From Montana?

I grew up in the windy city of Livingston. Yellowstone Park just an hour away. Now I live in Washington and hope to win the lottery and move back.
I live in Colorado and I will probably never leave but if I ever left it would have to be a state where I could still hunt! Gotta be where the mountains are!! Montana would be a good choice.
I live in the Bitteroot valley in western Montana. Corvallis to be exact. We do have mountains, and the hunting is still pretty good. mtmuley
I dream of living in any western state (I live in Wisconsin) but from what I hear the cost of living and low wages keeps me hear for now. You guys who live out west have no idea how lucky you are to have millions of acres of public land and multiple big game species to hunt. The county where I'm from has about 3,000 acres of public land and where I live now about the same. On opening day of gun season on these lands I would guess there is about one hunter every 200 yards or so. Even on some private land there will be 4 or 5 hunters hunting 50 acres, just out of sight of the next guy. Its really hard to think that any deer actually survive.
I was born and raised in Ennis. Left a few years ago to make my "fourtune" on the east coast so that I can retire early and return one day for good. I figure I will have to make some sacrifices.
I live in eastern New Mexico, and it is my goal to someday live in Montana. I had a girl friend in Helena and it was the most beautiful place I had ever been. I hope that I will be able to go to the rodeos in Livingston and Red Lodge over the Fourth of July but I don't know at this point if we can work them in. Like someone said before, if I win the lottery I'll be there tomorrow.
I can only hope that when I retire in 25 years and finally have the oppurtunity to move over there, it won't have changed too much. Can't really think of a better place to long as you didn't have to make a living.
There are sacrifices to make to enjoy living here. The wages are one major one. Some days I still think about where I was making a better living. Then, I look around, and everything is ok. Poverty with a view. I don't think I will ever leave again. Although I like to complain about the influx of people here, my job depends on just that. Anything good never stays a secret. mtmuley
i spent some time in montana, lived in victor, hamilton, and over north of belgrade. beautiful country, but its a bad sign when you move to wyoming for the wages.
I live in Florida, and I retired from teaching in '97. I had never been west, but since then my wife and I have been on six vacations out west, and three have included Montana. On one of those we spent a month with Helena as our base and seeing a lot of the western part of the state. I have also been on three unguided hunting trips to the Big Belts during this time, and I am going back this fall on a guided elk/mule deer hunt between Yellowstone and Livingston. A good friend who has since retired from the Forest Service talked us into coming out on both the vacations and the hunts, and with his help we stayed in a Forest Service cabin for our hunts.
I have even gone so far as to look into what it would take to establish residency in the state and come back to Florida for about four months after hunting season to be with the grandkids for Christmas, and escape the brutal part of the winter.After looking over the FWP regulations, I talked with a representive of FWP who referred me to the game warden in Broadwater county,the area I was primarily interested in. He was very nice as well as informative. He then referred me to another warden who he said was the authority on residency. this guy was a real jerk(I want to call him something else but this forum frowns on that kind of language). The typical retard who straps on a badge and gun and becomes a real *******! Thank god most of them aren't like him. But I digress. He made it plain that he didn't want me or anyone else coming to Montana, and would investigate me thouroughly to try to find something that was illegal about what I wanted to do. Why would I contact the FWP to get all the info if I wanted to pull something. I hope he doesn't represent the feelings of the people of Montana.I feel that I have missed out on something that I would have dearly loved for most of my life, and would haved liked to at least spent a few of the "golden years" In Gods country. However, this idiot has soured me on the idea. I am still in love with the state though.
I grew up in SD, but my dream has always been to live in MT. In 1998, at the age of 30, I made the move. Spent a few years in Malta working for FWS and for the last two I have been in Havre. It will be tough to ever get me out of this state.
LAST EDITED ON May-13-04 AT 10:36AM (MST)[p]I am a native, lived south of Chinook for the first 7 years then moved to Dodson. I left to see the big world and lived in Missouri, Georgia and Germany. Got out of the Army and finished my education in Bozeman. Just couldn't get used to all the people moving from out of state to western Montana so I elected to buck the trend on moved from Bozeman to Glasgow. I have been here ten years now and can't imagine living anywhere else. I hope everyone keeps thinking those mountians are so beautiful and continue to fill the Bitterroot and Gallatin Valley's.

I am a native Montanan and live in the central Flathead valley north of Kalispell. A boiler engineer by trade the last 4 years I have worked for Plum Creek at there Columbia Falls operations, prior to this for 14 years American Timber was my employer. A regular nimrod I love to chase Elk in September, Mule Deer in November hike to the alpine lakes to fish and camp when the snow permits. My goal right now is to catch a 30 pound pike in the Flathead for the trophy room wall ( no Whitetail deer allowed in my trophy room ) rate them right up there with gophers. We have 6 pack goats that enable me to enjoy a few more creature comforts when in the mountains. My wife of 30 years has always been supportive and looks forward to me being gone.Hummm.
What kind of work did/do you conduct for FWS? I am a spring run salmon biologist for CDFG. Yeah, I know, not another Californian asking about moving to montana. I have been dreaming of a fishery job in the great state of montana for some time. However, the wife says not till the kids are out of high school in 2 years. Any thoughts on were to start? You can shoot me an email at [email protected]
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
saminwy, The wage thing is something I have finally accepted. Although I enjoy my life here, I will never be rich with money. I think my family will be rich in other ways. lefty, not every game warden in Montana is a bonehead. (not my choice of words either). Good luck on your hunt. mtmiller, Sound like both of us will have to be in a pine box to leave this place. NeMont, I can sympathize with how you feel. The "Root" is filling up while the eastern part of the state stays isolated. I was born on the highline in Shelby, and my family still has alot of ground up there. It is real refreshing to head up to antelope hunt and be alone. montanahunter, No whitetails here either. I call them "the other deer". Had some friends who fished up there earlier this month. Just a few hammerheads. Good luck on the 30 pounder. Thanks to all who posted so far. mtmuley
My father-in-law has been going back to Glendive every year since 1970. He took me back there in 99', now I've been going back every year. If I don't draw deer, I usually draw cantelope. Awesome country, and the funny thing is, there's nothing to it, all open. That town is like a ghost town nodays almost. I love to meet the people over there too, such a different world. Just too bad it's an 18-20hr drive.

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