First Aid kit


Active Member
So the other day I realized my first aid kits are running low on supplies. I am putting together a small one for my pack and a larger one for my fourwheeler.

any recommendations of what works good for you other than the normal bandaids?

Damn you Scott!
I don't go anywhere without Coban. It comes in a roll and has an elastic/stretchy type texture to it. It's a wrap. A lot of Vets use it on animal wounds to wrap with. I also put a couple of those triple antibiotic ointment packs in mine, a couple of 4x4 and 2x2 gauze, some industrial bandaids and mini bottle of Jack!:D

It's always an adventure!!!
Duct tape, paper towels, and Ibuprophen for those "too much glassin" headaches.
Ibuprophen,gauze , ace wrap, couple bandaids, some thicker ribbon or string. That should cover most anything that can happen. Break off some sticks and use the ace wrap and string for a splint. Gauze and wrap for bigger wounds. Bandaids for when you cut yourself field dressing or with a broadhead. Ibuprophen for anti inflammatory and or glassing headaches.

I put in Steristrips and adhesive when I go backcountry to hold together bad lacerations. A bad cut can sure ruin a hunt. They work almost as good as sutures on a lot of cuts. They're really light too.

Small single use triple antibiotic salve packs saved me from the creepin' crud from 18 hours a day in waders on a float trip in Alaska. Same trip I got an ear infection and lived because I threw in an unused antibiotic prescription from the medicine cabinet. A set of earplugs would have saved some pain on that trip.

I always keep aspirin, ibuprofen an moleskin in the kit too.

Good thread.

Military compression bandages, they come in a neat little package that is easily packed or pocketed.
Spend $25 and get a good, lightweight, first aid kit. Add some super glue, duct tape and ......."sanitary napkins" in a ziplock bag.......for those occasions when you just never know!
In addition to some of the above items listed, I carry a sucher kit, a short pencil with ducttape, athletic tape, and dental floss wrapped around it. The dental floss makes great thread if you have to sew something up. I carry a small sewing needle for this. I also carry a few birthday candles to make fire-starting easier, as well as some matches and a lighter.
RECAPIT for repairing broken or loose tooth fillings or caps.

Not trying to be ugly, but "glassing headaches" are generally caused by an "out of whack" binocular. High quality and/or a properly adjusted binocular will not cause eye strain or a headache.

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