Eye dominance question


Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Jul-14-05 AT 05:07PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jul-14-05 AT 05:05?PM (MST)

I have a question for the more seasoned shooters here , I shoot left handed, always have since I was little. But I am right eye dominant, my question is; should I be shooting right handed? I never had problems as a kid, but over the last few years my accuracy has been suffering, I just read in field and stream that eye dominance not hand preference should dictate how you shoot. Maybe this is really simple, but I must have missed the answer. Any help would be great. Thanks

I believe it is alot more important to shoot the side you are dominant on with a shotgun. Point and shoot type stuff. Deliberate aiming with a rifle is less important. Of course you will never be as quick to put target in scope if you are not shooting with your dominate eye. If you were 14 I would say start shooting right handed but I believe it would take alot of practice and dedication to switch later in life. Your not 14 are you??


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."
--Benjamin Franklin 1759
I'm not too old, will be 26 this fall. I am gonna spend some serious time at the range and see if I can make shooting right handed a little more natural.

whatever eye is open is your dominant eye. if you shoot well like you are, then leave it alone and concentrate on getting better that way instead of trying to start over.
I'm not what you call "seasoned." But i do know an old timer who trained himself to shoot right handed with a non dominant eye. He used shooting glasses with the dominant eye side blacked out. (i guess an eyepatch would work). After that, and a lot of practice, he got used to it. It seems time consuming to me, but i hope it helps.
Im the exact opposite, Im left eye dominant and shoot right handed. I always felt that I should have started left handed maybe I would be better type thing, but Im not a bad shot the way it is. I havent noticed anything with a shotgun because I was always tought to keep both eyes open. Id say do whatever feels correct to you. Gary
I found out that my oldest boy was left eye dominant this summer after I had taken him out shooting a couple of times. When he was shooting right handed he had a tuff time hitting an 8X11 pease of paper at 10 yards with he BB gun. Now that he is shooting left handed he'll hit a pop can 30% of the time at 10 yards. I would say if you were a youngster just getting started, learn to shot with you dominant eye (dad's find out what eye is your kids dominant eye). I your case where you have already learned how to shot one way it may be more diffecult to retrain your slef to shoot with you dominant eye.

I'm left eye dominant but right handed. Used to shoot scoped rifles left handed but retrained to shoot right handed with both eyes open. I realized I could hold the rifle much steadier and manage trigger pressure better in the dominant (right) side position. Took awhile (and ammo) but accuracy was worth the effort.
I know that if you want to change your dominant eye, you can. You only have to wear an eyepatch for like 2 weeks!!! No, really, I bet it would suck though.

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