Give Him A War



This loser thinks he can get away with this at the expense of taxpayers and legitimate ranchers. I pay property taxes on my land, when I had my allotment I paid in full on time. wouldn't it be nice to just pay for what you feel like paying.

If you let a Ranchonogotto clown like this win there is no reason respect any law or property rights. I say if he wants a war give him one, if he or his losers fire a shot take them out and be done with it.

Saying this is a rights issue is total nonsense.

Stay thirsty my friends
?Harry Reid's son, a lawyer with a prominent Las Vegas firm that is representing ENN, helped it locate a 9,000-acre (3,600-hectare) desert site that it is buying well below appraised value from Clark County, where Rory Reid formerly chaired the county commission.?

I wonder how piper feels about Democrats selling public land to the Chinese at well below market value?

COOL it 440!

It's Old News!

A couple of Decades Old!

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
The Feds are gutless.

Now other ranchers who fancy themselves as modern day cattle barons will be doing the same.

It's funny how our in house liberals only mention the wrongs that the rancher may have done, but totally ignore what possible wrongs Democrat Sen. Harry Reid and his son have done to sell off that property to a foreign company controlled by the Chinese goverment. I wonder if Piper will be as upset about this as much as he bellyaches about the GOP always being the ones that do this. I DOUBT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>Yeah right, reid wants to have
>a fight like this so
>he can put up solar
> solar panels on 65
>square miles of ESA effected
>range. makes sense if
>you don't think about it.
>This deadbeat lost in the
>9th circuit already, either
>are laws matter or they
>Stay thirsty my friends
Our votes don't matter in California and don't make a big deal over a million dollars we can just call it a Goverment subsidy.
So, the Indians owned the land first, the Mormon ranchers then took it over and they actually created the BLM and paid for the service to manage grazing fairly. Then the BLM set up the grazing allotments and fees. Then the BLM and old Teddy decided to protect the land for the future so they took just about all of the West but didn't take crap in the east. Now an old man decided to not pay his fees to the feds but offered to pay them to the State or county.

20 years later a bunch of steroid pumping wannabe soldiers show up and sick the dogs on the family, limit protesters to a 200 x 200 square with a maximum of 25 people at a time and confiscate weapons from citizens on the way in on a public road. Kind of like last year when the government shutdown closed all boat ramps, parks, forests and camp ground to the public. Armed USFS cops at every lake in this state. Wonder how much those cost compared to cleaning out the shitters? The federal government is out of control. Drunk with power.

Might have been a better way to handle this one IMO.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-13-14 AT 09:21AM (MST)[p]Of your dumb rants that's one of the dumbest.

This clown is no hero, and the losers who came to support him don't give two chits about cattle or BLM. The deadbeat isn't paying for the same reasons all deadbeats don't pay, he's just in a position to get mouthbreathers to support him because they hate the government.

Why should oil companies pay for oil on government land? why pay for timber? why should other ranchers pay for grazing? who can tell me I can't kill 50 bighorn sheep on USFS ? excatly the same situation. he lost in every court of our land except the supreme court and he'd lose there too , at what point is he wrong from the moron's point of view ?

Stay thirsty my friends
WTF does that have to do with it? you think chinese investment in the US is Reids doing ? it's called bringing home the pork that's why he keeps being reelected.

You morons need to understand law and paying bills, the so called rancher lost every battle he fought in court up to the 9th circuit. How did Reid do that? idiots.

Stay thirsty my friends
>WTF does that have to do
>with it? you think
>chinese investment in the US
>is Reids doing ?
>it's called bringing home the
>pork that's why he keeps
>being reelected.
>You morons need to understand law
>and paying bills, the so
>called rancher lost every battle
>he fought in court up
>to the 9th circuit. How
>did Reid do that?
>Stay thirsty my friends

Don't matter if it is true or not these days you outta know by now the obamma administration is not very popular with the American public, well at least 50% of the American people, n some people are tired of the militarized police as well ...
There is a lot more to this than what myself or most people have taken the time to educate themselves on. Most articles have an agenda.
What I find interesting is the raw nerve this issue found. After Ruby Ridge & Waco, there are a lot of people ready to get a little crazy. I think the Feds made the right choice stepping back. This would not have happened 15 years ago before everyone was a walking video camera.

I cannot throw all in with either side, but, I certainly have seen what has lead up to this hate of the the government. There is a fringe group that is ready to side against the Gov on anything, I am not there for sure. I have seen bureaucracy in actions and it is sickening.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-13-14 AT 08:29PM (MST)[p]Anyone who pays their bills and respects the law cannot side with this loser. just because the land is federal changes nothing.

The feds made the right choice because even though they were justified in using force all the puss's and america haters make them martyrs. they'll wipe him out finacially and he'll wimper off into a chit hole where he belongs, without violence.

I love my nation and respect my government because my rights are sure as hell NOT god given, they're a result of my forefathers wisdom and efforts. the fact you can hate your government and shoot your mouth off or take AK-47's to Nevada and threaten federal agents without being killed is proof your government IS doing it's job as it's suppopsed to.

