Feel Good Story...


Long Time Member

This girl standing on second base has played softball since she was six years old. She was good but never the best girl on the team. She was fast, but never the fastest. When she was 10, she had her first open heart surgery. When she was 12, she had a pacemaker put in her chest. When she was 15 she had her second open heart surgery. She's always been OK to play softball and volleyball but doctors told her she had to quit soccer because it was too high paced. She played softball all through her high school years and was even on a CIF championship team when she was a sophomore. Preparing to go to UCLA as a bio major in order to become a pediatric cardiologist, she decided she would not have the time to even think about playing softball. The ride was over. In her first quarter at UCLA as a student, she really got to thinking about how much she is going to miss softball so she sends Coach Lisa Fernandez an email in regards to UCLA softball tryouts. Lisa told her that they really don't have tryouts and if you know anything about softball, it's all about being recruited. Stevie was tenacious and Coach Lisa and Coach Kelly finally gave her an opportunity to come out and work out with the team. One day turned into another day. Those days turned into a week and that week turned into two weeks. She didn't know her role and wasn't even sure if she was considered part of the team. She asked the coaching staff what her role was and they told her she was a practice player. They told her that the chances of becoming a rostered, uniformed player were slim at best. She was told she may never get a roster spot. After conversations with her parents about what softball means to her, she decided to stick it out and give it her all and see where it took her. Last Thursday the coaching staff and all the players called her that she would be traveling with the UCLA softball team as a pinch runner. She received all the gear that a regular girl rostered player gets. Nobody ever thought she'd see the field but in the second, third, fourth and fifth game, she got opportunities on the bases. This is proof that if you work hard and have a positive attitude, good things will happen. She was simply a "practice" player. How can this be? The first time she came in as a pinch runner, the commentator have no idea who she was because she is not on the UCLA roster. They called her the phantom runner. It wasn't until the very last game of the tournament that they finally got her name right....Stevie Wisz. Not sure where she goes from here but its gonna be a pretty cool journey.

Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
Nice Job Stevie & Steve!

And Let's not forget Ms Wisz!:D

[font color="blue"]"I Don't get No Sleep!I Don't get No Peace!"
Neat story Steve!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Your Stevie is a very special young lady for many reasons. I wish her the best in her academic and athletic careers and I am grateful that cardiac technology will continue to improve as she matures. It sounds like she is on her way to making a difference in childrens' lives that need her help as well. Congratulations Stevie!!!
Great story, Thanks. Lifted me up from what has been a Chit day. Congrats the Young Lady........................BULL!
It is kids like her that will make a big positive difference in this world for the upcoming future generation. Give her a big hug and pat on the back from all of us.

Lisa Fernandez is considered a legend in college softball. UCLA is ranked near, if not at the top nearly every year. What an honor to even be on a team that has so many across the country wanting to go there. If I were in So Cal I would love to see her and tell her of another legend on MM who is so deservedly proud. Congrats.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-22-16 AT 09:35AM (MST)[p]Whooooo hoooo!! Congrats to you Wisz and to Stevie too. That is an awesome story. Hernandez is a great coach. I am glad she is giving Stevie a shot and rewarding her for the hard work. As a former college football walk-on, I know the struggle. I don't know what my eventual chances would have been of ever seeing the field, I retired after my red-shirt season so I could work after getting married, but I took pride in knowing I was an important part of the team as a member of the scout team. That and it felt good to hear the defensive coaches yell at their DB's and Linebackers when they got trucked by the scout team center.


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Awesome story. Great stuff.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
That's awesome, especially with all the bad in this world today. Congrats to her and her family. She's an angel on this earth with a mission that's for sure.
Thanks guys for all the nice comments. It's amazing to see your child grow into such a beautiful person. Good things happen to good people.


Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.

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