Gig is Up!


Long Time Member
I can tell most of you know its about over for Romney your rhetoric is getting much more angry and desperate.

Romney did it to himself.
1. FEMA should be privatized or turned over to states domestic debate today he says: "As president I will ensure that FEMA has the funding to fulfill its vital mission." Romney 11/1/2012.

2. Benghazi attack intel released today again Romney was wrong.

3. 3rd debate Foreign Policy Romney endorsed Obama.

4. Friday at 8:30 the job report will come in with an increase in jobs higher than expected or projected by Romney.

Gentlemens bet is still available only Boskee has had the guts to take it. There's still a little time to put your money where your mouth is. RELH how about a little money I put up on one of those pretty knives you make. What's an even bet on that? You've all been so confident but none of you seem to want to take a part of the action. Have a little courage gentlemen.
Are you sure you want to take that bet Corn?


Are you really, really sure?

With every negative word the wingnuts use on Obama they paint themselves in as the biggest loser.

A wingnut should be asking themselves this every day if not every hour. if we can't beat Obama, who can we beat?

Stay thirsty my friends
>Everything seems to be falling into
>place for an Obama 2nd


Corn don't take a bet from a flake who makes up a new name each week. you know as well as I do he won't pay up.

They're past the anger stage and somewhere between bargaining and depression. after 4 years they still haven't come to acceptance and I doubt they will in 8 either.

Stay thirsty my friends
After all the chest pounding it would seem that Obama owns the hurricane now. As the misery mounts he will wish he didn't.
Tomorrow we will see a probable rise in the UE rate and that will not help Obama either.
But I did my part by hiring another 20 union carpenters in october.

Corn that is about the most spin I have ever see you do. You are starting to get into Dude's class with all the bull crap.

As for a knife bet, I already have one with FTW that Obama loses the election. Do you really want to put your money where your mouth is with a serious bet. I am not talking hundreds of dollars either.

>Cornhusker won't pay???
>Are you game then??

Nice handle. What took so long? We see the Clinton uninstall went smoothly. Good job w.
Kilo good to see you show up as Zigger. I'll go with it Kilo (Zigger) is $50.00 good? Wetmule are we good for $50.00 then?
RELH PM me what your interested in as a wager I hate to take a large amount of money from a guy I like but set it fair and I'll go with it whether you want to go straight up money or the value you consider for one of your knives.

Guys I hate to take your money without telling you offshore odds are now only 1-3 on Obama and 11-5 on Romney just a warning what the book is. If your still in finalize it here.
Corn your odds of winning are far better than your odds of collecting from these flakes. I'm going to bet 202 , he's just as wingnut but he has some integrity.

RELH maybe, but I'd feel better with a 3rd party holding the goods.

The players like how Sandy is going for Obama and the Christie endorsement BBH says.

Stay thirsty my friends
yah he probably will win, judging by all the blind melon chitlins in our country these days, but obamma will be impeached over the bengahzi scandal if not do some jail time...LOL...
Dude that's one of the things I'll disagree with you on. I think most of these guys on here are upstanding guys I'd share a campfire with and would trust their honesty. We just disagree. You know how us liberals see through rose colored glasses.

I just hope if Obama does win it is best for America, which is my main concern. I obviously believe Obama is the best of my two limited choices. It is past time for a multi-party Republic.
How the hell was I included in this betting stage of the game. If you think I am ZIGGER you are wrong. Whoever it is, I have an idea who it is, just stole the (gif) that I have on my signature line.


Corny I have your money right here filling 6 carts in Iranian currency! :) The shipping is going to kill me but it will be funny knowing you had to get it converted! In all fairness hope things are fine with you. Yes I'd still share a campfire with you & piper. DUDE well the jury's out on that guy. LOL maybe if we shared a nice glass of well aged scotch just to make it a little more memorable! Dudes quips have caused me to wipe off my monitor a few times so he'd be good entertainment!
I didn't say I wouldn't share a campfire with them, I just wouldn't turn my back.

Stay thirsty my friends
El Dorko, maybe you only read the part of the job's report you wanted to see. Yes! they added 171,000 jobs, but the un-employment rate went up from 7.8 to 7.9%. The highest rate any president faced during election since FDR was in office.
I am willing to guess that after the Christmas holidays a good percentage of those jobs will end and many workers will again be seeking un-employment checks.

Seems like tempers are flairing in the destruction areas hard hit by Sandy. They want their gas and not seeing enough aid to help them out.

Corn I will get back to you on a bet.

My mistake Kilo I figured it was you with the Obama barometer or whatever that flashy thing is. I don't know who Zigger is.

Frustration is a natural outcome of Sandy and yes it could hurt Obama I'm betting the Christie endorsement which he practically did will put Obama over the top in spite of the frustration. No its not a sure thing but I think it would be a huge upset for Romney to pull out a win. I still think people will look at the job report as a positive.

I've shared two hunting camps with MMers this hunting season one in Ne. an one in Wyoming. Different political beliefs than me but great honest guys I'd turn my back on.
RELH, the 7.9% unemployment figure is a reflection of more people looking for work in an improving jobs market. The Labor Dept. only counts people who are looking for work as being unemployed. So try again.

Where do we show the 23,300,000 Americans that don't have jobs because that's relevent too isn't it? That number seems to get short changed for some reason... yet it effects more households wonder why?
The new normal is 8% unemployment, so we're actually at full employment. That should bode well for Obama.

You just need to drop your sights a smidge.
Yep we're good Corn $50 it is. I'm going to the strip deer hunting so I won't be around to either collect or pay / gloat or whine. When I get back..... yes. BTW hell yea I'd share a campfire with you - pipe & zig, no thanks. Eldo - maybe when he grows a personality & morphs out of his stepford liberal stage. Dude - yea at least he's got a personality.
Corn, if obama wins you are going to need all that bet money just to live on after he takes us off the fiscal cliff:) seriously though, this is going to be a close race. Michael Barone, who has as much credibility on the left as he is on the right, is predicting a romney victory based on hard facts coming out of individual counties in swing states.Having said that, I think Scott Rassmusen, said it best when he said anyone predicting the outcome of this election is crazy. Scott should know, as his company called the last two elections within a margin of .5%. If Rassmusens polling model is as accurate as the last 2 elections that don't bode well for Obama as rassmussen polls gives Romney a slight edge. You seem pretty confident, considering even the best pollsters in the business, aren't willing to call the race. Best of luck to all who placed bets. The only bet I'm making is that 440 & Piper will come unhinged if Romney wins, and their will be scores of liberals jumping off bridges.

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