?? for LIBS


Long Time Member
What makes you a proud democrat?

You love the fact that you can have man crushes?
You like free soup?
You like free health care?
You like illegal immigration?
You like and agree with Nancy Pelosi?
You like and agree with nut job Hollywood actors?
You like to see American jobs go over seas?
You are a in a lame union?
You prefer a socialist government?
You eat only vegetables?
You don't have a problem with aborting your own kids but do have a problem with putting down a flee bit'n dog?
You have a problem with the 2nd amendment?
You have a problem with religion?

I'm dyeing to know what it is that is so grand about this party? Please elaborate!

Archery is a year round commitment!!
I like the humorous emails I receive from them. My area is almost totally liberal so they figure every body is a dim.. rat.
I consider myself a moderate, but the true liberals I know are pretty proud of the way they ran the republicans out of DC and have the whitehouse and majorities in both houses. I tell them not to brag too much it might be a 2-4 year run but never the less you might add that to your list.
I imagine the best fun is to see how amazingly stupid rightwingers are, like showing your list of nothings, the sad part is to see what the radical right has done to our great country, the right cannot lead they can only make up stupid quips showing thier lack of intellegence, thats why they need people like Limbaugh to fondle and tickle them.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-14-09 AT 06:57PM (MST)[p]speaking of great country, who do you think made it that way?? Surley not liberals. In fact, Demoncrats now are nothing like they were 20 years ago. Repubicans act like dem's from 20 years ago. So basicly, even demoncrats used to be more right than the puzzies we have for the right at this time. Without the rights, we would have been completely socialist by now. If you liberals had any respect you would thank the republicans of the old days for having enough balls to make this country what it is.
The rights fought for what we have, now the stupid Liberals want to give it all away, right back to mexico for starters. We already gave back California.
What makes you a proud democrat?
You love the fact that you can have man crushes?
You like free soup?
You like free health care?
You like illegal immigration?
You like and agree with Nancy Pelosi?
You like and agree with nut job Hollywood actors?
You like to see American jobs go over seas?
You are a in a lame union?
You prefer a socialist government?
You eat only vegetables?
You don't have a problem with aborting your own kids but do have a problem with putting down a flee bit'n dog?
You have a problem with the 2nd amendment?
You have a problem with religion?

I'm dyeing to know what it is that is so grand about this party? Please elaborate!

Dude! You gotta be from Laverkin.... Skinheads are sooo obvious.

By the way... spell check only works if you made it through 7th grade english.

The conservatives are who made this country what it is? then why are you crying about what this country is? you made it this way.
>The conservatives are who made this
>country what it is? then
>why are you crying about
>what this country is?
>you made it this way.
Hey Whiner, last time I checked it is still the greatest country in the world. Your free to leave if you like, along with Alec Baldwin. Since you like socialism so much why not move to a socialist country?
These are a few reasons that make me a proud right winger.

I have been to Europe several times and see what a mess it is over there. I don't want to see our country go in that direction.

I believe in the right to bear arms

I don't believe that to make one persons life better you have to take away from another.

I believe if I work hard I can get somewhere in this country

I don't believe you should get a handout for your race, color, or religion. Fare is fare

I believe you can put a dog down and shouldn't be allowed to kill a one night mistake

I don't believe in Unions.

I don't believe in nafta, European Union, or United Nations.

I don't believe this country owes you anything.

I don't believe in universal health care

I believe we are taxed to death in this country

I don't believe we should tax the heck out of smokers or drinkers and I am neither.

I don't believe we should have a fat tax

I believe homosexuality is as wrong as bestiality is.

I believe in god

Rush is a stud

I believe this country is in trouble with a guy that has spent us in debt faster than any president in history and he has done this in his first few weeks of power.

