for dawg



hey i saw this on the for sale part of the forum. when i saw it it just said hounddawg to me. here u go mate

Mule For Sale
11 year old bay molly mule. Broke for anyone to ride and will pack anything. Has been my daughters mule for the last 6 years (she's now 12). Used for novice hunters in deer, elk, lion and bear hunts on the Bookcliffs. Pictures available by e-mail. $2500 Guy Webster 435-564-8256. Located in Green River, Utah.
A couple of red flags come up for me on this post...

Number one thing is any mule from Green River will probably be too drunk to ride very far... and if it isn't it's owner will damn sure be too drunk to even help you load it in the trailer.

Assuming it's one of the 10% of mules out there that will actually load in a trailer. You might just have to ride it home from Green River. ;-)

The other thing to note is this... The name is most likely a phoney name because most mule guys are too ashamed to use their real names.

"Guy Webster"... sounds like a fake to me. Most likely his real name is "Hugh Jass" or "Holden McGroyn"...

I'll pass. Besides, my double wide ain't even worth $2500 so I ain't about to ride something that cost more than what I'm livin' in!!!
That reminds me of a story from Green River a couple years back.

The Green River second graders where asked to stand up and tell what their Dad's job was. Billy stood up and proudly said, "My Dad is a Mailman". Beckie stood up and announced "My Dad is a Police Man". Finally it was little Brent's turn.

He reluctantly stood and said, "My Dad is a striptease dancer in a gay bar". The teacher didn't know what to say so she quickly moved on to the next kid.

Later at recess she cornered little Brent and said, " Is your father really a striptease dancer in a gay bar?".

Little Brent replied, "Nah, he really breeds and trains Mules, I was just too embarrassed to say that in front of the other kids".
Leave it to you CB... boy you'll be hearing it from the mule boys when they get out of the hospital and get back on this website!!!

I don't mind donkeys so much, just like to play a bit with these jackass jockeys. Actually, I have alot of admiration for anybody willing to climb on a wildabeest and ride it in public.

I was at the inlaws on Fathers Day and talking to my father in law. He used to ride alot years ago but had some health problems and hasn't been for years. He rented a field out last week to some jackass jockey and the guy put about 10 mules in the field. My father in law has been down watching them a little bit everytime he goes to the farm.

My wife has been trying to talk him into going riding with me, but my mother in law has been reluctant because of his health. She finally told him Sunday, "You can go but you have to wear a helmet." Well, we were all rolling on the floor laughing at the thought of him riding up the mountain with a helmet on.

He snapped back, "Oh good Lord, I'm not wearin' a helmet. I'd look ridiculous!!" I told him, "Hey Dennis, you can either wear a helmet or ride one of those mules in your field."

He thought for a minute and said, "Hell, if those were my options I guess I'd take the helmet." :)

Mules are a lot like my neighbors wife. They look damn good from a distance, but face to face you just kind of cringe and look away. But you can sure ride both hard if you don't have any self respect. ;-)


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