fat girls


Active Member
Why do they think they can wear skinny jeans? Do they think it makes them look...... skinny?

I was at the mall shopping for my my wife's Christmas gifts when all I saw were fat girls wearing skinny jeans. I thought to myself, why are they wearing this. They look horribe.
Did any of them show their Thongs?

Just askin!

Just wonderin how hard you were looking?:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
I don't know if it's worse to see fat chicks in skinny jeans, or to see guys in them... Either way, seeing skinny jeans on anyone other than good looking skinny chicks kind of makes the skin crawl.
I'm guessing the fat chicks hope the skinny jeans will make them look skinny but in all reality it's gross. I just finished eating at the food court a couple days ago when I saw what you speak of, needless to say I got to eat my lunch twice yummy!!!
Does this help make things better?
Some fat girls are horny.....just sayin'!

I got put in time out for a bad signature! Sorry Founder...
>Those were thongs? I thought it
>was a whale's tail

It could have been a backpack full of azz.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Tailchasers that was wrong.

Maybe I missed something in highschool so my curiosity is getting the best of me. What is FUPA? Hopefully I wont regret asking that question
You had to ask....a FUPA is a "fat upper pubic area". That is, a person so afflicted by obesity that their pubic area is very plump - usually their belly overhangs their lap so much that they do not really have a lap.
>Does this help make things better?

All that pic is missing is some side boob!

Traditional only >>>------->
A buddy of mine used to say fat girls are the best to f&$%, because they do it like they're never going to get it again! Told him I'd take his word for it...
The too tight jeans trend is getting crazy. Just look at peopleofwalmart website. I've noticed a trend with the college aged girls known as the 'Muffin Top'...this happens when they wear too tight jeans and shirts and their bellies spill over the pants.
-TEAM HOSSBACK- "Making Blood Trails, Not Profit"
Foreman your buddy is spot on them fat chicks man they can do things un heard of. I mean I wouldn't know from experience just what I heard;)
Thank goodness this isn't a "big game" hunting website! I wouldn't know anything about the subject at hand, but I've heard the wining and dining can get get 'spensive....just what I've heard.

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