Proud to be a gun tot'n far right winger
Its been my experence that Europeans on average are much smarter and more interesting than Americans, maybe thats because I end up talking to right wingers so much. Most of the problems that we have and will be facing are due to right wing extremism. Greed gone rampant, the right doesn't care if something works or if its a disaster, they could care less about truth or decency, I really don't know what value system they hold.
>Its been my experence that Europeans
>on average are much smarter
>and more interesting than Americans,
>maybe thats because I end
>up talking to right wingers
>so much. Most of
>the problems that we have
>and will be facing are
>due to right wing extremism.
> Greed gone rampant, the
>right doesn't care if something
>works or if its a
>disaster, they could care less
>about truth or decency, I
>really don't know what value
>system they hold.

Oh do regale us with your travels European study which led you to this marvelous conclusion zigga. I'm a little taken back mostly because from your hard times in life surely you could not have the money to drive past the first mile post outside of town let alone Europe. Tell me, did you have fun in the Peace Corps over there? Why did you leave your sophisticated new found culture and return to your heathen homeland?

I do know one thing about Europe,....no second rate brick masons over there. Wait a minute...answered one of my own questions.

>Schmutz you're the one crying,
>why don't you leave?
>see ya.

I am not the one ashamed of our country. Your the one that is ashamed of living in the greatest country in the world. I bet you agree with the Token in office telling everyone over seas how ashamed he is of us being number one. I am greedy, i say smash any country that tries to knock us off the top.
I suppose you support kids sports where there is no winner or loser? You might hurt some kids feelings when they lose. But it will "feel good" for the kids not learning what not being number one is now won't it?
LAST EDITED ON Apr-14-09 AT 08:51PM (MST)[p]>Piper
>How many trips have you made
>to the old ##### hole
>called europe?

why would he want to?? he lives in the greatest country in the world. Unless he wants to see what second best is
I'm neither Republican or Democrat, neither have much I want. But I think both parties want the same thing, a better world for their families, they just see different ways to get there.

Democrats want to get rid of poverty by taking from those who have (the rich) and giving to the have-nots (the poor). Republicans want to get rid of poverty by teaching/forcing the poor to fend for themselves and better their lives. The old "teach a man to fish" analogy.

Democrats believe that government is the key to solving problems, Rebublicans believe that government is the problem.

People's brains are just programmed differently. Some people will never be able to stomach the thought of shooting a big-eyed doe, but will buy meat from a butcher, they just don't want to see it as an animal first. Others see it as a means to an end; food on the table, a healty deer herd, weekend with the family, et cetera.

We all are the same, just different too.

Grizz, great post. But our country was formed when our for-fathers discovered that too much government was a bad thing and decided to bear arms and seperate. The Libs want to put us right back to where we were before we seperated. There are SOOOOO many ignorant folks who do not even know what the second ammendment was about. It is not about defending us from robbers, wolves and little green martians, it is about defending ourselves from what the Liberals want to do, put us back in government control and tax the crap out of us.
Ransom- I never have spent any time in Europe, would like to go and hike the Alps and travel around, sometime I will, I do know its an old, very crowded part of the world, and I usually enjoy talking to people from there when I meet them, Apples and Oranges if you want to compare, all countrys mature, ours must also, demographics require that. Our health care system is a moral and monetary disaster, thats just the way it is. Without unions and labor laws workers can be abused, abuse can go both ways. Despite flaws the UN was created for a reason and can and does do good. oh and Rush is not a stud
>Ransom- I never have spent any
>time in Europe, would like
>to go and hike the
>Alps and travel around, sometime
>I will, I do know
>its an old, very crowded
>part of the world, and
>I usually enjoy talking to
>people from there when I
>meet them, Apples and Oranges
>if you want to compare,
>all countrys mature, ours must
>also, demographics require that. Our
>health care system is a
>moral and monetary disaster, thats
>just the way it is.
>Without unions and labor laws
>workers can be abused, abuse
>can go both ways. Despite
>flaws the UN was created
>for a reason and can
>and does do good. oh
>and Rush is not a

If I pay for your plane ticket would you move to europe and promise to never come back?
and deprive you of all this entertainment? no way, but I would take pictures and tell you all about it.
>and deprive you of all this
>entertainment? no way, but I
>would take pictures and tell
>you all about it.