If you don't love it leave it , the words of one of the few californians worth mention. this country has been damn good to me just as it is I don't get what some losers are so upset about.

Stay thirsty my friends
>AT 08:29?PM (MST)

>Anyone who pays their bills and
>respects the law cannot side
>with this loser. just because
>the land is federal changes
>The feds made the right choice
>because even though they were
>justified in using force all
>the puss's and america haters
> make them martyrs. they'll
>wipe him out finacially and
>he'll wimper off into a
>chit hole where he belongs,
>without violence.
>I love my nation and respect
>my government because my rights
>are sure as hell NOT
>god given, they're a result
>of my forefathers wisdom and
>efforts. the fact you
>can hate your government and
>shoot your mouth off or
>take AK-47's to Nevada and
>threaten federal agents without being
>killed is proof your government
>IS doing it's job as
>it's suppopsed to.
>If you don't love it leave
>it , the words of
>one of the few californians
>worth mention. this country has
>been damn good to me
>just as it is I
>don't get what some losers
>are so upset about.
>Stay thirsty my friends


The GOV/BLM Run like PUSSIES after being Called PUSSIES!

Not sayin Bundy is Right!

Don't you think it's past time to settle this BS?

"The almost ShootOut at OK Corral # 2!"

It's a Good thing the FEDS Throwed their Hands in the Air or somebody was about to get hurt!

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
So, it's wrong to graze cattle without paying the grazing fee (because you love your Country so much) but it's perfectly fine to hire a wetback to work your fields for your own greedy profit? And then turn them lose on society to take care of?

Sounds more like jealousy than outrage.
This has nothing to do with Reid dum dum. you wingnuts always have a way of finding nothing in something. this has been going on since 1993.

This is far from over, but the choice not to shoot some people who needed shot has been made. it's probably for the best but disappointing nevertheless.

I'd like someone to ask this clown and his circus what they'd do if the indians who owned his land before his family took it told him to get off. I bet that would be different, you can't claim anything before the US took possession. the same US he says has no authority. makes sense if you're a moron.

Stay thirsty my friends
I act according to the law on every employee I hire, if they're illegal by the time the season is over I'm sent a letter telling me so. why do you think ag is exempt from the instant SS check dumbazz? if you think white guys will do these jobs get your butts out their and get a job along side them. you clowns wouldn't do it for $20 an hour but you're sure someone else would.

Why don't I just go drill some wells and put up pivots on BLM ground? I could use some new mint ground. that is the same thing.

Stay thirsty my friends
440 a week ago you thought it was funny about a CA. Senator arrested for gun running, seems you like to pick and choose. Next time you open your pie hole you need to think out side the box you Squaw.
Dude-so you think the feds did everything right here? You agree that the feds have the right to stop trucks on a public road and confiscate weapons just in case violence might occur? You think they have every right to limit a free speech zone to two 200' x 200' areas? You think the Apache helicopter, snipers on the hills and tazers were a good idea? We are led by fools who have no concept of the Constitution and could care less what it says. If the old man is such a criminal threat why not just arrest him on the way home from church? You are the one being played for a fool here.
The guy is a law breaker and a thief. The Feds will bid their time and nab him when he least expects it.

264 you even sound dumb for a californian.

When did I say the government did everything right? I said the government won in court and they had the right to remove his cattle. if we don't respect the courts who are we going to have decide the law? this has been going on for over 20 years enough is enough.

The feds can get the money they're owed one way or another just watch. if you don't believe me don't pay your taxes and see what happens. when they're done with him he won't have two nickles to run together. how will your ak-47's and ##### threats stop that?

Stay thirsty my friends

Bundy is a liar and a thief. I wonder if he is paying the county property taxes on the land he supposedly values so much instead of the $1.35 a AUM that he tried to pay for the grazing allotment.

COUNTER OPINION to opinion of St. George News columnist Bryan Hyde (See: March 31 Perspectives: The Bundys vs the bureaucracy) ? When dealing with any organization or entity in an exchange of goods or services, whether it is car insurance, a government contract, or your legal rights, you must be sure to cover all of the obligations on your end. Otherwise you risk losing something on a technicality. It all boils down to holding up your end of the bargain. As they say, ignorance of the law is no defense. Cliven Bundy made this mistake in his battle against the Bureau of Land Management to graze his cattle. He had a permit (which is a contract) with the government to graze his cattle on BLM land. That permit had requirements and benefits attached to it.

A helicopter overhead. Helicopter pilots are among the people privately contracted by the BLM to help gather Bundy's cattle, Clark County, Nev., April 1, 2014 | Photo by Dave Amodt, St. George News
A helicopter overhead. Helicopter pilots are among the people privately contracted by the BLM to help gather Bundy?s cattle, Clark County, Nev., April 1, 2014 | Photo by Dave Amodt, St. George News | Click on photo to enlarge

Under the Taylor Grazing Act, a permit system was set up that granted grazing privileges, not rights. The grazing permit is a revocable license under the law, not creating any right, title, interest, or estate in or to the land. In the early 1990s the BLM revised Mr. Bundy?s, and other ranchers?, permits to protect the desert tortoise. Mr. Bundy did not like the revision and so he made, in my opinion, a catastrophic, knee-jerk mistake when he stopped paying his grazing fees in defiance. It was catastrophic because what he did the moment he stopped paying was remove all legal standing he had. He relinquished any claim he had to graze on public land. When he did that, the BLM rightfully canceled his permit and would not grant him anymore permits.

