Fairness Doctrine


Active Member
Dems are belly-aching about conservative talk shows looks like. That leftist euro-trash George Soros had a large hand in organizing a gathering of demmies in an effort to quash free speech.


Seems like people like Limbaugh get under their skin. They are even trying to pin the US Govs decision to invade Iraq on conservative talk shows. (Yes, demmies, your reps voted for the war before they voted against it). LOL.

To wit: "Reaching new levels of hysteria, Rep. Maurice Hinchey said the survival of America was itself at stake because "neo-fascist" and "neo-con" talk-show hosts led by Rush Limbaugh had facilitated the "illegal" war in Iraq and were complicit in President Bush's repeated violations of the Constitution, such as by detaining terrorists. He warned that the "right-wing oriented media" were now preparing the way for Bush to wage war on Iran and Syria."

This from the party whose idea of freedom of speech is protecting the rights of "artists" like Maplethorpe to display homo-erotic photographs in a public building (NY Museum of Arts). This from the party of ACLU who bargains for pedophilia organizations to peddle their sickness on the streets. This from the party that was wringing their pasty little hands over the fact that Homeland Security wanted to eavesdrop on persons they may suspect of having terrorist ties.

Now, where is my favorite lefty apologist? LOL.
Take it for what it's worth, nobody with a brain would pay any attention to Rush anyway. man you guys are getting paranoid, them dems is gona get 'ya.
Well if you can't make it on "Airhead America" then stop everyone else from doing it as well.

This just goes to show how absolutely crazy these people will get (I mean "are").

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
There's a few shows on Air America doing OK, but ask yourself would you rather have Rush on the radio or control of Congress? and the white house in '08? it doesn't look like the dems need to counter your wind bag radio guys to win anyway... who cares.
LOL. Yeah KF, its almost too easy sometimes.

FWIW, dude, I normally don't listen to Rush or Hannity. I am a sports-talk radio kinda guy. I do think that they [Hannity/Limbaugh/others] keep the MSM honest, though. You can tell because the MSM gets rattled every time Rush speaks.

BTW, I don't think that I or any of the other right leaning types on this board are paranoid. Its just interesting to point out the blatant hypocrisy that is the Democratic Party. I seriously doubt that Kucinek, Soros, Huffington and the rest of the ilk that make up the demmies have much cred with the American populace. BTW, doesn't it bother you that your party is rife with this wealthy Euro-trash?. The elected dems DO owe some kind of Fealty to the Moveon.org types that helped get them into power.

The attempt at an "FD" of any sort is like a chapter right out of The Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels. Unless, of course, it supports the lefts agenda. If it doesn't bother you (shutting up Limbaugh and others) you are lock-step with the other lefties (re Marxists) that hold sway on the reigns of the democratic party. (Unless of course one of their brethren wants to display a picture of a naked guy with a broom stick up his ___ in the NY museum of the Arts, a tax funded entity).

I am personally nauseated by vaginal itching ads, erectile dysfunction ads, personal lubricant ads and that stripe being shown during prime-time TV. Anymore, I have my hand on the remote or near the on/off button in the car. But that kind of trash is probably ok with lefties. But if Limbaugh opens his mouth to slam Banjo-Eyes Pelosi, the left is screaming to get him off the air. This is called hypocrisy.

Have kids someday, dude. It'll change your world-view. Its disgusting what "your side" is trying to cram down our throats these days. You just have to see if from a parents perspective.
It is absolutely idiotic to suggest anything of the sort. Do they really think we are that stupid and can only listen to what is being fed to us by the AM radio? I guess that is what they are afraid of. The bottom line is that Liberal Talk Radio doesn't get the ratings that Conservative Talk Radio does and that is why they feel their view points aren't being represented. What a pandora's box they are opening! Don't they realize that this also mean that the New York Times and the Washington Post will have to print Conservative articles too? The door swings both ways. If it does anything it will give more exposure to pundits like Limbaugh, Savage, Hannity etc. They will make sure they get to comment on more "liberal" programs too, when they don't feel their conservative viewpoints are being expressed. It's just like after the Presidential addresses on the major networks. The Pres. gets to say his piece then the opposite party gets their fair time too. It's ridiculous. Half the time I don't listen to what the President has to say anyway and I turn the channel when the opposite party speaks because they are just going to contradict what he just said anyway.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
There's wacko's on both sides, if you freak out about every thing they do you'll go nuts. crap like this doesn't reflect the majority of either party
LAST EDITED ON Jan-19-07 AT 01:30PM (MST)[p]Exactly - you can't lock yourself in to one particular point of view for every issue. You need to look at all sides of the issue and decide for yourself. You need to be balanced and fair in your own research and make your own mind up. It's good to hear both extreme points of view to know exactly where you SHOULDN'T sit.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
That article said the fairness doctrine was in place up until 1987. It seems that the media has been less even handed, more liberal, since that time. Maybe the fairness doctrine would force the mainstream media to present things with less liberal slant?

Of course, as the article cites, the difficulty is in letting the government decide what is fair and what is a controversial subject. Why would it not be an abridgment of free speech to impose these kind of constraints, even by legislative enactment?
They've already implemented this type of doctrine in some of our public schools. You can't award a kid for exceptional performance, cause it might make another fell bad. Also for Civillian federal employees, you are not allowed to give your employee a superior rating, because it might make a fellow employee feel inferrior.

Doesn't surprise me that they are now trying to implement so-called fairness in talk radio. After-all its not right to make the left wing media feel inadequate on getting their liberal agenda out through the radio.
I honestly can not believe that they are going to stop us from talking on the radoo. Does that seem crazy to anyone?????????????????

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
More free speech. I wonder if the dems will try to choke off this like they are conservatives.

This little broadway show exploits teenage sexualism (i.e. sadomasochism, masturbation, sex, etc.) Quite the broadway rave right now.


This is a a film being shown around the Sundance film festival (you know, liberal Robert Redfords gala bash). Its about bestiality and those that love it.


Un-be-freakin'-lievable. Its ok to promote this trash, but not ok to stand against it and its supporters. The world has gone to hell, folks. Hold your kids close. It only promises to get worse.

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