Gift 4 Elk

good job Jager....finally...a post that makes sense....

Thanks JAG!

But Here's the Song that was dedicated to me last year!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D

?Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. "
That’s a nice Christmas present. I will listen to this song is Christmas too. However, I am more in the mood to listen to My Sad Christmas Song by Miley Cyrus this year.
It’s been a long time since I celebrated Christmas together with my family. I live far away from them now, and their relationship is not the same. I don’t even know how to approach this and how to gather everyone together. This year I want to try to change everything and send a small gift basket for each family member to remind them I remember them and that we are still a family and should look after each other. My siblings always try to look like I don’t exist, and sometimes it’s really painful.
That’s a nice Christmas present. I will listen to this song is Christmas too. However, I am more in the mood to listen to My Sad Christmas Song by Miley Cyrus this year.
It’s been a long time since I celebrated Christmas together with my family. I live far away from them now, and their relationship is not the same. I don’t even know how to approach this and how to gather everyone together. This year I want to try to change everything and send a small gift basket for each family member to remind them I remember them and that we are still a family and should look after each other. My siblings always try to look like I don’t exist, and sometimes it’s really painful.
Ineresting story....maybe it should have it's own thread.....

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