favorite and least favorite hunting shows.

Least favorite is Buck McNealy (spelling) and Colorado Buck. Get a hair cut ya chump.

Favorite would be Eastmen and Jim Shockey. Lee and Tiffany fall into the tops as well since my roots come from Iowa and I am familiar with the areas they hunt and how they hunt.
don't have cable but i bought the buck commander video's they would be a blast to go with. so i would vote this my favorite.

i may be banned for ever here but i can't stand the doyle m***. videos makes me puke having all those guides scowering the entire state for some rich putz to fly in and shoot the animal.
I'm not necessarily into the show as the type of game hunted. I love western biggame. Love any Yukon hunts, Love predator hunts. I don't even mind whitetail hunts when there's some good bucks. I liked the lethal addiction shows.....not because of who's in them, but they have some dandy bucks, bulls to look at. The only thing good to watch about Lee and Tiffinay is her :)
>Favorite: Anything with Jackie Bushman

Are you serious? The man is nothing more than a antler whore and has made a business off of it. When most guys don't renew their memberships, he goes ahead and renews 'em for them, sends them a bill, and then takes them to collections when they say I am not going to pay for it when I don't want it. LOL!

Favorites: Anything with Cam Haines, Mike Waddell, Will Primos, Ronnie "Cuz" Strickland, the Drury Bro., and many others.

Least Favorites: Anything with Jackie Bushman or Tred Barta (I feel bad about what happened to his physical health over the last few years, but his opinions on how hunting should be done was just a few notches of being getting your @$$ kicked annoying).
I'd put Bill Jordan on the least favorite list right behind Jackie Bushman.

I don't normally watch alot of TV, but I do like to catch Addictive Fishing and just about all the fly fishing shows.
Wvhunter- has F-dude ever said anything serious?
Favorite- Shockey
Least Favorite- the rest
You know me to well :)

I'll vote cast for Cindy Garrison. She hasn't had a show for a while but it was nice to see her in Africa.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-29-11 AT 04:35PM (MST)[p]Cody Robbins' "Live 2 Hunt" and Real Langlois' "The Rack Man" are by far the best ones I've seen. I still get chills down my spine everytime I see the Rack Man arrow that #1 P&Y Alaska/Yukon bull at 8 feet. That has got to be some of the most intense footage out there. Both Cody and Real know how to film wildlife and the footage is above and beyond better than anything else on TV.
Favorite...Shockey, Primos Elk, Eastman (only with guy), Elk fever.

Least favorite, Wild game nation, Anything whitetail...
LAST EDITED ON Jan-29-11 AT 07:09PM (MST)[p]Agree with kingfish: favorite is Shockey; least is favorite is anything from a stand (usually whitetails and bears).
Favorites: Shockey (especially if his Dad is around) and Eastmans'. Plus anything with good backcountry hunting.

Least: Wildgame Nation and ANY whitetail show even though whitetails are my primary game to hunt. It ain't nothing like those shows....

I respect the Duck Commanders since they made it from nothing and worked hard to do it. But do they REALLY have to wear camo face paint EVERYWHERE they go? Kinda dumb....
Not that it's my favorite,but I get a kick out of "The Pigman". Something about the way he talks, like he's got one of those pig testicles in his mouth and is trying to chew it, or something.
Of course there is always Tom "I Shoot Everything In The Guts" Miranda, or perhaps Noel "I Had All My Records Stripped For Poaching" Feather.
I like anything with Fred Eichler. Its fun to watch him get so excited. Just a good ol' boy who really loves to hunt, and not at all a trophy hunter obsessed with inches.
>Least Favorite- Any of the turkey
>hunting shows.


Turkey hunting shows are bad.
>I like anything with Fred Eichler.
>Its fun to watch him
>get so excited. Just a
>good ol' boy who really
>loves to hunt, and not
>at all a trophy hunter
>obsessed with inches.

I forgot about Fred. I put him up near the top of my favorite list.
least fav. Turkeys and Texas

fav. crush, freaks, eastmans, drury, shockey, bone collector, etc..... Basically just not turkey hunting or hunting in Texas
least favorite - all the whitetail shows with a feeder,and food plot,and hen house looking over the plots,

favorite- eastmans,best of the west
Favorite- Eastmans, and when the jim burnworth shot the muley on the rez with the 50BMG haha, ALso tiffany is fun to watch.

When Shockey shoots somthing with a REAL Muzzleloader i will be impressed, but untill then he might as well hunt with a centerfire.
+1 time shockey thinks he is jim bridger or something. that gun he uses is almost a .30-30. big whoop. use a maxiball and a percusion cap and i will be impressed. and open sites

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