
Long Time Member
This could get Interesting!

Every time I've seen them Claim they're gonna do something with them it's Back-Fired!

You can't make Dog Food out of them anymore!

They won't let you eat them like Beef!

Can't send them to the Glue Factory anymore!

T Boone Pickens Wife can't Handle anymore!

They Still call them Wild Horses!

I Cal them Feral Horses!


I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
They're useless and destructive. but until the federal law is changed there isn't much to debate.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>Why are they Federaly protected ?


Too Many GREENIES & Environmentalists Involved to do anything with them!

When You see more Feral Horses in an LE Unit than you do Deer & Elk you know there's a problem!

But You can't Haul them to the Saturday Auction anymore!!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
When the liberals argue science denial with the right, feral horses can be brought up since the liberals own it. Just tell them to find any biologist that will say feral animals are okay.
I've heard Forest Rangers call them weeds and should be erradicated.

Horse meat really isn't all that bad. I'd be in for a hunting season...

And so ? federal law . it's kind of important.

If anything is to be done the federal law has to be changed. period.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
LAST EDITED ON Dec-17-18 AT 08:09PM (MST)[p]


GOODWIN: Dems really do love Republicans -- when they're dead...
>Oocho is right, it's gonna take
>federal legislation.
>"Courage is being scared to death
>saddling up anyway."

I dunno. We could set up sanctuary habitats where federal law is cherry picked.

Since reservations are sovern nations can they do what they want with wild horses, or are they bound by federal law on this issue?
They are almost like family pets near my NV property. At one point before the state put in a fence, I had 75 of them eating apples and crapping all over the place.

If you look closely at the bottom left of the pic, you will see my RZTR tire.


Backyard at my son's house

?Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. "
>Since reservations are sovern nations can
>they do what they want
>with wild horses, or are
>they bound by federal law
>on this issue?

They are not that sovereign, and yes, are still subject to federal law.
The reservations are not subject to the federal law on horses. they can and do shoot the crap out of them.

The warm springs nation wanted to build a packing plant and sell them . the feds said we can't stop you but we won't allow you to use public roads to transport the meat.

so now the warm springs and the Yakima nation are shooting the hell out of them. legally. you don't see a fraction of the horses you used to on the rez.

Some landowners can also legally shoot them. if they filed the proper paperwork prior to the act that designates them as personal property.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>The reservations are not subject to
>the federal law on horses.
> they can and do
>shoot the crap out of
> The warm springs nation wanted
>to build a packing plant
>and sell them .
>the feds said we can't
>stop you but we won't
>allow you to use public
>roads to transport the meat.
> so now the warm springs
>and the Yakima nation are
>shooting the hell out of
>them. legally. you don't
>see a fraction of the
>horses you used to on
>the rez.
>Some landowners can also legally shoot
>them. if they filed
>the proper paperwork prior to
>the act that designates them
>as personal property.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

I understand the Indians say they are pretty good eating. That how the would out smart the cavalry they would ride their horses to death. Then have a nice meal. The soldiers would not eat their horses.
...plenty of them soldiers ate their horses....plenty of blm rangers have eaten it too....


GOODWIN: Dems really do love Republicans -- when they're dead...
At THE STARR in Elko,NV!

Swear to GAWD it had to be a Horse Steak!

Ain't never seen a Steak off a Beef Cow even 1/3 the Size!

TASTY SOB whatever it was I was Eatin!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
A little hippophagry would go along way to solve this problem.

Too bad the liberal mentality calling the shots nowadays does not lend itself well to common sense.
As far as the "nations" killing them, how many are just feral and been free for a handful of years?

The feds wouldn't stop the "nations" from slaughtering them, but they put the kibosh to transportation. And, to sell the meat, the horses would have to be slaughtered under USDA.

Yeah, I'd say that tribes aren't as sovereign as many would think and yes, still subject to federal law...
LAST EDITED ON Dec-18-18 AT 10:36PM (MST)[p] In most cases yes. not on this one. they are property of the nation just like the game animals on the rez. I know some of the guys shooting them and they're reporting to the tribal leaders. it is 100% legal.

They had plans for a multi million dollar facility. the plan was to have inspectors from Europe do the inspecting since they were the buyers. none would have been on the US market. things are different on the rez.

All wild horses in north America are feral. some have just been feral longer than others. they are a non native species. invasive species in my opinion.

