Game Scale


Active Member
I was checking out Camofire this morning. And they have a game scale on there. It has me wondering how many people actually own one of these? And take it with them out hunting? I know it’s a tool like a tape measure. Everybody wants to know how wide their Buck is. But do you really need to know how much it weighs while you’re in camp? Do people have them to maybe weigh game before they take it to a processor to keep the processor honest? I don’t know maybe I have too much time on my hands but it has me thinking.??

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I have one at home but I have never taken it to camp. I am always curious what deer weigh, just meat and bones hanging. My experience: Blacktail forkie will be 60 lbs and a bigger buck will be 95. I don't have a lot of experience with mule deer but my biggest was 125. My best elk weighed 365 for 4 quarters
We use one to keep track of deer weights on our property for management purposes and to weigh gear and meat bags when packing in and out on our horses.
I bought a scale for my whitetail hunts down here in Texas and honestly I've never taken the time to use with my hoist. It seemed like a great idea when I bought it but it has never seen the light of day. For managed ranches down here and some of their requirements it would be ideal.
Scales are great but about 99% of the time I end up boning and packing out my critters. One thing I did quite a few years ago before my first Alaska trip was make a list of all my clothes and gear that I own. I was able to shed a lot of weight off what I traveled with on the plane and my backpack. I also was able to sort through and upgrade my heaviest gear. Scales are great tools!

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