Crackpipe, take a break from the Rachael Madcow & Keith Overbite network once in a while, you're really predictable. If you were a big buck you wouldn't make it past the first hour of opening day.
Schmalts what makes you say I'm ashamed of my country? because I don't still wear Bush&Cheney underwear and I don't hate Obama with a passion? your comments are unfounded as are most of your opinions.

I have said I think we've made mistakes, if you think we're beyond reproach and have never made a mistake then shut up it isn't possible we're making any today either.

This is the greatest nation on earth but it isn't perfect. we won't stay on top if we're afraid to question our direction, and you sure as hell are so stop being a hypocrite.
schmalts, I agree. The problem with our current situation is neither major party represents views that were endorsed in our Continental Congress or Bill of Rights.

The ideas represented in those divine times were to get as close to zero government as we could without touching anarchy. Democrats border on Socialism and Republicans are just a little bit right of the Dems.

My only realistic solution is to vote Libertarians into office.

>My only realistic solution is to
>vote Libertarians into office.

How is this realistic when Libertarians have never made even as much as a pimple on dudes buttocks of a difference? What is realistic about voting for a party that gets less than 5% of the vote (on a good year) even though they've been around for decades?


>Crackpipe, take a break from the
>Rachael Madcow & Keith Overbite
>network once in a while,
>you're really predictable. If you
>were a big buck you
>wouldn't make it past the
>first hour of opening day.

I knew I would use this one day lol


"If it moves shoot it again"

>>My only realistic solution is to
>>vote Libertarians into office.
>How is this realistic when Libertarians
>have never made even as
>much as a pimple on
>dudes buttocks of a difference?
>What is realistic about voting
>for a party that gets
>less than 5% of the
>vote (on a good year)
>even though they've been around
>for decades?
You never know, that could change soon as they look better every election. Guys are getting fed up with the choices that big business fund campains for.

Ron Paul is my choice if he runs again in 12
Ron Paul gave up on the Libertarian party and is now in the Republican Party. Speaks volumes to me. The Libertarian party did WORSE on the last presidential election than they did 20 years ago, how is that "looking better"?


PRO, did a Libertarian kick your trike in the ditch? Try boosting up your party, Republican, instead of tearing down anothers.

Oh yeah, not much positive to talk about coming out of the Republican party nowadays. Except the doubling of the deficit during GWB and federal government taking control of state laws.

I assume you were implying Rush is a stud due to all the Viagra he takes. If not, you have lost what little respect you had.
I like to use football analogies for most things in life..
Dem and Rep phylosophies are like looking at the basic defensive schemes in NFL . Some teams build around a 4-3 base defense and some build around a 3-4 base defense. While both styles of defense have won championships, both also have their weaknesses. From time to time you can see a trend as the winning SuperBowl team ran a 4-3 so then other teams start to turn to the 4-3 style (or a flavor of 4-3). Then, after a few years the tide turns and a team wins a Bowl with the 3-4 and teams start leaning toward the 3-4. This is most likely due to multiple factors such as the talent pool of players, offensive schemes adapting to defenses, etc...

My point is simply both Dem and Rep style of running "Things" have worked at different points in time, but times
change due to factors such as demographics, world events (natural and man-made), etc.... and sometimes you have to bring in ideas from both sides and/or think outside the box to come up with a formula/Phylosophy that will work best at that current point in time/history.
You just gotta love dittoheads, they need a fat stoner to tell them what to think. if Tommy Chong porks out and puts on a ton of weight maybe he could be Rush's radio nemesis.
>What makes you a proud democrat?
>You love the fact that you
>can have man crushes?
>You like free soup?
>You like free health care?
>You like illegal immigration?
>You like and agree with Nancy
>You like and agree with nut
>job Hollywood actors?
>You like to see American jobs
>go over seas?
>You are a in a lame
>You prefer a socialist government?
>You eat only vegetables?
>You don't have a problem with
>aborting your own kids but
>do have a problem with
>putting down a flee bit'n
>You have a problem with the
>2nd amendment?
>You have a problem with religion?
>I'm dyeing to know what it
>is that is so grand
>about this party? Please elaborate!
>Archery is a year round commitment!!

any you Bozo's gonna answer the Q?
"any you Bozo's gonna answer the Q?"

