Fish License Ripoff fer Real???


Very Active Member
So I go to do my CO application and find I bought a BS 2013 fishing license, but not for 2014. And it looks like I can only buy a 2014 fishing license up until March 31, 2015. But the big game application deadline is 7 days later on April 7th. So me and anyone else waiting until just this last 7 days to apply are screwed out of (4 x $40 - $56 = $104 for 4 species). Is this for real??? If so what a crappy setup to ripoff nonresidents. On top of that the habitat stamp waiting to booby trap honest sportsmen. Colorado has become a politician's smorgasbord of BS rules crafted to separate sportsman from their money for no tags anyway. Need 4 Philadelphia attorneys to decipher proclamations.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-04-15 AT 01:11PM (MST)[p]And maybe I just forgot from last year? But I went ahead and bought a separate 2015 fishing license so I wouldn't overlook this and get screwed next year, and now I see it says NR combo fishing attached to each and every of my big game applications.........deer, elk, lope & sheep? WTF? Total BS format, same as antiquated paper sheep setup. Welcome back to the 1970's.

I could find no detailed clarification in either HF or the proclamations.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & DP Hate Club
LAST EDITED ON Apr-04-15 AT 03:07PM (MST)[p]Zim the way I read it is if u purchase a 2014 annual fishing license, or any annual or big game license, u don't get charged the $40/species/preference point in this year's draw. Is that how u read it? I agree it gets more complicated every year like everything government.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-04-15 AT 03:14PM (MST)[p]>Zim the way I read it
>is if u purchase a
>2014 annual fishing license u
>don't get charged the $40/species/preference
>point in this year's draw.
>Is that how u read
>it? I agree it gets
>more complicated every year like
>everything government.

Yes. But the monkey wrench is they cutoff sales of those 2014 licenses 7 days prior to the 2015 big game app deadline. So if you don't either buy this ridiculous, unrelated to hunting license you will never use..........well in advance, or apply for your hunting tags by March 31st, not April are screwed for the $104.

What an asinine arrangement. No two rational human beings could individually and simultaneously dream up this fishy crock. So all the credit has to go to one individual unethical numbskull. I'm going to wager his title ends in ATTY.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & DP Hate Club
It's a revenue generating scheme for sure. Sure there's some on here that think it's a great idea, myself as a resident, thinks it stinks.
Zim, you are quite the conspiracy theorist.

The big game draw deadline is always the first Tuesday in April. Sometimes it's April 1, sometimes it's April 7.

The small game and fishing licenses are valid April 1 - March 31. Why would they continue to sell licenses when they are no longer valid? It was never the intention of CPW that non-residents would purchase a fishing license for the previous year to get out of paying the preference point fees.

The preference point fee was a way of making those who simply apply for points each year actually help fund wildlife management in the state. Therefore, they decided that if you had actually hunted and/or fished in the state the previous year, you were already helping to foot the bill.

If you don't like the way these three different regulations incidentally mesh to "screw" you the last 7 days of the application period, fine. But to think that it is an intentional conspiracy to lay the wood to the last minute applicants is a bit over the top.
It really doesn't matter when u apply, if you didn't hold a 2014 license (u didn't use the resource) and u apply in 2015 and don't draw a license (you won't b using the resource again) they want a piece anyway. It's a revenue generator
LAST EDITED ON Apr-04-15 AT 04:21PM (MST)[p]These regulations are in a nutshell............asinine.



Since I have been applying for the last 20 years, the frequency of every state morphing their regulations to steal money through a WIDE VARIETY OF MEANS increases annually. No way in hell all the ramifications of these regulation "changes" are not discussed thoroughly well in advance. To think otherwise is just plain delusional and ignorant. Otherwise the legislators who scheme this up are simply neglecting their jobs.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & DP Hate Club
I have yet to pay for a point as a nonresident. Of course I go to Colorado every summer to hike and fish and hunt almost every fall.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Colorado is still one of the cheapest states for NR to apply and hunt in! Most states require a general license to apply which are typically a lot more than a Colorado fishing license. These licenses help fund and maintain the public land most of us hunt.

If you don't like the system don't support it and don't hunt in the state!
Sorry if I don't subscribe to your liberal bait-n-switch mentality.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & DP Hate Club
>AT 04:21?PM (MST)

>These regulations are in a nutshell............asinine.
>Since I have been applying for
>the last 20 years, the
>frequency of every state morphing
>their regulations to steal money
>through a WIDE VARIETY OF
>MEANS increases annually. No
>way in hell all the
>ramifications of these regulation "changes"
>are not discussed thoroughly well
>in advance. To think
>otherwise is just plain delusional
>and ignorant. Otherwise the
>legislators who scheme this up
>are simply neglecting their jobs.
>Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club,
>NRA, UWC & DP Hate

I am rather certain the reason they set it up this way is due to getting more federal money due to selling more "licenses"...
I could be wrong but I think so.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
Kind of like waiting until the last minute to do a paper for school. There can be problems for those that wait until the last minute. That is why I always did mine ahead of time and always do my apps early. Not ragging on you but you had 7 days short of a full year to get it figured out and they couldn't be any plainer in the above excerpt from their regs brochure.

