Fish lake bull ?


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Sep-24-11 AT 03:21PM (MST)[p]Ok antlerrick sent me this picture. We should have heard something by now. Does anyone know the srory ? I heard from someone that a lady shot a great big bull up by Gates lake. Then I get this picture from rick. Thinking it the same bull. We have been sitting on this picture waiting to hear something. Well I guess we are putting it out there. Whats up with this stud ???
What a toad. The mass alone is incredible but that 4th point is just unbelievable. Congrats to the hunter on a magnificent bull.

Incredible mass Awesome Bull i really wish i had drawn an Elk tag this year after seeing all the great Bulls taken.
She looks Perty Hot BIGJOHN!

You got any more Pics?:D

For "GOSH" Sakes,We got "TARDS" on this Site that can't handle a Damn,I Mean DANG thing,maybe MM should add a Church/Biblical Forum for the MM'ers that can't handle the Hunting Forums?

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!

Well eldo!

I can see Stinkin Old Bulls on here anytime!:D

For "GOSH" Sakes,We got "TARDS" on this Site that can't handle a Damn,I Mean DANG thing,maybe MM should add a Church/Biblical Forum for the MM'ers that can't handle the Hunting Forums?

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!

No She Ain't!:D

She does have a Bigger bull to her name than me!

Come on BIGJOHN,I know you've got more!:D

For "GOSH" Sakes,We got "TARDS" on this Site that can't handle a Damn,I Mean DANG thing,maybe MM should add a Church/Biblical Forum for the MM'ers that can't handle the Hunting Forums?

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!

That is definatley the best bull of the year so far posted on here. WOW. Taken by a BeaUtiful lady not the typical all balls perfect hunter mm'r. HahHAHA. That's gonna be tuff to beat. Congrats whoever you are Awesome Bull.
this lady is my neighbor. I have got ahold of her hopefully we can get the whole story.
Great Bull. Congrats to the hunter! Need more pics of her. And I will decide if she is to young for Bess.

So is it a Fishlake bull?
We can't believe that nothing is being said about this bull.
It is a stud!
Hoping to hear more about this monster!
I'm a little Disappointed in you BIGJOHN!:D

For "GOSH" Sakes,We got "TARDS" on this Site that can't handle a Damn,I Mean DANG thing,maybe MM should add a Church/Biblical Forum for the MM'ers that can't handle the Hunting Forums?

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!

This bull kind of reminds me of a bull I took pictures of last year up there. He has the same looking fronts and both have good tine length? Tremendous bull!!!

We definitely need a story with this guy and more pics! Was this killed on the archery? Most people have pics taken with their bow in the pic indicating an archery kill.

"Half of being smart, is knowing what you're dumb about."
Imagine my surprise, when I get a phone call congratulating me on my bull that they had seen on, one that I didn't post!
Guess you guys want a story huh?

This is a Fishlake/Thousandlake bull. He scored 393. 7/8.

This pig has 60 inches of mass, & one of his 2nds measures out at 26 4/8's! He is strong in the front, & a little weak in the back, but I'm not complaining! I've had to look at my hubby's elk that he took in 2005 on the same unit for the last 6 years & dream & hope that I could ever get so lucky! (You can see his bull on the 2005 contest winner, here on this site) His bull took #3 in the state in 2005!

I got him just before dark & by the time we got to him, it was full dark & couldn't get any good pictures.
I shot him with a custom made 7mm STW at 425 yards.
Here are a couple more pictures.




Thanks for all your nice comments!
Thanks for looking!
Congrats on a stud of a bull. He is awesome to say the least. Was this a bull you found early on and watched all year? Did you shoot him Opening Day? Lets hear how it all happened. Again, congrats on a great bull.
Shell, congrats on a awesome bull. A few of us here where in the area during and before the archery hunt. We heard some rumors, thanks for setting us staight ! Give us more ! Above gates lake ? You had a guide ? You husband is a awesome hunter ? :)
LAST EDITED ON Sep-26-11 AT 12:56PM (MST)[p]The front end on the bull and their camp gives away the general location. I'd put money on it's not near Gates Lake. How about it John, a friendly bet?
Well that last picture tells us they where not camped up by Gates Lake. Thats for sure. Maybe they got down low enough to get out of that rain storm friday night and saturday morning ?
LAST EDITED ON Sep-26-11 AT 01:56PM (MST)[p]Is your husband Victor Jones? Two bulls right around the 400" mark, from the same unit, and soon to be on the same wall. How would that be? You and your spouse killing toads like that? I don't know if life could get any better?? I almost would quit hunting after that. . . Nah, never!