Apparently no one hear feels that the question is being asked to them. Being a proud Democrat or Proud Republican is an oxymoron. Politians in general are scum of the earth so why be proud and how would you? If this country were 100% of either party we wouldn't last long. I'm extremely moderate but like most (73% or so) didn't agree with the direction w took this country and now we are all paying for it. I'll be crying about Obama soon enough. I'm just waiting for him to do something stupid enough to jeopordize national security, foreign policies, etc. They are all snakes and don't give a shat about voters after election day. I'm wondering when you rightys will figure that out. Slow learners apparently. Oh yeah, I am laughing at the reasons you guys are rightys. Good stuff there and predictable.
>You just gotta love dittoheads, they
>need a fat stoner to
>tell them what to think.
>if Tommy Chong porks out
>and puts on a ton
>of weight maybe he could
>be Rush's radio nemesis.

Liberals need the fat hypocrite Michael Moore to tell them what to "feel". If liberal, thinking is not required.
"ziggy, how the hell can one be "extremely moderate"? You are a funny guy."

Way to catch that prout. Where do I send your booby prize?

You guys should look up Liberal in the "dictionary".

dic??tion??ar??y (dĭk'shə-n??r'??)
n. pl. dic??tion??ar??ies

A reference book containing an alphabetical list of words, with information given for each word, usually including meaning, pronunciation, and etymology.
A book listing the words of a language with translations into another language.
A book listing words or other linguistic items in a particular category or subject with specialized information about them: a medical dictionary.
Computer Science
A list of words stored in machine-readable form for reference, as by spelling-checking software.
An electronic spelling checker.
The people running the Democrat party today are not traditional Democrats like say JFK or Truman. They are much farther to the left. Democrats are saying and doing things now that would have been considered unthinkable 30 years ago by anyone other than the radicals. The hippies have come of age. Liberals call it progress.

It is that change that the right is upset about and reacting to. They are trying to hang on to the way things used to be. They have failed to adapt and they have been beaten by people who were committed to getting what they wanted and were persistant enough to see it through. Let's face it, it is just too much work to take and stay on the straight, narrow, high road. We got lazy and they kept working at it. They have won because there is no going back. Topsy tervy, free for all, if it feels good do it is the norm.

I belong to neither party but I am having a hard time seeing where we have come to as progress. Yes we got rid of slavery and institutional prejudice. We brought alcoholism, child molestation and spousal abuse out into the light so it could be recognized, dealt with and eradicated. We stopped systemic industrial pollution of our air and water. I would certainly call those things progress but we have also gotten a lot of other things that are anything but progress in my opinion.

We live in an ultra sensitive but double standard environment where a City Manger is fired for using the word niggardly in describing a budget but the offensive "N" word is used repeatedly by comedians and rappers.

We not only legalized the disposal of living human fetuses upon request but a minor is not even required to get parental permission to do it. And we actually protect Dr.s that perform third trimester abortions of viable babies for non-medical reasons. The left vehemently defends that practice but fights just as hard to abolish capital punishment and water boarding.

We have legalized the marriage of two men in a growing number of states. Beastiality and sex with minors can't be too far away. Sound rediculous? So did gay marriage 30 years ago.

We have allowed our daughters to dress, act and talk like prostitutes because that is what they see on TV and in popular magazines. Now their mothers are dressing, acting and talking like their daughters.