I am not hunting Colorado this year, but will fish this summer, so I will get an annual license and use it! It is a system that rewards people that actually spend time and money in Colorado. Sounds pretty fair to me.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
LAST EDITED ON Apr-05-15 AT 09:58PM (MST)[p]Another asinine comment.

Thousands of honest sportsmen always wait until the last week or so to apply simply to avoid shelling out $4,000 like I had to any more than necessary amount of time. Maybe you've heard of's called common sense. 7 Days is far from your "last minute".

So bait-n-switch "sounds pretty fair to you"? You must be one of those Philadelphia attorneys because I know virtually no other nonresidents who think this fish license crapola is a good idea. A "system that rewards people"??? Pleaaaaaaase. Just call it what it is.................a money making scheme meant solely to take advantage of point holders. Period.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & DP Hate Club
When NRs have a guarantee of 35% of licenses in many CO units, it comes w a cost. CO's is less than any western state. Point creep in CO is extreme, charging for points is the mildest remedy CPW could come up w, and it is insufficient. Expect stronger disincentives in the future. Bait/switch is when you advertise something and never had it to sell, so that assertion of yours is false. As for namecalling, that won't get you out of the fee that all other NRs avoided by reading the regs that came out Feb. 2 this year. Want some cheese w that whine?
Newsflash zim... Everything about nonres hunting is a ripoff. EVERYTHING... EVERY STATE ...EVERY SPECIES . .. Doesn't matter what you think, as long as you PAY. Your choice is to pay or stay home. (Or hunt for free, your choice). The Co. front page should read ... We screw you less than the others do, that would be truth in advertising , but I'm guessing they'll stick with pretty girls holding big racks.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-06-15 AT 06:59PM (MST)[p]>When NRs have a guarantee of
>35% of licenses in many
>CO units, it comes w
>a cost.

To be accurate, NRs are not guaranteed even 1 tag in any unit. We have a "CAP" of 35% in most units, so we can not ever go over that in the first choice drawings unless less than 65% residents apply. Good example on a hunt I apply for frequently: muzzleloading elk. Residents can draw tags in my unit with 0 points, but it takes 3 for me to draw.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
>AT 09:58?PM (MST)

>Another asinine comment.
>Thousands of honest sportsmen always wait
>until the last week or
>so to apply simply to
>avoid shelling out $4,000 like
>I had to any more
>than necessary amount of time.
> Maybe you've heard of
>'s called common sense.
>7 Days is far from
>your "last minute".
>So bait-n-switch "sounds pretty fair to
>you"? You must be
>one of those Philadelphia attorneys
>because I know virtually no
>other nonresidents who think this
>fish license crapola is a
>good idea. A "system
>that rewards people"??? Pleaaaaaaase.
> Just call it what
>it is.................a money making scheme
>meant solely to take advantage
>of point holders.
>Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club,
>NRA, UWC & DP Hate

Pretty simple system, they charge $40 per species for a point. Just pay if you want to play. However, if you are someone who actually hunts and fish in their state, and have a license for anything last year, they will forgo the point fee. What you call bait and switch is actually a "loophole" that allows you to get off much cheaper, even if you buy a license you never use. Don't like it, then just pay for all your points.

No lawyer here, just a Country boy who actually goes to Colorado on a regular basis and enjoys what the great state has to offer. I have never paid for a license that I have not used and have never paid the point fee. For those that just want to sit back for years and gain points without ever setting foot in the state, why should they give you a break. You want something for free, talk to Obama.

And yes, this subject has been discussed many times on here and other websites in the past, if you missed it and waited until the last 7 days, you are SOL for this year. No sympathy here.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)

Let it go. Bait and switch is what N.M. did last year. Colorado didn't switch anything, YOU failed to read the regulations properly and play by the rules that had been in place for two years. Save your breath for chasing your big elk or deer, you will get no sympathy from anyone here for YOUR failure. Pay the extra money and work a little harder next week. Its only money, consider it a learning experience. I bet it doesn't happen next year.
NEWS FLASH...ZIM.Milk no longer cost 40 cents per gallon.Seems like the EX and you should have stayed hooked up.Seems you both loved freebies.
> ZIM,
> Let it go. Bait
>and switch is what N.M.
>did last year. Colorado didn't
>switch anything, YOU failed to
>read the regulations properly and
>play by the rules that
>had been in place for
>two years. Save your breath
>for chasing your big elk
>or deer, you will get
>no sympathy from anyone here
>for YOUR failure. Pay the
>extra money and work a
>little harder next week. Its
>only money, consider it a
>learning experience. I bet it
>doesn't happen next year.