One can sympathize with a choice that feels like no choice at all, to feel like an agency is limiting all of your options, or in Mr. Bundy?s case, taking away his right to make a living. But in reality, it was Mr. Bundy who made the choice. Sometimes we are our own worst enemy. The best course of action for Mr. Bundy would have been to keep paying his grazing fees while fighting the changes he saw taking place, and then he would have a legal leg to stand on. As it stands, he has no legal standing or rights to graze on public land; he is illegally grazing his cattle and has been for 20 years, all because of that one impulsive decision. Never hand your ?enemy? the win for free. Know your rights, know the law, and know your obligations stipulated in the contract because then, no one will be able to find fault with your cause.

As it stands, there is plenty of fault to find with Mr. Bundy?s case. He did it wrong 20 years ago and is still doing it wrong today.

When the Taylor Grazing Act was passed, it was done in response to the cries and pleas of ranchers out West dealing with decades of rangeland deterioration, conflicts between cattle ranchers and migratory sheepherders, jurisdictional disputes, and states? rights debates, who needed help; see Encyclopedia of the Great Plains Web page on the Taylor Grazing Act.

There is a theory about what happens to a resource that is free. It is an economic theory called the Tragedy of the Commons which states that individuals acting independently and rationally according to each one?s own self-interest, behave contrary to the whole group?s long-term best interests by depleting the common or shared resource. In other words, when a common good is ?free,? people will selfishly use it until it is gone because they cannot self-regulate, and those who try, quickly give up when no one else does.

The Taylor Grazing Act was a system set up to counter the selfish interests of the individual for the whole by regulating grazing and land use. This government regulation was meant to ensure that the vegetation could regenerate and continue to provide productive land, further ensuring that grazing would continue into the future for everyone.

In the 1960s and 1970s, public appreciation for public lands and expectations for their management rose to a new level, as made clear by congressional passage of such laws as the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, the Endangered Species Act of 1973, and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976. Consequently, the BLM moved from managing grazing in general to better management or protection of specific rangeland resources, such as riparian areas, threatened and endangered species, sensitive plant species, and cultural or historical objects. Consistent with this enhanced role, the Bureau developed or modified the terms and conditions of grazing permits and leases and implemented new range improvement projects to address these specific resource issues, promoting continued improvement of public rangeland conditions. See the BLM?s Web page: Fact sheet on the BLM?s Management of Livestock Grazing.

BLM sign along Interstate 15. Bunkerville, Nev., April 3, 2014 | Photo by Dave Amodt, St. George News
BLM sign along Interstate 15. Bunkerville, Nev., April 3, 2014 | Photo by Dave Amodt, St. George News | Click on photo to enlarge

In other words, public lands grew to include the interests of more than just ranchers. The BLM and other land management agencies had to manage the land for energy development, timber harvest, recreational activities, education and youth programs, and for scientific research. No longer did the land belong solely to ranchers and cattle. It is hard to share when you have been using it for a long time, but share we must when it is a public good and resource. Most of the other ranchers in Nevada understood this when the desert tortoise got listed on the Endangered Species Act and complied.

In the early 1990s when this was taking place, there was a land swap between Nevada and the Federal Government where Nevada offered to buy the grazing allotments to protect the desert tortoise in exchange for desert tortoise habitat that they could destroy for development. The ranchers grazing on those allotments were offered the chance to sell their allotments and did to the tune of roughly $5 million dollars. Mr. Bundy was not given the option of a buy-out for his allotment because he had forfeited his rights to it when he stopped paying his fees. Therefore, the permit was sold to Nevada for $375,000.00. When Mr. Bundy was shut-out, he decided not to recognize the federal government's authority over him, and started grazing illegally.

The BLM has tried repeatedly and patiently to handle this matter civilly as can be shown by their 20 year efforts to do so. They went through the courts to get court orders to have his trespassing cattle removed. The judges have continually sided with the BLM, and have issued court orders to Mr. Bundy to remove his cattle. But he has ignored them. Now it appears the Nevada Cattleman?s Association is leaning toward supporting the BLM?s removal of Mr. Bundy?s cattle because he is law breaker. While they are paying their grazing fees to graze their cattle, Mr. Bundy is stealing to graze his. It is not fair for the BLM to turn a blind eye to this or to let it go on any longer. Worse than that, however, is the fact that Mr. Bundy is grazing his cattle at the public?s expense.