"Half of being smart, is knowing what you're dumb about."
Double WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congrats are in order.

"And just what were these guys doing riding horses in an aspen thicket"
WOW, that is one nice bull. Great mass and love the seconds!!! Way to get it done. Two awesome bulls from one unit and one family, way to go!!!
Shell....congrats on an awesome trophy...
I got your photo on a text from a friend and nobody knew anything about it. I sent it to a couple of friends who are local here and hunt the Fishlake a lot, and had been hunting this year. They all kept a steady stream of emails to me wanting to know if I had heard anymore on that bull?
Finally BigJohn decided to go "public" with it to see if we could find any more info on it? It is too great of a bull to not hear about and see more photos!
I appreciate you coming on and adding the photos and more info, as probably everyone else does.
It is cool to take a nice bull, but when a woman takes a trophy like that, it is awesome. Some of the nicest bulls I've seen come off that unit were taken by women....2 of them being my daughter and wife...
Anyway, Thanks again and Congrats again!
That is something to be proud of!
Hey Rick,
Any word on Fishlakelkhunter, Jason? Didn't someone in his fam have a tag for the rifle hunt?

I don't think there is any other quality
so essential to success of any kind as the
quality of perseverance. It overcomes
almost everything, even nature.
-John D. Rockefeller
Yes his dad did. They got on big nasty saturday morning hit him and couldn't find him. They hunt until the weekend and I got the we give up from jason saturday night. Tag soup !
That big nasty sure is NASTY! John when are you going to post some videos of your boys hunt?

I don't think there is any other quality
so essential to success of any kind as the
quality of perseverance. It overcomes
almost everything, even nature.
-John D. Rockefeller
BIGJOHNT we are hoping he shows back up. My brother has been down there since Saturday and hasn't seen him yet. Talk to him yesterday and he says the elk are screaming good and loud now. Hopefully this beast wakes back up and we can finally put him down for everyone to see. He found another good bull a few canyons over that we are trying to keep tabs on too. I have been thinking about Big Nasty lately. Last year I caught a quick look at a bull in his bedroom that had 5ths as big as his 4ths, I wonder if him and I have a history...
Are you going to be down there this weekend?
Yes, Going to be in slc saturday morning. Then up to the cabin saturday afternoon and sunday.Going to try and hike up to a couple of my cameras and check them.
Drove by the house in Loa, Elk sheds in the front yard on the wheel ?
We didn't get to come out & spot till a couple of days before my hunt. I have 4 boys under 9 & it's hard to get out of the house with or without them! So we didn't get a chance to spot ealier. We did see a dandy bull on Friday morning, I wanted to go after in the morning, but then the storm rolled in that night & early opening morning. Made opening morning not a good day to hunt! I shot my bull on the second day of the hunt, about an hour before dark Sunday.
I wasn't by Gates Lake, & no guide other than my husband! Yes, I think my hubby is an awesome hunter! He has got some beautiful trophies the last few years.
Yep, Vic J is my husband. :) Makes it hard to think what is going to be next on our huntng list.....Now if I could only draw my goat tag...... :)
Thank you Rick,
I am very happy with my bull too, I was very lucky! Congrats on your Ladies in your life getting some great bulls too. I really like that unit, & would love to go back again just to spend more time seeing the places. It's hard when you live far away from something so beautiful as Fishlake area. Is it a good deer unit too? We did see some decent bucks on our hunt, just wondering if it's a good unit for deer, since we have heard some different reports from others, you just never know.
Thanks again!
I believe they are talking about the Lady with the Mountain goat. Her goat is the new #2 in Utah. I know there have been some huge elk killed last season, so I know for sure my bull is not #2 in Utah, would be great if it was though!
Thank you! I like him, although I did like my first score of him better, but when I got him officially scored, of course it's never as good as you hoped. I still wouldn't trade him, the hunt was awesome & he looks great on my wall!
How about a picture of the mount along with your husband's?

I don't think there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes
almost everything, even nature.
-John D. Rockefeller
hey shell... that is an awesome bull cograts.... according to the draw odds for last year, i have a good chance of drawing the fishlake unit this year, so if you were to put aside the bull you killed, how would you rate your hunt? scale of 1-10, 10 being the best, ...... did you encounter alot of other people?..... nice work on a great bull!!!!

Not to answer for her, but the Fishlake can be very easy, or very tough depending on the year. With some hard work, and a little luck, you should be able to take a respectable bull there.

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