We are quite comfortable with the fact that lawsuits are filed at the drop of a hat for slipping on a wet floor, spilling hot coffee in your lap, hanging offensive tool calendars in the work place, not allowing a girl to join the boy scouts and so on.

A US President had oral sex with a White House Intern in the Oval Office and not only got to keep his job but became a celebrity because of it.

Hundreds of thousands of people enter this country illegally every year, driving down wages, crippling public services and bankrupting our healthcare system yet we stand by and do nothing about it.

We have an entire generation that is too proud or too good or somehow above doing jobs like cutting lawns, flipping burgers, busing tables, cleaning hotel rooms, hanging drywall or working in a meat packing plant.

Our government has grown a thousand fold from what is called for in the constitution and spent trillions of dollars that we don't have and put the debt on future generations.

We put our most dysfunctional people and families on prime time TV and call it entertainment.

We pay baseball players and movie stars a thousand times what we pay teachers, firemen and nurses.

We have institutionalized racism and gender biased though affirmative action programs.

We have allowed our politicians to create a tax code that consists of over 70,000 pages and foments fraud and class warfare.

We have troops stationed at permanent bases on foreign soil all over the world.

We have removed all of the shame out of sucking off the public teet. We encourage taking and discourage making.

We encourage dependence and discourage independence.

We are addicted to pornography, drugs, gambling, and material things more than ever.

We are fatter and more sedentary then ever before.

Cosmetic surgery, body modification and multilation is common and if you really don't like who you are you can have an operation to change your sex ad probably get some of it paid for by the government. It is not freakish, it is no big deal.

We are split along racial, social, economic, religious and sexual lines more now than ever. We are divided and weaker more now than ever.

I could go on all night but you get the point or at least some of you do. I am not afraid of change. Change is good but I am sorry I can't call all of this and a hundred other examples progress. That is what I am angry about and that is what I fear. And I blame both political parties for getting us to this point and the American people for allowing it to happen, for falling asleep at the switch, for not doing our jobs and throwing the bums out when they stepped out of line. We got distracted.

Why is it people come here and then tell us how good it was at the place they left. Why come to America and make it Europe or Mexico. If those are such good places, go there or stay there and leave us be. Actualy, why would Mexicans rather come here than fix and develop their own country?

Here is my last question. If the liberal way is such a good idea, why is it that liberal strong holds like California, Michigan, Washington DC etc are in such bad shape?

So it's the dems fault then. Makes sense?

Who was president for 8 years and had the majority for 6 of those 8 years? If the dems have that much power out of office just think of the damage they will do in office.....oh wait, they are in office.

Not buying into it and still laughing.

Let's just agree that they all suck and get on with our lives. They both do things I like and things I despise. The main difference with me is I don't think this country would have lasted another 4-8 years under republican control. I'll say the same thing about the dems in a few years I'm sure. w was the wedge this country didn't need. Hopefully someone can bring us back together but not until there is a third party.
HardCoreHunter wrote:

"Here is my last question. If the liberal way is such a good idea, why is it that liberal strong holds like California, Michigan, Washington DC etc are in such bad shape?"

I think it's called trickle up poverty.

>HardCoreHunter wrote:
>"Here is my last question. If
>the liberal way is such
>a good idea, why is
>it that liberal strong holds
>like California, Michigan, Washington DC
>etc are in such bad
>I think it's called trickle up

I applaud you for stating what you believe in!

You will never see a list like this from Zigga or Huntdud. They are incapable of telling us what they believe in, or are too embarrassed to admit it.

I do believe in Guilt by association, so let me post the list for them:

-"No civilized person should own a gun" Obama and Pelsosi

-"We have to redistribute wealth in America" Obama

- Individuals should not be benefited for charitable donations

- We should spend trillions of dollars to get us out of an overspending problem

- Union is not necessarily between a man and woman

- Abortion is the perfect way to get rid of unwanted children, and the government should spend money to help facilitate.

