Flags in your neighborhood


Very Active Member
When I was driving out the road the other day I thought I would take notice of the flags that were up.

In about a five mile stretch of rural country highway at small businesses and residences there were 23 US flags, 2 Confederate flags, one State flag and 1 no. 14 Nascar flag.

There was also another 6 US flags at the Post Office, Library, Volunteer Fire Department and Schools.

As it gets closer to football season I would expect to see a few University and Pro Football flags go up.
I have a Viet Cong Flag, but I doubt if anyone around here would know what it is.

Not too many people fly flags around here. When you get further out of town you see more. The one's flying flags are almost always illegal pot growers. Especially Confederate flags. Their cars all have D.A.R.E. bumper stickers too. A decoy is all it is.


Guns are like parachutes. If you need one and don't have one you probably will never need one again.
My neighborhood is pretty diverse, neighbor to the left is Cuban, neighbor to the right is Mexican-American, neighbor across the street is Puerto Rican. We live on a loop of about 40 homes, just on our side of the loop we have one family that is Japanese, five or so more Mexican-American families, two from Nigeria, three from India, two from Saudi Arabia, and there is a good mixture of both black and white.

Just went for a walk with my dog and counted 11 United States flags, 3 Marine Corps flags, 4 University of Texas Flags, 2 Texas Tech Flags, 1 University of Florida Flag, 1 Ohio State University flag and 37 Texas state flags (almost a requirement here in the Republic of Texas!). I did not see any flags of other nations except for one bumper sticker of the Mexican flag on the car that belongs to the uncle of my kid's best friend, but he lives in Monterrey, Mexico and is just up visiting for a week or two.


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There is a lot of U.S. and State Wyoming flags flown around my part of the country..me included...

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