Free range chicken broth


Long Time Member
OK, this isn't a joke, it's a rant. Could make a joke but won't.

Anyway, I was just looking in the pantry for somethig to cook with the steaks I have out (yes, I am one of those guys. The stay at home husband, at least most of the time, who tries to cook dinner a few nights a week for my hard working wife who puts the money in the bank. Call me gay, I don't care, the bennys are great). So I'm looking and I run across this box of chicken broth, "free range" chicken broth. WTF??? Now, I'm as PC as the next redneck, and pretty open minded, but free range chicken broth?????? Is that supposed to make the greenies feel better about using chicken broth if it came from a free range chicken? I mean, it isn't like they milk the free range chicken to get broth. They kill the son-of-a-rooster, cook it, and the juice is what they call broth. Right?

Have we gone too far trying to market to the sensitive? T? dude? Anyone?
If I were you I wouldn't let any of your nieghbors dig through yor trash. If word of this gets out they'll run you accross the border into Ca.

Carl....for everyone's sake, I hope you get a tag this year.....

?We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect.? Aldo Leopold
Beats the heck out of using "High Fence Chicken Broth". I'm certain the "Gamey" flavor really added some zest to your usual Mr. Mom fare. I'd be willing to bet you do a mean "funky chicken"............I'll stop now.
Being from Kali, all my wife will use is "Organic Chicken Broth", containing Evian water under the Gucci label. $24 for a 12oz.can.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-02-07 AT 06:40PM (MST)[p]"call me gay" ???

Thought your name was Carl or something. Anyway, if you have any info. on "free range chickens" I'd like to see it. As far as I'm concerned, they're bastage's to herd & they're dumber than rocks. Good thing they taste good or they'd be extinct. Hmmm! better not take that one any further!

The gay thing was in reference to the "A question for all the real MEN..." thread a while back...

However, I agree that chickens are dumber than rocks. I'm still researching the free range chickens. I'm thinking I could run a lot of them in place of these danged cows. Can you rope a chicken? I can't rope cows either so I guess it doesn't matter. Can you ride them? Do chickens have lips? Are they really any happier being free range chickens than the ones in a cage? I mean free range means they gotta find their own food too. Might be easier to just get fed grain every day. Which came first the chicken or the egg? Did whichever came first feel OK about it? Did it feel inadequate? Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the free range area? Or to get to the grain? Have you ever gutted a chicken? Have you ever stuck your whole fist inside one? Wait, that's another chat room. But these are the things I am pondering now. This political correctness is confusing. I don't know if I should enjoy the chicken soup or not. Was it made with free range noodles? What about the vegetables? Can you mix organic broth with non-organic (or is it inorganic) vegetables? Was it seasoned with sea salt or just plain salt? Is that cows milk or store-bought milk? Why does everything taste just like chicken?

I need more sleep. Or to go hunting.
You okay bro??? Now you got me worried........

?We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect.? Aldo Leopold
OH!! MAN!!! Now I got a burning desire to waste chicken's ... Whatever, stinking bastages don't deserve respect.

Crap! Now I'm gunna get a visit from home land security.

Honey ... bury them stinking chickens!!!!

Ya'all know I'm just kiddi'n (RIGHT!!!) ... (RIGHT???)

RUS <smile>
I almost forgot to mention, my wifes Organic Chicken Broth has to be "Dolphin Free". No MSG. And the can and label have to be made of recycled products.

We had some "free range" chickens once. The 'coons wiped them out in about a week.

Does anybody brand their free range chickens? Can you get a grazing permit for chickens on BLM or Forest Service land?

Do you use "chicken dogs" at roundup time?

How long 'till hunting season? LOL

Roping Chickens?

Might be fun to try, LOL

There are only two types of people - The Hunters and the hunted,
I hunt.
Bighorn, Now look what you've started.... spent the day doing research on "Free Range Chickens" and am just horrified at what I found out.... there is an underground subversive organization that is comitted to the torture and murder of "Free Range Chickens" See the attached article.

I feel obligated to form a new organization .. It will be known as "People for the Ethical Treatment of Chickens" or PETCHICK. Please don't enter PETCHICK in your browser, for some reason it sends you to a porn site that has nothing to do with chickens or my new organization.


Aside from the birds' actual living conditions, there is no prohibition in "free-range" poultry farming against using breeds of chickens and turkeys who have been selectively bred for fast growth and high feed conversion.

In the 1950s, it took 84 days to raise a five-pound chicken. Due to selective breeding and growth-promoting drugs, it now takes only 45 days.(4) Such fast growth causes chickens to suffer from a number of chronic health problems, including leg disorders and heart disease.(5) According to one study, 90 percent of broilers had detectable leg problems, while 26 percent suffered chronic pain as a result of bone disease.(6) Two researchers in The Veterinary Record report, "We consider that birds might have been bred to grow so fast that they are on the verge of structural collapse."(7) Industry journal Feedstuffs reports, "roilers now grow so rapidly that the heart and lungs are not developed well enough to support the remainder of the body, resulting in congestive heart failure and tremendous death losses."(8)

"Whether labeled "free-range" or not, if the birds used by agribusiness are the standard "broiler" chicken of today, buying these products involves an enormous amount of animal suffering.

And, as with factory-farmed birds raised for their meat, "free-range" chickens and turkeys may undergo the same grueling and sometimes fatal transport to slaughterhouses when reaching market weight. Workers gather these birds up to four at a time, carrying them upside down by their legs before throwing them into crates on multi-tiered trucks without protection from the heat or cold and without access to food or water. "Free-range" birds end up at the same slaughterhouses as factory-farmed birds, where they are hung upside down, have their throats slit, and bleed to death, often while still fully conscious."
Both types of chickens are better off than Moosie's.
Seems like he spends most of his time choking his..

Does chickens really suffer from their "chronic" health problems when they get their heads chopped off on day 45 of life ??

LAST EDITED ON Jul-03-07 AT 09:06PM (MST)[p]Mr. Eel! You're welcome. So I can count on a substantial donation to PETCHICK from you & Mr. Bonds?? Send your Visa payment to

Thanks again for your support on behalf of all "Free Range Chicken Sh!+'s"

OOPS... disregard the last entry.. PETCHICK is a legit. organization!

Thanks again for your support!


admit it you clicked on it didn't you!!!!!!
RUS, I think your website is down. Probably crashed from all the activity?

"Thanks again for your support on behalf of all "Free Range Chicken Sh!+'s"



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