I'm not opposed to eating horses but I never would.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
I've eaten horse before. When I was a kid my dad purchased some horse at a local butcher and we ate it and it was great meat. I doubt it was a feral but I wouldn't hesitate for a second to shoot and eat one. Unfortunately it seems emotions rule over logic in so much of today's world.
>AT 10:36?PM (MST)

> In most cases yes. not
>on this one. they
>are property of the
>nation just like the game
>animals on the rez.
>I know some of the
>guys shooting them and they're
>reporting to the tribal leaders.
> it is 100% legal.
>They had plans for a multi
>million dollar facility. the
>plan was to have inspectors
>from Europe do the inspecting
>since they were the buyers.
> none would have been
>on the US market. things
>are different on the rez.
>All wild horses in north America
>are feral. some have
>just been feral longer
>than others. they are a
>non native species. invasive
>species in my opinion.
>I'm not opposed to eating horses
>but I never would.

If You Got Hungry Enough You'd Damn Well be eating them!

The 'CROWN' Talking again!

>Stay Thirsty My Friends

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Pretty sure the horse act pertains to BLM, or public land. USFS is heritage land and managed differently. Although reservation land is still federal property, it is under the stewardship of tribal gov't. That is why the horse act doesn't apply within res boundaries.

Off is a totally different story.
Federal legislation was just signed in the past couple of weeks to allow the killing of Marine Mammal Act previously protected seals and sealions in the Columbia River and tributaries in Oregon thanks to tireless efforts by some salmon conservation groups and a couple of key Senators. So it's not completely unthinkable that the horse protection couldn't be lifted at some point.
From what I understand is UNLESS the horses are part of designated wild horse herd they are fair game...365..I was talking to a game warden and a call came in that someone had shot a horse....he basically said 'good'.....and told me the above in detail...
>Sounds to me that the Rez
>needs to build its own
>Airport to fly out the

Still falls under the Interstate Commerce Clause...
Saifullov, Horse Meat with Honey, Sausage, 100% Natural, Halal, High Quality, 8.47 oz (240 g)

- Sausage of horse meat with honey addition
- 100% natural meat
- Without preservatives
- 100% of halal
- Produced in ecologically clean area of Russia

Ingredients: horse meat, salt, sugar, spices, honey.

Shelf life: 4 months.


Looks really good..


GOODWIN: Dems really do love Republicans -- when they're dead...
It's not legal to shoot horses you find on public land anywhere. if they're not considered " wild " then they're privately owned livestock.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>It's not legal to shoot horses
>you find on public land
>anywhere. if they're not
>considered " wild "
>then they're privately owned livestock.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

And You Just SPLAIN to us WTF Owns them then!


I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
440 Six Wack...that ain't true...I talked in detail with a senior wildlife regional supervisor and he said there are plenty...not part of a designated "wild herd" and not owned by anybody...
" Wild and free roaming horses and burro act of 1971 " . note the " free roaming " part ? they do not have to be designated as wild to be protected. and it's also illegal to shoot ANYONE's escaped livestock just because it's on public land.

Why don't you go shoot a few and send me your contact info and the location of the kills. I'll inform law enforcement and let's see if you buddy is right. we'd all know for sure that way. deal ?

I wish we could thin them out. but making up dumb stories doesn't accomplish anything. we need to lobby for a change in the federal law. and unfortunately I really don't see any way that is going to get any traction on a national level.

Stay Thirsty My Friends


>GOODWIN: Dems really do love Republicans
>-- when they're dead...


Wish them KALI Boys would strap a few more of them to their Front Bumpers!:D

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>we need to lobby for
>a change in the federal
>law. and unfortunately I really
>don't see any way that
>is going to get any
>traction on a national level.

That is true because of the illogical, nonsensical mentality that looks back at you in the mirror each day.

If you weren't so thirsty maybe you could think straight.

There used to be signs in the Jic Ranger District of the Carson Nat'l Forest speaking to the "wild horse protection". Those signs are no longer up, because USFS is not public land - it is 'heritage land' as described to me one day by a forest ranger.

So, if a wild horse wanders onto private and you shoot it, who's to know except you...

Wild horses are a weed that do not belong. They will, and it has been documented, chase wildlife such as mule deer and elk away from water sources.

I say erratic or domesticate. They do not belong.

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