We pay tax dollars to have our public lands managed, to have equal access under the law, and to have the law enforced. Mr. Bundy has made his right to graze his cattle more important than all other interests. Some might argue that this is an environmental issue, a liberty issue, or a property rights issue, but it is an equal rights legal issue. According to Mary Jo Rugwell, the former BLM Southern Nevada District Manager:

There are hundreds of ranchers that follow the rules. They have grazing permits, pay their fees and manage their cattle as they are supposed to. A lot of other users of public lands also pay for permits and follow their stipulations. It's just not fair to all of those people that Mr. Bundy does what he wants and doesn't follow the rules (see court orders linked on the BLM?s Web page here).

He, and others like him or supporting him, may not like the Endangered Species Act and may not like federal law or control, but not liking something does not excuse one from breaking the law. Furthermore, not believing in laws does not make them any less real, valid, or enforced.

While this is an emotional issue for many who know and like Mr. Bundy, at the end of the day, he brought this on himself. If he is a victim of anything, he is a victim of his own arrogance. He willfully broke the law and chose not to work within the confines and limits of it. He has gotten away with it for 20 years. It is time for the BLM to call his bluff and end his free grazing and law breaking now. If he wants to sue Clark County, the state of Nevada, the BLM, the cowboys who will be rounding up his cattle, or anyone else, let him do it. He does not have a case, as has been shown. His argument is weak at best. As Lloyd D. George, United States District Judge stated:

Bundy has produced no valid law or specific facts raising a genuine issue of fact regarding federal ownership or management of public lands in Nevada, or that his cattle have not trespassed on the New Trespass Lands? the public interest is served by the enforcement of Congress? mandate for management of the public rangelands, and by having federal laws and regulations applied to all citizens equally. (Emphasis added. See also: Moapa Valley Progress article dated April 18, 2012, here.)

The BLM is not the bogeyman as many here would like to believe. It is not a nameless, faceless organization out to get one man. It is an agency filled with average, everyday people trying to do their job, and managing land for competing interests is a hard one at that. Mr. Bundy has had more than ample time to resolve this issue amicably and reasonably, it is time that he suffer the consequences that anyone else would who blatantly breaks the law. That he is seeking public support on emotional grounds here in southern Utah reveals a last ditch effort by a man who has been beaten in court because he has no case.

Submitted by Greta Hyland
So, you think it will take a few hundred troops to arrest the old turd on his way home from church? You idiots miss the point. Some lame beaurocrat decided to send a few hundred armed men to make a point and it blew up in their faces. And you entrust your daily life to people that stupid?
>264 you even sound dumb for
>a californian.
>When did I say the government
>did everything right? I said
>the government won in court
>and they had the right
>to remove his cattle.
>if we don't respect the
>courts who are we going
>to have decide the law?
> this has been going
>on for over 20 years
>enough is enough.
>The feds can get the money
>they're owed one way or
>another just watch. if you
>don't believe me don't pay
>your taxes and see what
>happens. when they're done
>with him he won't have
>two nickles to run together.
>how will your ak-47's and
>##### threats stop that?
>Stay thirsty my friends
Retard I don't have a ak 47 and I didn't make a threat, have another swig!
So twenty years of putting up with Bundy's actions and numerous winning court orders and then finally doing something is overreacting?

Even the Nevada stock growers association did not support Bundy. Hard to support a guy who is not paying his own way.

The theory that this land was controlled prior to the law that established the BLM is such bunk, if that is a legal basis for anything then I guess the people's whose family's owned slaves prior to the law being changed have a right to still own slaves?

It is an idiotic idea and worst of all this kind of idiocy brings out supporters who think they have won something now.

This from another site
Shiree Bundy Cox

"I have had people ask me to explain my dad's stance on this BLM fight. Here it is in as simple of terms as I can explain it. There is so much to it, but here it s in a nut shell. My great grandpa bought the rights to the Bunkerville allotment back in 1887 around there. Then he sold them to my grandpa who then turned them over to my dad in 1972. These men bought and paid for their rights to the range and also built waters, fences and roads to assure the servival of their cattle, all with their own money, not with tax dollars. These rights to the land use is called preemptive rights. Some where down the line, to keep the cows from over grazing, came the bureau of land management. They were supposed to assist the ranchers in the management of their ranges while the ranchers paid a yearly allotment which was to be use to pay the BLM wages and to help with repaires and improvements of the ranches. My dad did pay his grazing fees for years to the BLM until they were no longer using his fees to help him and to improve. Instead they began using these money's against the ranchers. They bought all the rest of the ranchers in the area out with they're own grazing fees. When they offered to buy my dad out for a penence he said no thanks and then fired them because they weren't doing their job. He quit paying the BLM but, tried giving his grazing fees to the county, which they turned down. So my dad just went on running his ranch and making his own improvements with his own equipment and his own money, not taxes. In essence the BLM was managing my dad out of business. Well when buying him out didn't work, they used the indangered species card. You've already heard about the desert tortis. Well that didn't work either, so then began the threats and the court orders, which my dad has proven to be unlawful for all these years. Now their desperate. It's come down to buying the brand inspector off and threatening the County Sheriff. Everything their doing at this point is illegal and totally against the constitution of the United States of America. Now you may be saying," how sad, but what does this have to do with me?" Well, I'll tell you. They will get rid of Cliven Bundy, the last man standing on the Bunkerville allotment and then they will close all the roads so no one can ever go on it again. Next, it's Utah's turn. Mark my words, Utah is next.
Then there's the issue of the cattle that are at this moment being stolen. See even if dad hasn't paid them, those cattle do belong to him. Regardless where they are they are my fathers property. His herd has been part of that range for over a hundred years, long before the BLM even exsisted. Now the Feds think they can just come in and remove them and sell them without a legal brand inspection or without my dad's signature on it. They think they can take them over two boarders, which is illegal, ask any trucker. Then they plan to take them to the Richfeild Aucion and sell them. All with our tax money. They have paid off the contract cowboys and the auction owner as well as the Nevada brand inspector with our tax dollars. See how slick they are?
Well, this is it in a nut shell. Thanks"