And to the idiot that stated: "Europeans are smarter" that is laughable!
This is why companies are fleeing Europe in droves. The countries in Europe have virtually no inivation, no motivation to excel, and are generally impossible to work with due to ridiculous labor laws. And yes I know first hand.
I think it boils down to two things. First, it is hard work to stay squared away, productive and to mind your own business. It is easy to slip off that high road or never even get on it if you are young. The easy road, the path of least resistance is the inherant attraction the left offers and it is ever present and alluring.

Second, based on my own observations, experiences, and a great deal of thought on the subject liberals believe they know better and can take care of people better than they can take care of themselves which has led to a pervasive and expanding nanny state. That mentality is now institutionalized in our governments and schools which is self-perpetuating.

As for Europe. You must be joking. Look at the wars they have fought and the reasons why. Mostly about controlling and converting others and building self flagilating empires. Look at their historic and present day economies. Look at their population numbers and demogrphic changes.

Then compare that information to the United States. We fought a war to separate ourselves from the European mentality and way of life. We fought another war against each other primarily over the enslavement of one human being by another and then came back together to build a country from the ruins. The next two wars were started by Europeans and we simply helped end them then helped rebuild those that we defeated. We are not empire builders, we do not keep what we conquer. Our economy, what we built from pretty much nothing, has been the envy of the world. Our production capability and standard of living set a pace for the entire world to follow. No other country has done what we have done in modern history and those that have come close had our help.

We are not perfect and I am not one to trumpet that we are the greatest country in the world because I think that if that is indeed true, you don't really have to say it everybody knows it already. But we have an "in" migration problem for a reason. People want to come here and be like us and if they can't come here and be like us they stay where they are and be like us. But true to form, we have people in this country that don't appreciate that and would rather be like somebody else. They don't recognize the gift that we have so they crap all over it and make a kaotic mess of it.

I would really appreciate it if you want to be like the Europeans go there and be with them. If you want to be like the Mexicans go there and be with them. Please don't try to turn this country into what those countrys are because this little experiment was set up to be different, unique.

All that being said. I think it is too late. The takers out number the makers. We are destined to decline and sink to mediocrity.

And by the way, with a very few exceptions, the Rs are just as much to blame as the Ds.

Bowhunt prove some of your claims, sounds like crap to me. the one where Obama said abortion is a good way to get rid of unwanted children, where is it? other than your head or a right wing propaganda letter where can I find that? anyone can quote anything, back it up with proof or admit you're a sucker for good stories.

What's the best thing the libs have done? get Bush and Cheney types reduced to only holding offices like meter maid from here on.

Protecting abortion rights and stem cell research for the foreseeable future with the supreme court picks he should make.

Drawing down the Iraq war and putting more forces in Afghanistan where they should have been in the first place.

Repairing our foriegn relations, no matter what the captian america's say that's very important.

The economy? jury is out but 6 up weeks in the market is encouraging, though not super convincing. look at it this way, considering where the economy was when Obama took office so far so good.

Most of the rest of it is a draw, some things I prefer the republicans on. even though I voted for Ron Paul Obama was elected and he's my president end of story, I wish him the best, I sure as hell wouldn't want his job.
Just out of curiosity, other than the Stimulus Bill which hasn't taken effect yet, what has Obama done to help the economy? What are you giving him credit for?

Notice the lack of quotation marks around some items. That means it is not a quote.
Fact. Obama is the most pro abortion president in history.
Fact. Obama will use tax payers money to pay for abortions.
If your pro abortion, then you don't mind killing kids. I hope your happy signing up with that plan.
You and I have NO common ground at all, so I am done wasting my breathe.
Get ready for more taxes, get ready for the ?redistribution of wealth? get ready for gun control...sounds like you are all for it.

Posts like yours are what makes me laugh. You rightys are so narrow minded it's really scary. Aren't you too smart to believe what you are saying??? Where have you been the last 8 years? You state garbage like;

Fact. Obama will use tax payers money to pay for abortions and Fact. Obama is the most pro abortion president in history.

