Gas and Oil Land Access


Active Member
Back to hunting…Anyone ever talk to Southland Royalty Properties in regards to access? Plan on talking to the Biologist and Wardens here soon, but thought I’d throw it out there…
Do the gas and oil companies actually own the land, or they just have oil and gas rights?
It covers a broad spectrum. Some own the land and the mineral rights. Some of them just own the land and some just own the mineral rights. Lots of selling, trading and severance of mineral rights has occurred in much of Wyoming history. Most ranches when sold offer no mineral rights today but the customary historical practice used to be the seller kept half of what he had and passed the remaining half. The land went from a half ownership of the minerals to a 1/4 to an 1/8 and then 1/16th. Most county’s stop recording after it gets down to a 1/16th but even a 1/16th can have value and power as a surface owner owning mineral rights.
Yup, after looking up a few and firing off Emails, that’s what it looks like…The one Company is out of Texas…Let you know what I hear back…Thanks HFF!

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Badger Creek Outfitters

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Urge 2 Hunt

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J & J Outfitters

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