Now before you point out the lack of objectivity for my "source", put the same criteria to your "source" for challenging this account.
Courts have ruled there is not rights to but rather a permit to sell. As much as they believe that they hold a preemptive right to graze that land, they do not because they never held title to that land. The land's title was held by the U.S. government, pure and simple.

I guess if you guys believe these guys hold a preemptive right simply because the owner of the land decided to manage those lands for a different purpose then do you treat your own lands and property in the same way.

If the Bundy family had bothered to spend the money to patent and get title to these land then none of this would be an issue, they instead didn't value the land enough to actually get title to it way back when and now want to have squatters rights simply because they have used the land for free.

It is a stupid argument and one that doesn't hold a single constitutional question, all the freeman out their defending their "rights" are too stupid to understand that guys like Bundy are for ending the rule of law and taking their rights from them.

Stupid is as stupid does.

And all of that has nothing to do with the real issue here. Did the federal officials handle this outlaw the right way? That is all that has people upset. Just like Waco they demonize the people until they are considered non human then kill them off. Why not arrest him in the last couple of decades? Why the small first amendment zones? Why the tazers and armed pinheads sicking the dogs on people? I hate private land tags but I don't hate ranchers. I like to eat reasonably priced meat and could care less if we kill every tortoise in Nevada. I hate politicians and don't really like the federal government. Shoot me.
That is pure and total fantasy.

You are an idiot if you believe this was the fault of the Feds. If Bundy had a single ball in his sack he would have done the right thing 20 years ago, nope he was willing to put not only his families life but the life of every knucklehead freeman with the money to get to Nevada in danger.

The guy is a gutless user of people and guys like Sean Hannity used him to whip up a fury over what should have been a law enforcement action.

Why the AR-15's and claims that the freeman had the feds in their sights?

Why trespass for 20 years, refusing to pay your bills and claim title to land your family didn't care enough about to get it patented and deeded to you way back when there was no BLM.

You guys are only happy if a fed get killed in the line of duty and you can wave their bloody shirt as proof of jack booted thugs.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-14-14 AT 05:30PM (MST)[p]264 are you a californian or what? you think the world revolves around you. I didn't say you had an ak-47 or you were there, I know you can't afford one or the gas to get there. I said other idiots like you were there with guns saying they were ready to fight. smoke somemore crack.

The clown only owns 150 acres, all hat . no wonder he has to steal grass he doesn't have a ranch.

Here 264 you can win an AR-15 so next time some loser steals from the public you can go stand there and look dumb with the other idiots.

You could be like this guy, pointing your assault rifle at law enforcement officials. if one shot had been fired the should have napalmed the whole lot of them and let the ravens eat them like crackers.

Stay thirsty my friends
Doesn't say much for the credibility of those idiots supporting a known law breaker and thief.

No doubt this issue will be used by anti-government groups to further their subversive agenda.

Eldorado, Yes Bundy and that right wing militia deserve being critized for their actions. When are you libs going to look at Harry Reid and his son for their possible involvement in selling off public land for less then market value. Makes me wonder how much old Harry is getting under the table for using his influence that his son is in the middle of with that Chinese company.

I still do not buy the excuse the BLM used concerning the desert tortise. I have seen reports and maps that show the oil and gas industry has conducted test wells in that area for future fracking and recovery of the natural gas and oil. There is a report that BLM received 1.2 million to allow those test drills on their land where Bundy ran his cattle. Do we have two wrongs here on both sides?

It doesn't matter if they want to turn the whole damn thing into a water park. Bundy doesn't pay his bills and he lost in court.

For a supposed cop you have little respect for the law and those we put on the line to enforce it. in my opinion those culls who pointed guns as federal officials should have had their heads taken off by government employee snipers.

Stay thirsty my friends
Still comes down to whose rhetoric you read.

I have known a few ranchers that lazy, sloppy, blame everything on the government and would never ever make it in the real world. This clown sounds like he falls in that category.

I really am glad this did not turn into a Ruby Ridge or a Waco. This turned into a PR war and the feds lost.

