furthest match?


Active Member
A buddy and I went out a couple weeks ago and matched up a 4 point set 2.45 miles away. That is straight line GPS. Couldn't believe it. What is the furthest you guys have found a set apart?

"Life's tough... It's even tougher if you're stupid."
- John Wayne
About that far for me between an elk set . . . I'm guessing some smaller-antlered animals (deer, elk, moose) might carry one for miles before dropping in the right situations . . .
My farthest for both deer and elk are about the same as Yelum. Roughly 1.3 miles.
Mine longest set was 20 days or so. Found one horn in Feb. then the second April. and then didn't realize they were a set till a week ago. And now to answer you question this set was 80 yards from each other. Find the horn Goose!
My furthest was right in the 2 mile range (GPS). Found one side last year and matched it up this year. Definately the same buck as I had a bunch of pictures of him and only saw him in the area for one year. I couldn't believe that the match I found this year was already bleached out and starting to crack considering it was underneath a sage and had pines all around. Had I not known the buck, I would have swore the match was 2-3 years old.
A deer set, 7 miles apart I would have never suspected that it was a set if the antlers hadn't been so unique.
I don't know whether to find this thread depressing or inspiring as 1 side of a 380-390 set sits nearby?

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