Giant Wyoming Buck


Very Active Member


I Dont know the story behind this Buck but it is a monster!
I think that I would have passed that buck, it's a little weak on the left side. JUST KIDDING!!! That's a great buck.
This buck was taken last year on the reservation. The buck has been featured in many magazines since then.
Wyoming Monster
June 12, 2005
First reports on this all-time megabuck are that it was taken by Cathy Keene of Kinnear in Owl Creek on the Wind River Indian Reservation in Wyoming. Most of the rumors on this buck are that it will score somewhere in the 289 B&C range and is over 40 inches wide. If entered and accepted into B&C's Awards Program, it could stand as one of the largest mule deer ever taken by a woman. It is also likely one of the largest mule deer taken anywhere in the last twenty years.

UPDATE: Catherine E. Keene's non-typical mule deer has been accepted at 285-3/8 B&C. It now takes its place as the new #3 all-time for Wyoming.
That thing is a DANDY. I'm gonna have to look thru my books and see what #1 looks like.
I read the original story and seem to remember she missed it days before....

I got the story. On opening day she took a 400 yard shot and they heard the twop noise and thought she hit it.The deer were confused and ran towards them and missed 4 more times. it. Never found blood.. 3 or 4 days later they located the buck and got it.

Her husband got a 31 inch wide 6x6 mule deer also which he missed 4 times on opening day to.
Did that buck recently get mounted in WY?
I was in a taxi shop a few weeks ago and saw one extremely similar. The shop owner said it was killed years ago.
I actually went back to take a pic but it had been picked up by the owner.
Did that buck recently get mounted in WY?
I was in a taxi shop a few weeks ago and saw one extremely similar. The shop owner said it was killed years ago.
I actually went back to take a pic but it had been picked up by the owner.
It’s been euroed and was killed in 2004. Would be cool to see if it did get mounted

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