The Feds will win in the long run and this guy and his family will have to make it in the real world. I am betting they will drop a few notches in the food chain.
>AT 05:30?PM (MST)

>264 are you a californian or
>what? you think the world
>revolves around you. I didn't
>say you had an ak-47
>or you were there, I
>know you can't afford one
>or the gas to get
>there. I said other idiots
>like you were there with
>guns saying they were ready
>to fight. smoke somemore
>The clown only owns 150 acres,
>all hat . no wonder
>he has to steal grass
>he doesn't have a ranch.
>Here 264 you can win an
>AR-15 so next time some
>loser steals from the public
>you can go stand there
>and look dumb with the
>other idiots.
>You could be like this guy,
>pointing your assault rifle at
>law enforcement officials. if one
>shot had been fired the
>should have napalmed the whole
>lot of them and let
>the ravens eat them like
>Stay thirsty my friends
Sober up and get over it!your worried about a measly million, it isn't worth people getting killed over sage brush and sand.
I wouldn't say they lost a PR war anywhere but on FOX. most americans don't even like cattle on public land and they sure don't like it when deadbeats won't pay for it.

I've been at odds more than once with the BLM and the USFS on grazing and we always worked it out, and ofcourse I always paid my bill. there are rules, too many rules anymore that's why I chose to stop grazing public land . I can't blame the USFS, even when the rules are followed they get non stop kabitching from the public about the cattle so what do you expect to happen. time have changed it's not 1880 anymore, and this loser's 150 acre sandbox never was a ranch.

I guess I should have stopped paying my bill and got a bunch of slackjawed america hating " patriots " to threaten the lives of people doing their job. I could have been a hero and I didn't know it.

Stay thirsty my friends
So, if the guy was supposed to be paying grazing fees and has not done so, then great he needs to have his permit revoked and removed from the land that belongs to all of us. I have no problem with that whatsoever.

What I do have a problem with however is the fact that we have millions of law breakers in this country who are costing us taxpayers billions of dollars and the federal government rewards them. 440 KNOWINGLY hires illegals yet is calling for the rule of law and Eldorado doesn't say shyt about illegals because they're his family.

Illegals do WAY more harm to this country than some old cattle rancher yet where is the federal government? They are busy handing out money in the form of food stamps, healthcare, welfare, etc. thereby rewarding these people for breaking the law. We cannot possibly deport them all I know but for Christ sakes can we at least not pay them for breaking the law?

Cliven Bundy has his cows illegally grazing on public land and we almost had a repeat of Waco because of it. Illegal aliens are grazing all over the country on public funds and everyone just turns the other cheek.

Fair is fair Eldorado. Will you call for the federal government to stop rewarding your illegal immigrant family members or are you just pissed that an old white guy's cows are eating grass that you'll never see? You can't have it both ways. If you want Cliven Bundy's ass handed to him then you need to be just as outspoken about your own people who are STEALING every bit as much and more than Cliven Bundy is. In fact, I would bet the farm that if this was some illegal alien who had some cows grazing illegally on public land, you would be saying how shallow people are for not letting some poor Mexican feed his poor family. Hypocrite much?
I'm not surprised that some here would give this deadbeat and law breaker a pass.

Just another "patriot" unfairly picked on by an over bearing government.

"Illegal aliens are grazing all over the country on public funds and everyone just turns the other cheek."

That pretty much sums it up! What rule of law?
So Dude you feel that those BLM snipers should have open fire and blow a few heads off. Sounds like you want another Ruby Ridge incident. Only problem there at Ruby ridge they killed a 14 year old boy but that teenager was armed with a mini-14 and could be considered a threat. The FBI sniper killed Weaver's wife while she was holding her baby instead of killing any armed person that may pose a threat to them. I guess holding a baby in your arms is considered a threat by FBI standards.

I am glad that the BLM decided to use restraint, as the whole damn thing was not worth losing any life over. I guess you are still a blood thirsty savage for wanting heads blown off in a crowd that did include women and kids. Good thing again you were not a cop as you would be one to be charged with excessive force under the color of law. Now go back to your comsuption of alcohol and think of another hairbrained idea about blowing heads off.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-15-14 AT 01:54AM (MST)[p]Eldorado no different then you giving Obama and his adminstration a pass on their FUBARS. Maybe there was a valid point raised about you supporting illegal aliens by giving them a pass on breaking our laws. What is good for one is good for all. Of course you do not see it that way as you agree with Obama and Eric Holder of hanging certain law breakers while giving others a free ride such as your cousins.
That does make you a two faced hypocrite after all is said and done. No was killed during the Bundy incident, that can not be said about the many crimes illegal aliens have committed in this country such as homicide, rape, kidnapping, robbery, drug distribution. What Bundy did was illegal, but small potatoes to what crimes illegal aliens are doing in this country.

No surprise Eldorado. You're dishonest enough to lie on an internet forum about your H5N1 patients, why would anyone think you would be honest about this issue? Just tell us why that old white rancher should be thrown in jail but your family should be given free money?