Are we to assume you can prove that? Where are the quotes and references? It's a Fact isn't it? You say it is. You make it sound like dems think abortion is something people should have the right to do for pleasure because it's fun times. You've never researched abortion issues have you? It's not as simple as you think unless you are narrow-minded. I'll be narrow-minded like you rightys and say that you'd rather a new born child be put in dumpsters and abandoned than give women the right to decide what to do with their bodies. Research abortion issues and get back to us on that. Are you going to take in all newborns that have serious birth defects, drug babies etc.? Are you going to pay for the medical bills a 13 year old rape victim will have carrying a baby full term, not to mention the mental scars that come with it? We all know you wouldn't and couldn't. I could go on all day. Call me a baby killer and show us all how narrow minded you really are.

The only thing we will "get ready" for is getting this country back on track economically the way it was before w arrived. I'll keep my guns too. Are you too young to remember slick Willy? We did just fine under dem control and we'll do just fine again. Things can only get better after the w disaster.
I have to admit the right does a lot better when they are the minority, they cry, complain, they are the newly transformed deficit hawks. The lists of whats wrong with the country go on and on. have any of you so called consevatives ever thought about the concept of "change from the bottom up" instead of the right wing top down approach? maybe all these bad trends that were so carefully listed earlier have causes? I mean besides not having school prayers. Thats what these outdoor leadership schools do, they try treating kids from the bottom up, guess what? it works! You want to see people work hard? give them something to work for. I couldn't guess which way this country is going in the future, but I do know that if the it keeps going the direction of only a select few owning most all the assets in the country, thats what will ultimately be our undoing.
Lol, ziggy you are funny. Do the research yourself. Look at voting records, speaches, etc. I did state facts.
I would bet I know more about abortion issues than you know about your favorite gun.
>Lol, ziggy you are funny. Do
>the research yourself. Look at
>voting records, speaches, etc. I
>did state facts.
>I would bet I know more
>about abortion issues than you
>know about your favorite gun.

Still no references on your "Facts"?

I'm shocked.

You must have done the research if you are stating facts. I didn't state it so I won't look for something that's not there.
I could care less if your Pro Abortion, I could care less if you are Pro Gun Control, it is your choice if you want to side with Wealth Redistibution, go for it.

But for hell sakes open up your mind and see the truth. You are about the most closed minded person I have ever met.

I am ok if you are on that side, have at it, but admit that you are there.

Like I said, do a couple searches on the internet, you know that thing that you are now using to post on MM. Find the truth yourself.

There is still some time left in your saturday, head down to the abortion clinic and give some service, go protest semi auto guns, go for it.
Americans are for abortion rights, the supreme court has said it's legal, we shouldn't want a pro abortion rights president?

bowhunt if you base your attitude on a person using artificial facts and trumped up information doesn't thay make you the most closed minded of all? don't bore you with the truth right?
>Americans are for abortion rights, the
>supreme court has said it's
>legal, we shouldn't want a
>pro abortion rights president?
> bowhunt if you base your
>attitude on a person using
>artificial facts and trumped up
>information doesn't thay make you
>the most closed minded of
>all? don't bore you with
>the truth right?

You mean SOME Americans are for abortion!

That's the only problem with a so called democracy, when 60% of voters want a demoralized president the other 40 have to suffer thru it.

I could give a Rats you know what, about your Godless lifestyle anymore, I just don't like you trying to shove it down my throat and I'm sure vise-versa.

You know what I wish, I wish we could have two Leaders in this country, one for you Libs (demoralized) and one for the rest of the people with a conscience, you know the ones who don't agree with gay life style, abortion ect: so my tax dollars don't go to fund crap like getting stem cell's from an aborted baby for their so called research.

I already know your response Dude, so please spare me, I'm just wasting time here today...
LAST EDITED ON Apr-18-09 AT 09:18PM (MST)[p]You're right , some, but some is the majority in this case so there you go.

