Gato Del Roberto


Long Time Member
Here's a pretty kitty. I think he was the kind of bobcat that could actually kill a deer.


Hope yall are having some fun.
I have seen a few mounts of bobcats, and that is the best by far I have seen

LAST EDITED ON Nov-16-19 AT 06:01PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Nov-16-19 AT 05:57?PM (MST)

What takes more time, the mount, or the pedestal?

What costs more the mount or the pedestal?

Do you do your own photography?

Do you help your clientele with lighting suggestions to really make them pop?

Incandescent , or LED?

Nice work.
Thanks for the kind words guys. We keep trying to make the best better.

I will try and answer some questions.

"What takes more time, the mount, or the pedestal?"

Usually the mount but I have had some pedestals get crazy on time.

"What costs more the mount or the pedestal?"

That varies from mount to mount because there is so much customization on each but in the case of this bobcat the cat was the bigger expense.

"Do you do your own photography?"

No I do not. I have used the same professional photographer for about 12 years now. I think he may be the best.

"Do you help your clientele with lighting suggestions to really make them pop?"

I don't but I do tell clients if they have some custom directional lighting in their trophy rooms it can really help their displays.

"Incandescent , or LED?"

Mainly incandescent. Sometimes LED with moderation. It is my experience LED will usually add either a blue or green tinge to a mount depending on the hair color and quality.

Cheers. Good luck out there.
looks like every other bobcat mount......

A little wonky

That cats mom might have imbibed during the pregnancy.

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