Stealing is stealing and breaking the law is breaking the law but you don't really care do you? As long as old whitey gets what's coming to him you're good right? Fu**ing liar!
Credible sources inside the BLM are leaking that Harry Ried is right and this is not over. They are planning a raid on bundy's ranch and the homes of his kids. People are going to die very soon over this crap land dispute. After the killing the congress will hold hearings to figure out who gave the attack orders and then nothing will happen.
You clowns are so predictable, you find out your hero is nothing more than as bum so you change the subject. you still admire him and his "patiots", you're just slightly smart enough to know there is no way to defend him so you go off in another direction.

Yes it is worth losing a life over, IF as I said they had fired the first shot. when did I say the feds should have shot first ? and what kind of cop is fine with mouthbreathers putting crosshairs on law enforcemet officials? your hatred for the government is stronger than your concern for fellow law workers. if they are all like you I can see why you consider them expendable, but thet're not.

They're not going back there and Reid doesn't run the BLM for christs sake. if they do go back it will happen fast and deliberate, no time for Bubba to get in his RV and go help out. they're going to wipe him out finacially is what they're going to do , so put your guns down and start taking donations for him because he won't even have is 150 acre hobby ranch when it's over.

Stay thirsty my friends
I have to say that I have a memory from the past, and I get emotionally involved. It's good to see somebody fight back for once, even if they can't win. I copied this from the Campfire Forum.

I say turn about, fair play.

How many times has some environmental wacko group marched onto PRIVATE property and chained themselves to the gates, destroyed private property, endangered workers, and had the government look the other way? "They are just exercising their right to civil disobedience, aren't they brave." A bunch of worthless dreadlocked misfits with the blessing of the government destroyed thousands of lives over the years. A lot of them my friends.

Sure, Bundy broke "THE law". The retard law that said the desert tortoise is endangered. A bunch of trumped up BS and everybody knows it.

I doubt that Bundy can win in the long run, but it sure tickles me to no end to see the Big Bad Government sweat a little.

And every rancher in Nevada ought to crawl out from under their beds and support Bundy, but they won't.
The thing is there are rules, and you have to pay your bills. if neither of these things mean anything to you then he's your man.

What the hell is it with you teabaggers that you think you have it so rough in this country? maybe you're not losers because the country let you down, you're just losers. this country has been damn good to me and I enjoy all the freedom one could ever hope to, nothing is ever perfect but it sure as hell ain't bad. what EXCATLY is it that has your panties in a wad ALL the time? be specific . be greateful to the men who have died so you have the right to voice your petty grievances about how much you hate this country. patriots my azz, ingrates is more like it.

Leave and see if we miss you.

Stay thirsty my friends
>The thing is there are rules,
>and you have to pay
>your bills. if neither of
>these things mean anything to
>you then he's your man.
>What the hell is it with
>you teabaggers that you think
>you have it so rough
>in this country? maybe
>you're not losers because the
>country let you down, you're
>just losers. this country
>has been damn good to
>me and I enjoy all
>the freedom one could ever
>hope to, nothing is ever
>perfect but it sure as
>hell ain't bad.
>what EXCATLY is it that
>has your panties in a
>wad ALL the time? be
>specific . be greateful
>to the men who have
>died so you have the
>right to voice your petty
>grievances about how much you
>hate this country. patriots my
>azz, ingrates is more like
>Leave and see if we miss
>Stay thirsty my friends
STFU and please drive down their and say that.
I don't go that far south for anything, too hot and too many people like you.

Why don't you give a specific list of the reasons this country has gone to hell and you hate it ?

I'm sure the first one would be loss of control, for well over 200 years it's always been a white male in the drivers seat. now this damned nation put a spook in TWICE when there were white males to vote for! what's next a WOMAN ! hell it looks like it. it's over grab your guns and start shooting.

Yes you've lost control , for the very reason you falsely claim to hold dear, freedom. you should have kept the white male only vote dumbazz.

I'm not here to say it's for the best, but I will enjoy seeing you choke on it nevertheless.

Now where is the rest of that list? or did I pretty much cover it ?

Stay thirsty my friends
>I don't go that far south
>for anything, too hot and
>too many people like you.
>Why don't you give a specific
>list of the reasons this
>country has gone to hell
>and you hate it ?
>I'm sure the first one would
>be loss of control, for
>well over 200 years it's
>always been a white male
>in the drivers seat. now
>this damned nation put a
>spook in TWICE when
>there were white males to
>vote for! what's next
>a WOMAN ! hell it
>looks like it. it's over
>grab your guns and start
>Yes you've lost control , for
>the very reason you falsely
>claim to hold dear, freedom.
>you should have kept the
>white male only vote dumbazz.
>I'm not here to say it's
>for the best, but I
>will enjoy seeing you choke
>on it nevertheless.
>Now where is the rest of
>that list? or did
>I pretty much cover it
>Stay thirsty my friends
Talk about hatred you got a lot of issues, no wonder you talk your sh#t here you couldn't get away with it in a bar.
You wouldn't go into a black area of town and say what you say about Obama would you? welcome to reality. and yes I pretty much say what I want to in my local bars because I can.

So where is that list hot shot? be specific let's find out why you teabaggers are unhappy. questions seem to be the only way I've found to shut people like you up.

Stay thirsty my friends
Maybe, but I still don't have you list of reasons to be so discontent.