I've been thinking of becoming a muslim, or maybe join the aryan nation they say they're getting popular since we have a black president, but if you're ok with me being godless I'll stop worrying about it.

We only have one president at a time, you had 16 of the last 24 years so now it's the libs turn, cowboy up and act like an American. majority rules.
I didn't know socialism is a religion, but o'tay.

What's wrong majority rule anyway ? are you saying that makes us socialist? right wing extremist always want a dictatorship with their choice of dictator anytime the elections don't fall as they wanted. our system was the greatest on earth until the libs kicked them out, now all is lost and we need a civil war or a string of assasinations to force things back to the way the people didn't like them. voting sucks doesn't it?
bowhunt- maybe you could explain yourself better, since we hear all this retoric,and all these words like socialism and marxism. The wealthy have done better over the last decade or so than since the roaring 20s, thats not good enough? actually its a big part of the current economic problem, liberty cannot flourish in a lopsided society, there is nothing wrong with the government helping create at least a somewhat level playing field, that way people without a trust fund can show whats in them, so maybe they can at least have a chance to make something of themselves with their drive and ideas. In the past taxes were far higher on the rich, 90% under Eisenhower, now Obama wants to raise them a few percentage points, and thats the reason the radical right cries their eyes out? or is it health care? Many people are sick of being ripped off, over charged and being financially destroyed by the current system, many people want change, so the radical right says we are lazy and want it for free, I don't understand the rights thinking,
maybe you could explain in more detail?

After he gets done explaining to me his references then he will get to your requests. He'll be up all night I'm sure so hold your breath. Can't wait to hear his answers so I can learn something.
Props to HardCore Outdoors, Great post buddy.

Funny how these debates between parties always end up on ABORTION...

Obama said in an 3/31/2008 interview with David Brody CBN White House News Correspondent. "I've got two daughters. 9 years old and 6 years old. I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby."

Obama believes that babies are a punishment? This is a disgusting statement in the first place. But another question is, who is it a punishment from? Punishments are dolled out by somebody... Is he saying that the discipline of science is dishing out punishments to women for their promiscuity?
Another ABORTION topic...

Obama did in fact vote down an amendment in Ilinois which would have allowed doctors to provide care to a live baby of a failed abortion. These are 3rd trimester babies that a woman has removed, which when removed, is alive. Under current law, the doctors can do nothing but wait for the baby to expire (this does not happen quickly mind you). Obama voted to keep it that way.

Dems are always using extreme arguments like incestual rape victims who become pregnant, and babies with severe deformities to argue why abortion is good. I would like to see statistics on just how many abortions are performed due to these 2 extreme scenarios. SERIOUSLY I WOULD LIKE TO SEE THEM, PLEASE POST A LINK OR SOMETHING. I assume Katie Kuric has them since she questioned Palin on it...

This is an example of the other extreme, babies who are alive, and would stay alive if given the care that any other baby would receive, and Obama voted "NO" 3 times. And this is obviously a real problem (at least in Ilinois) because it came before their legislators 3 times!

Oh, and you can find Katie Kuric under the desk in the Oval Office along with Diane Sawyer and George Stephanopoulos...
>What makes you a proud democrat?
>You love the fact that you
>can have man crushes?
>You like free soup?
>You like free health care?
>You like illegal immigration?
>You like and agree with Nancy
>You like and agree with nut
>job Hollywood actors?
>You like to see American jobs
>go over seas?
>You are a in a lame
>You prefer a socialist government?
>You eat only vegetables?
>You don't have a problem with
>aborting your own kids but
>do have a problem with
>putting down a flee bit'n
>You have a problem with the
>2nd amendment?
>You have a problem with religion?
>I'm dyeing to know what it
>is that is so grand
>about this party? Please elaborate!
>Archery is a year round commitment!!

to answer your questions:

a resounding yes

there, that's pretty simple.

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