Gas Price Falacies


Active Member
With gas prices being as low as they are, sooner or later, someone is going to ask these questions, so it may as well be me.

Got to looking back at all the threads/posts that said environmental regulations, restrictions on drilling companies, not drilling in ANWR, etc. were to blame for high gas prices.

Anyone who said it was a supply and demand issue was taken to the wood shed by many regulars here. To ask that energy development be held to the standards that protect fish and wildlife habitat, was treated as blasphemy. To state that the US could not change worldwide production/supply was reason to be called a non-patriotic Iranian sympathizer.

Well, all those "burdensome" restrictions are still in place, we have not drilled ANWR, and most other aspects related to these supposed burdens of production that were causing these huge increases are still in place.

If it was these burdensome restrictions causing those big price increases, why am I paying less than $1.50 per gallon, while those restrictions still exist?

Couldn't be that the gas prices were actually a supply and demand issue, could it? Nah, the oil companies said it was all those burdensome regulations, so that must be it. Couldn't be market driven.

Couldn't be that over the same period of time, the US dollar became a weakened POS, and with oil traded in US dollars, a weak dollar was contributing to these high prices? No way, the oil and gas guys made it pretty clear that without drilling everywhere, even in our most valuable wildlife areas, prices were just gonna go higher.

Since O&G industry claims the devalued US dollar has nothing to do with it, such must be the case, right?

Would like to hear thoughts of all those who bought the oil and gas industry BS and beat the "Drill here, Drill now, wildlife be damned!" drum. Some "experts" here had all the answers, and were quick to hammer anyone questioning what was being done to wildlife, in the name of "energy independence."

Whether hunters want to admit it or not, they were sold down the river by this administration (via their weakening of the agencies charged with oversight of the O&G industry) and the close ties this administration has to industry.

If any group could have had an impact on what happened, it could have been hunters, but we sat on our hands and kept our mouths shut too often. And, most the agencies and organizations we hunters support took the party line and stood quitely, or even in support of, the administration/industry.

Wonder if hunters are gonna take the bait next time the O&G industry, and some administration with very close ties to the industry, come back with the same story. I sure hope not.

Damage has been done, that will take years to repair, if it can be repaired at all.

Yes, when the US economy heats up, demand will increase, as will prices. And again, drilling the chit out of our most valuable habitat will do nothing to change those prices and trends, but will leave our children with even less wildlife than was left to us.

Hopefully the next time around, hunters will stand up and demand better consideration of wildlife when these decisions are made. Regardless of which party is in power.

"Hunt when you can - You're gonna' run out of health before you run out of money!"
Pretty true, whenever you want things to stay the way they are ask for what you know you won't get. oil companies had no interest in producing more oil, or building more refineries, record profits each quarter were ok with them.

You're right when the economy picks up oil prices will jump, being the idiots we are we'll sit around and pick our nose until they do and once again have the deer in the headlights look when gas his $6 a gallon. Obama says he won't let it happen this time, we'll see.
I don't know how many bitter comments we had to hear about those evil envrio whacos stopping drilling, these people say they care about wildlife and natural resources? It was mostly hunters that sent in 125 written responces protesting lease sales on little mountain in southern wyoming, but these weren't the California internet hunters these were local Wyoming folks that know first hand what drilling and development does to wildlife and wild country, of course we are going to have energy development but not everywhere and not all at once. Another thing that could be a far larger threat to wildlife is climate change and thats why moving towards conservation and renewables is the right thing to do, when you live in places like Wyoming its not hard to see how close most big game species are to dieing every winter and it wouldn't take much change to see catastophic die offs.
I admit, I've always been for energy independance. I think we should drill here and use it here. Keep our jobs and our oil in house for economic and security purposes.

But I guess keeping the world in an economic Depression works too. I forgot about that option.


President Obama and Congress should leave gun rights alone. It's above their pay grade.
Yep " Drill Here Drill Now, Pay Less" is still the best way to go. Quite tranfering our wealth over seas. keep it here at home. Oh and in the mean time lets develop some alternative fuels. I would love to be driving an F350 Nukestroke in 2012.

Well said Eel
My turn to be negitive. Hopefully we won't see $6 to $10 dollar a gallon gas in the near future BUT with all the bailout and stimulus money soon to be flying around it is a possibility.
Funny how quickly people forget. I'll bet by spring/early summer prices will be right back up where they were regardless of the economy. Point Blank it's robbery, criminal. No good reason for $4.00 plus gas and anyone who tells you there is is either misinformed or a liar....... If Obama puts his foot down and caps prices he'll have scored huge points with the american people including me.................
"If Obama puts his foot down and caps prices he'll have scored huge points with the american people including me....."

If he is DUMB enough to cap prices we are SCREWED! When has such actions ever worked? How do you tell OPEC what price to set oil at?

What this shows is Bush did NOT manipulate the price of oil as so many on the left claimed. When/if the dollar ever recovers, oil prices WILL climb. Take that to the bank.


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
".......When/if the dollar ever recovers, oil prices WILL climb. Take that to the bank.


No sure I follow that logic. Willing to explain further?

"Hunt when you can - You're gonna' run out of health before you run out of money!"
BigFin, the price per barrel is set based on the value of the dollar. As the price of the dollar decreases, so does the price/barrel. Right now Russia and China are trying to change that so that they have more influence on the price of oil.


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
Exactly why drilling for and using our own oil while developing alternative energy (will take years) is in our best interest. Why should we send money to OPEC if we have our own oil???

Phantom Hunter
LAST EDITED ON Dec-30-08 AT 09:59AM (MST)[p]
>BigFin, the price per barrel is
>set based on the value
>of the dollar. As the
>price of the dollar decreases,
>so does the price/barrel. Right
>now Russia and China are
>trying to change that so
>that they have more influence
>on the price of oil.
It is exactly the opposite of that. When the value of the dollar decreases the price of oil goes up in dollars because it takes more dollars to get the same value. When the dollar is stronger, all things being equal, the per barrel price of oil in dollars is lower because each dollar is "worth" more.

The dollar is a highly flawed currency and it will be replaced by another currency as a store of value and medium of exchange. The Euro is a candidate but it is also highly flawed. I would be looking to Asia for the next currency that the world converts to as a store of value.

As for gasoline prices and crude oil prices: Anybody who thinks Obama can cap the price of gasoline and solve anything is either a total dimwit when it comes to economics or a partisan hack who doesn't understand anything other the party politics. Capping the price of gas only further distorts the price of gasoline and will lead to shortages and misallocations of resources. The market decides what a gallon of gasoline costs and nothing else. You can blame all the speculators, refiners, oil companies and middlemen you want but until one understands that supply and demand always evens out the swings in the market you are just ill informed.

When the dollar collapses further this coming summer due to Bernanke pumping TRILLIONS of "liquidity" into the financial markets the price per barrel of oil will increase.

I love the Israel is fighting in Gaza right now because of oil, comment. That is funny stuff. How much oil does Hamas control?

The truth is low oil and gasoline prices are a bad thing because it leads to no new investment in finding new sources, no new refining capacity, no investment in alternative fuels etc, etc. We are just fat, dumb and happy right now and when the next spike occurs we will be wanting to "drill baby drill" regardless of the consquences.

"The dollar is a highly flawed currency and it will be replaced by another currency as a store of value and medium of exchange. The Euro is a candidate but it is also highly flawed. I would be looking to Asia for the next currency that the world converts to as a store of value."

Can you say Amero?


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.

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