First buck


Active Member
14 y.o. step daughter got this nice 3x3 on general muzz hunt. I was more excited than I've been in a long time.. Funny how much enjoyment you get from watching your kiddos.. Myself, my wife (Jennie), Sierra, Alia, Duncan ( Sierra and Alia's Dad), Jamison, Deacon, and baby Ella were all in on the hunt.. All the youngsters have the fever now..


Nice Job!

Did the Herd look any better than you know where RINK?

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Thank you all... Bess, we actually got into 30-40 deer a day, lots of repeats I'm sure. All doe's had singles and twins. All healthy looking. With all the youngins in tow, we primarily stayed near the roads. But, in 3 days we saw 5 bucks. Am grateful for my family and this great Country we live in..

"I was more excited than I've been in a long time.. Funny how much enjoyment you get from watching your kiddos.."

Congrats! This is why I'm sitting out this year and focusing on my kids' hunts.
Now that a cool picture, Awesome that the whole herd(family) was together for the hunt.
Lot's of memories made right there. Tell her she did a great job filling the freezer.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
What an awesome first buck!! She beat me - I had to settle on shooting a spike on my muzzy hunt. Had to have meat in the freezer.

What caliber, load and bullet was she using? My 11 year old wants to hunt muzzy next year, but I want to be sure to dial down the punch of my load level in my 50 cal.
Many thanks for the "congrats",I showed her this thread when she got un from school.. she had a big old grin ?.
She used my gun, a TC thumbhole Omega, 50 cal., 295 Powerbelts, with 100 grains 777 pellets.. she punched him through high shoulder, double lung
I've killed a few really nice animals in my life but when my 12 y.o. son killed his first it was far more exciting for me than anything I have taken.
Congrats to your daughter, that is a great first buck! My first wasn't nearly that big.
Congrats to your step daughter. We had my 14 year old niece on our muzzy hunt and she also got a small 3x3 for her first buck. It sure is fun to see the excitement of the youngsters when they get their first deer.
Now that's just kool! Congrats to the hunter and the posse!

It's always fun introducing the next generation to hunting!

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