Field dressing and accidental cuts...


Active Member
Anyone use cut-resistant gloves for carving up animals in the field? If so, what do you use and how well does it work for you?

Couple of years ago, my teen son shot his first muley buck. I wanted him to take honors in helping do some or most of the carving. He had helped me with 5 elk/deer/lope previously, so I hoped he had learned enough. He promptly sliced his finger to the bone. This past season, after carving up 21 big game animals through the years, I finally cut myself pretty good on number 22. It was a 6-point bull in Idaho last November. Got myself right on the knuckle with a Havalon, and way back in the backcountry. Because it was the knuckle, I ended up one-handed the rest of the trip back and forth hauling out meat and gear. I know the answer...'just be careful'...but $#!+ happens, and sometimes in places I'd rather it not.
All the more reason to be careful when you're in the back country. Most guys go too fast when skinning/butchering in the field.

Never heard of cut resistant gloves, but I think they'd make you even more sloppy about being careful.
Never used cut resistant gloves but we do double rubber glove and use cheap throw away cotton gloves. This has helped us prevent many nasty cuts then we toss the cotton gloves at the end of the day.

"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."
+1 on the cut resistant gloves. They even have some what of a grip to them when your hands get bloody. And they are not thick and bulky like you might think.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-17-16 AT 08:58AM (MST)[p]Are these what you guys are talking about? They aren't stiff?$smthumb$

Maybe these would be better?$smthumb$
I personally don't like using gloves for field dressing. Two reasons. I like being able to use my fingernails and my fingertips are a second set of eyes when I am reaching inside chest cavity.
Have I cut myself? you bet. Worse yet I cut an assistant once. Keep some zap-a-gap handy.

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