fly fisherman



Who here is a fly fisherman? I have just really started to get into it down on the Animas river. Simply put, fly fishing kickss ASSSS!!! I am now addicted and I am trying to learn all I can about it, still don't know that much though. Any tips or tricks you guys have learned that would like to share? Or what have you had the best luck with where you live, we just catch Cuts, Bows and browns down in the animas. Mostly use an elk hair caddis fly, around a #14-18 and sometimes a dropper of some type, small midge or something like that. Nice fish though, average between 14-18 inchers with some bigger.
life of learning

well, looks like you found yourself another hobbie that takes a lifetime to truly master. I have fished a good bit in Pennsylvania, Wyoming, and Colorado. My most recent fishing trip was on the Arkansas River near Salida, CO. It was my first float trip and it was a blast. Its a great way to learn a lot in a short time. Its amazing to watch the fish from the vantage of a boat because you can see them react.

I wish you the best of luck, it took me 30 straight days of fishing to catch my first fish. It was a nice 'bow landed on my college campus in Bradford, PA.

Always carry a size range of adams (parachute) and beadhead PT's and you'll do just fine almost anywhere! Oh yeah, and learn how to mend (or cast with a mend) to improve the drift of your fly.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-27-04 AT 11:20AM (MST)[p]Vini,
I used to live about 25 min. from the dam there at Navajo. However I haven't fished the Juan yet since I'm still a little green and really don't have anyone to go with. I'm a little farther now from the Juan, about 45 min drive. We also have the Piedra, Los Pinos, San Juan (upper and lower), the Animas and the Dolores (upper and lower), also the West Fork north of Dolores. All these are an hour or less from my house and all are awesome fishing.
The Animas is nice just because there are not the number of people down there and it is only 5 minutes from my house. It is flies and lures only from 32nd street in Durango down just a little south of town and is really starting to become a nice fishery!
I've been hooked on the flyrod thing for a few years now. Like the Los Pinos, Cement Creek near Crusted Butt, the Gunnison, East. Never fished the San Juan, but have heard great things about it. Dutch, are you in Durango?

I live about 5 minutes south of Durango, I hope to make a short trip up to the Black Canyon this fall to do some fly fishing on the Gunnison.
Been fly fishing all my life... Used to live in AZ and now live in Pennsylvania. Like the guys above, I have fished the San Juan and it is one of the very best rivers in the country for rainbows - especially the upper mile or so (trophy waters) below the dam. (I used to guide in Alaska.) Other good choices in the SW are portions of the Black River in AZ - you can catch smallmouth (lots of them) in the lower, flatter stretches on the Reservation, and browns, rainbows and apache trout in the upper stretches in the National Forest. There are also some excellent lakes in E. Central AZ in the Apache-Sitgreaves NF and in the northeast portion of the White Mountain Reservation near Sunrise; some of the smaller, hike-in lakes are dynamite, but pay attention to tribal camping and fishing regulations!

Venado muy grande!

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