Fourm Ideas

LAST EDITED ON Apr-01-10 AT 10:25PM (MST)[p]It's under The Great Outdoors below here. Bird Talk

I want a turkey forum too!! That would be nice so I dont have to see them in the campfire and General forums this next week!!:)

Turkey hunting should be outlawed or at least TV shows about it!!
"Fourm Ideas" - how about a spelling forum?

Other ideas:
Road Hunting
Wilderness ATV travel

I'll keep thinking.
Other ideas:
Road Hunting
Wilderness ATV travel

You left out crocheting and knitting.... Don't want Piper and H'dude to feel slighted do you?..... Terry
LAST EDITED ON Apr-02-10 AT 02:42PM (MST)[p]Some men would be nice for us gals, But not nude,you have to have something for your/my imagination. ;)

1. A Feleno Forum

2. Time out Forum( where some of you can go to CHILL out )
Updated software would be cool. See how many times the post has been viewed along with how many posts. And the last person to post username.

I don't care about turkeys unless I'm hunting them.


Create ANOTHER Utah forum. It seems General hunting and Campfire are where all the Utah questions come up.
If there were 2 forums for Utah maybe they would figure it out.

SFW forum. SFW posts have just about ruined the General Hunting forum.

If all Utah hunt questions and SFW posts were eliminated from General it would be pretty well cleaned out.


Margaret Thatcher: "The trouble with Socialism is, sooner or later you run out of other people's money."

"A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own." - Unknown
paul??? is that really u displaying a pair? i thought i was the only one who thought general hunting elk mule deer and campfire were owned by utards. i say make a utah deer utah elk utah campfire and utah 2 folder! now about that time out forum??? i have a feeling the mods would lock me in there! lol.

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
How about a "poaching" forum.

Maybe I could become enlightened as to what the big deal is about whacking critters out of season, that you have to lie about how, when and where.

'Sides, I'm getting old and might want to try it.
Take them turkeys and stuff it!...same as watching turkey hunts on the huntn channel..very lame


You don't have to be the best,just good
as the best,forget the rest.
>A whole new forum software upgrade
>with better features.

Hell yeah. I've been asking for this for about 5 years now....1997 called, they want their forum back!!!
Tony, I found them earlier today so I thought I would get some use out of them. I need to put them back in the jar tonight though.
Maybe if I am good I will get to borrow them again in a couple days.

I didnt know you spoke Latin.

"ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)"


Margaret Thatcher: "The trouble with Socialism is, sooner or later you run out of other people's money."

"A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own." - Unknown
Oh yea on that one!!!!

Time out forum - I don't think so maybe just a NO WOMEN Forum.
How about one on VARMENT hunting, like ground squirrels, praire dogs, sage rats,rockchucks, etc.GG
LAST EDITED ON Apr-04-10 AT 08:10PM (MST)[p]well theres 2 votes for the varment forum:)

how about an "arguement forum"--- once you start getting into an arguement on any forum, your post gets moved there. then all cuss words and low blows are legal, and it would have no moderation.( well if it did, they would be PRO and BOBCATBESS){ well if either one of those guys were still memebers here.} then later we could meet at the "mostly nude" forum:)
>"Fourm Ideas" - how about a
>spelling forum?
>Other ideas:
>Road Hunting
>Wilderness ATV travel
>I'll keep thinking.

you forgot anti public grazing forum
>Updated software would be cool. See
>how many times the post
>has been viewed along with
>how many posts. And the
>last person to post username.
>I don't care about turkeys unless
>I'm hunting them.

+1 on updating!
>>"Fourm Ideas" - how about a
>>spelling forum?
>>Other ideas:
>>Road Hunting
>>Wilderness ATV travel
>>I'll keep thinking.
>you forgot anti public grazing forum

How about a Pro public grazing forum

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