>AT 06:59?PM (MST)

>>When NRs have a guarantee of
>>35% of licenses in many
>>CO units, it comes w
>>a cost.
>To be accurate, NRs are not
>guaranteed even 1 tag in
>any unit. We have
>a "CAP" of 35% in
>most units, so we can
>not ever go over that
>in the first choice drawings
>unless less than 65% residents
>apply. Good example on
>a hunt I apply for
>frequently: muzzleloading elk.
>Residents can draw tags in
>my unit with 0 points,
>but it takes 3 for
>me to draw.
>venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore
>I am)

You are correct, TX. I was referencing a unit I hunt, where NRs can draw w fewer points than residents. The cap works just as you stated, very rarely do NRs have a point advantage because of the cap.
Quote: "I was referencing a unit I hunt, where NRs can draw w fewer points than residents."

Elkduds- That's not possible in Colorado's elk & deer hunts that require points to draw. There are people who choose to burn way more points than needed to draw a hunt. That's very common. But the "required" number of points in any oversubscribed hunt will NEVER be lower for NR's than for residents.

In Colorado's draws for elk & deer, the applicants with the most points draw the tags. Subject to the NR cap of 20% or 35%, depending on the hunt code.

For a hypothetical example....say a hunt code has 100 tags. And say the CPW receives a total of 100 resident applications, each of whom have 3 or more points. And say they receive 500 NR applications, but none of the 500 NR applicants have more than 2 points. Residents will be awarded all 100 tags. Non residents will get zero tags in the drawing. All the tags will go to the resident applicants because they have more points than all the NR's who applied for that hunt code.
Sender, that is different than the explanations I got from CPW hunt planners, also simpler and more sensible. So 10 NRs can draw a tag w 1 point and beat me out if I have 1 due to the cap, but if I had 2 I'd get the tag? Thanks in advance.

I am speaking as another guy who spent a career in LE like you did. I am not trying to put you down a bit. This is my perspective which you can take or leave, it's up to you. You have spent your life dealing with things that most people never see or would imagine that it even happens. When your not paying attention in that 25 to 30 years, you start to view the world in a negative manner because that's all you see. I see your posts about you being screwed and how the dates don't line up so you can't plan your hunts. I get that, we all do. I would look at it differently though. You have built up a treasure trove of points that will allow you to go on hunts that most who are just starting out will never experience. Let the little things go and look forward to some amazing opportunities that are coming up for you. It is really your choice on what you see as an opportunity or detriment. You are literally cutting years from your life fighting the uncontrollable aspects of hunting. I wish you the best and hope that you see the good that is coming your way.

elkduds, yes anyone with more points than you for the hunt in question gets a tag first, whether Res or NR. Those with equal number of points are selected randomly. And NR's are limited by the 20% or 35% ceiling.

There's no ceiling on residents. They're allowed up to 100% of the tag allocation for each hunt, if they have the most points. This is rare but it can happen.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-07-15 AT 04:27PM (MST)[p]>Sender, that is different than the
>explanations I got from CPW
>hunt planners, also simpler and
>more sensible. So 10 NRs
>can draw a tag w
>1 point and beat me
>out if I have 1
>due to the cap, but
>if I had 2 I'd
>get the tag? Thanks in

That is correct. Until the NR cap is reached, we have a level playing field where points are concerned. Those with more points will be drawn first without regard to resident status until the NR cap is reached. Once the nonresidents reach the cap, residents can draw the tag with 0 points over NRs that have 10 points.

I know of no scenario where a NR with fewer points can draw a tag before a resident with more points


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
It's all fun and games till they start dingin us residents $40/point prior years license or not! Don't think they ain't talkin bout it in backrooms as we speak! I put in for 7 tags yesterday, I'll draw 2 licenses, that'll b a $200 donation before long. Yuk it up.
I might be losing my memory but in years past the one of the options for not drawing was to ask for a PP. I didn't see that in the online application. So it seems they make you by a PP if you don't draw. Probably doesn't matter in most cases.

But now they have an option for the second chance draw. What happens if I check this, do they keep my money for a longer time? And if I don't check it does that mean I can't get in on the 2nd drawing if I don't draw on the 1st? The regs don't explain this very well.
There is a P999999P 1st choice option for a preference point then you can list 3 other choices after to try and draw a tag. If u check the leftover drawing box they keep your $ and u can get in a second drawing b4 the leftover tags go on sale. Then in august u can go stand in line at a licensing agent at the crack of dawn and try and get a tag from whats left.

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