FS to screw over recreational shooters....


Long Time Member
I am surmised that this has not gotten more attention. I have been watching this closely and am afraid many people do not realize the massive closure that will result. Here is a lot of misinformation on this issue and simply put recreational shooting should not be completely banned from Forrest Service Lands. If they can ban shooting it will not be long until hunting is under the gun...


For the sake of the front range people please fight this....
I know what you are saying cause this will be a very slippery slope for all shooters, hunters and could carry over into other sports too.
However it pisses me off to go into areas and see all of the trash, targets, casings and other crap shooters leave behind in all areas! I like the idea, just concerned what it could lead to...

I wish they would make designated areas to target shoot on NF lands, and for people to pick up THEIR TRASH when they leave.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?
LAST EDITED ON Jul-07-14 AT 01:45PM (MST)[p]I agree, but it is already illegal to leave all that crap and litter. I hate the idea that since the FS can not enforce the current laws the only option is to ban shooting.

Every recreational group has its slobs that can ruin thing for everyone. It is a poor model to simply ban things instead of working on solutions. Be it trash, dog crap, ATV trails, etc. if they were really worried about it they should budget additional money and hire additional rangers to catch the small percentage of guys doing it...
you are right on all points. I don't think there is any easy solution. Wouldn't mind seeing more rangers patrolling but to see a truly effective increase in results that is a TON of money that will be needed. There is no way that can be budgeted in.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?
Pretty sad that a small percentage of a-holes ruin it for the rest of us. This will do nothing to stop people from trashing the woods. Uneducated, citified tards will continue to dump trash in the woods no matter what law passes.

Sad to say but wont be long until they shut it all down. Education is the only way to stop it and who has the resources for that? People just haven't been taught any better. They grow up with idiots that do the same so why be different.

This is kind of off subject but relates. A couple years ago I was helping a friend out 2nd rifle season. We hiked in about a mile from the truck up a nasty mountain. On the way up we passed a guy with four young kids with him. They were set up overlooking a nice drainage. As I passed I remember thinking "now that's what hunting is all about right there". And in my mind I commended the guy for taking his kids hunting.

After climbing up we glassed down the valley and could see the guy had built a fire and they all huddled around it all day. On the way out that evening I noticed they had left so went over to check it out. I could not believe the mess that was left. They had left every last pop can, water bottle, food wrapper and tin can on the hillside. It hadn't even dawned on this prick to teach his kids to respect the woods.

There is no hope for these kids. They will grow into a-holes just like their father. This is the problem.

A new law banning shooting will not stop littering. Everyone knows that. So what is the real agenda?
I've lived in the Front Range foothills for fifteen years, and this problem has gotten much worse over the last few years. There are many, many more people shooting and most DO NOT respect the forest they are in. Bullet casings everywhere!!! TVs, furniture, paint cans, plywood, sheet metal, real estate signs, and clay birds now litter the once beautiful meadow near my house. There are at least 20 small aspen trees that have been blasted over with shotguns. It's hard for me to support any laws limiting personal freedoms, but something should be done. I head back and talk to people when I hear shots and can make it out there, of course no one admits to making the mess. I did see the county sheriff walk a couple of guys out in hand cuffs last year.
>A new law banning shooting will
>not stop littering. Everyone knows
>that. So what is the
>real agenda?

Exactly.... I am for limited use areas, but an all out ban will accomplish nothing. They did the same thing on the grasslands years ago. the net result was absolutely nothing other than preventing the honest (good) guys from shooting. I lived in Ft. Collins for years and in Denver and have seen the same stuff happen. I would much rather see current law be enforced and everyone who gets caught get the max penalty to curb the issue rather than an all out ban.
We need to police our own! If u see this activity (trashing our forests) get a plate # and turn em in! I've done it several times! A few yrs ago a group camped next to us (that's a whole nother oprah) I saw trouble comin so when no one was around (they were sleepin it off) I wrote down their plate #. After hearing several beer bottles break over the course of the week I called the forest service after they left. Would u believe the next day a couple of em returned and cleaned up their mess, I suspect after being threatened with a citation. The other thing I do , as I'm sure some of u do as well, is clean up other messes I can't find the rightful owner of. It makes us all look bad so I feel I should do what I can to keep it clean!

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