conflict of interest agreement.
Once the Wildlife Board receives the recommendation from the Evaluation Committee they can either approve it or not. Here's where it gets real tricky. Any members of the Wildlife Board who are currently or who have ever been an officer in the selected conservation organization also have to sign a conflict of interest agreement and are not allowed to vote. I know John is SFW's current auctioneer and a former SFW President and Bryon Bateman was SFW's President but I'm not sure about Steve Dalton nor Donnie Hunter who are both prominent SFW members. So if SFW gets the bid, even if they are MDF's partner, it may be a problem getting a Wildlife Board quorum of 4 in order to take a vote. And not voting or not approving the top scorer or not issuing the EXPO Permit Packet could be a PR problem for all concerned per the DNR lawyer.
In any case, the Wildlife Board EXPO permit approval open public meeting is currently scheduled for Dec 18th (Friday) 9:00 am barring any more delays, complications or disqualifications. You can be there, but there is no public input.
There was a lot of talk about confidentiality, so I'm not sure all of what they can or can't tell the public, but they can tell us the name and score of the winning bidder and the scores of the others, but not the names.
Even the board members were somewhat confused as to their role but were given an opportunity to speak privately with the DNR state attorney after the meeting. Of course, I have no idea who talked to whom or who may have make an arrangement for later.
So there it sits until the 18th.