I could change lots of things, but for the most part this nation is pretty damn good. if you can't tell me why it sucks so bad you're pizzed all the time I have to assume you're just a malcontent whiner. do tell , and be specific. I know how you hate that because you always come off as an idiot. that would make a thinking person think in itself.

Stay thirsty my friends
Dude you asked about a list of things of why this country has gone to hell and we hate the way it is going. I will give you a short list of what I do not like and fear for our future.

I can not recall his name, but he is well respected in his field of economy. He predicted the recession in 2007 and was laughted at by wall street. He predicted the housing market bust and was laughted at. He now is predicting that we will see another major recession that will be far worse then the two before. His prediction is that it will take place before Obama leaves office in 2016.

Our goverment is spending more and more and just printing money to cover the spending, but that will end soon and the creditors will not be forgiving on the credit debt and major changes are in store for this country.

Now here is where one major change will take place and our lazy welfare members will be very upset. The Cato Institute did a study on welfare payments for the year 2013 and this is what they found out is going on in this country.

Welfare benefits in 33 states and the district of Columbia pay more then minimum wage jobs, and we wonder why people lost the incentive to find jobs or work.

In 13 states welfare benefits pay more then 15 dollars a hour jobs and welfare benefits have been increasing faster then the minimum wage salary.

Here is a list of some states and what they pay out for welfare benefits for the year.

Hawaii-$60,590 Dist. of Columbia-$50,820
Massachusetts-$50,540 Connecticut-$44,370 N.York-$43,700
New Jersey-$43,450 Rhode Island-$43,330 Vermont-$42,350
New Hampshire-$39,750 Maryland-$38,160 CA.-$37,160
Oregon-$34,300 Wyoming-$32,620 Nevada-$29,820
Minnesota-$29,350 Delaware-$29,220 Washington-$28,840
N.Dakota-$28,830 Penn.-$28,670 N.Mexico-$27,900
Montana-$26,930 S.Dakota-$26,610 Kansas-$26,490
Michigan-$26,430 Alaska-$26,400 Ohio-$26,200
N.Carolina-$25,760 W.Virginia-$24,900 Alabama-$23,310
Indiana-$22,900 Missouri-$22,800 Oklahoma-$22,480
Louisiana-$22,250 S.Carolina-$21,910

A point of reference is that the average Middle Class annual
income today is $ 50,000. Three states listed above are paying more in welfare then the average working middle class person gets in yearly income. Is it any wonder that they stay home rather then look for a job.

Piper b!tches about goverment workers making too much, but they are working at a job and listed above is the amount we are paying millions of citizens to stay home and sit on their fat butts. When the market crashes, they are in for a rude surprise when the gravey train gets cut to the bare bones. They will riot in the major cities and Dude should we use snipers to shoot those rioters in the head and not have to pay them anymore!!!!!!
Take a guess which states listed above is blue states and which is Red states. I will give you a hint. Most of the higher welfare benefit states are very Blue in color.

>Maybe, but I still don't have
>you list of reasons to
>be so discontent.
>I could change lots of things,
>but for the most part
>this nation is pretty damn
>good. if you can't
>tell me why it sucks
>so bad you're pizzed all
>the time I have to
>assume you're just a malcontent
>whiner. do tell ,
>and be specific. I know
>how you hate that because
>you always come off as
>an idiot. that would
>make a thinking person think
>in itself.
>Stay thirsty my friends
You must be talking about your self, I never said any of that BS! Get your facts straight.
264 , while RELH may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer you can learn from him.

Okay, not excatly what I was looking for I was talking more about rights but we can go here.

Yes the government is overspending, has been for many years. we can argue about how much of that is spending and how much is from not collecting enough taxes but there is no one correct answer to that .

Yes welfare and unemployment are way to common and easy to use. neither party is willing to correct it so consider that part of society you don't like and can't change. nothing is perfect.

Another economic crash? no doubt there will be, when? won't be the first or the last.

So you've listed some obvious and valid reasons for concern. what about them? some are just conditional issues nobody can avoid and some are self inflicted by our leaders. our leaders, who elected them? was it not the majority in a free elections? so you tell me, is it our government who's broken or are we as a society not good at doing what's best for the nation?

So why do teabaggers hate the government if it's of the people and by the people? and why do mouthbreathers point guns at federal officials doing their job as directed by our laws our people pay them to uphold?

Stay thirsty my friends
Dude, thanks for the chuckle, that was one of the best comebacks I have seen from you in a long time.

" I pay property taxes on my land, when I had my allotment I paid in full on time. "

220...What would your reaction be if one day the government changed the terms of your grazing contract. Changed to terms which would be absolutely not agreeable to yourself. Changed to terms which were put into effect for the sole purpose of running you out of business! Run you out of business because there was money to be made by the government and influential politicians if they can get their hands on that land after they run you off of it.

If you for one minute think this whole situation is about an old rancher that just woke up one morning, 20 some odd years ago and decided...hey, I don't think I'll pay my grazing fees anymore!
It isn't that cut and dry. If you think this whole issue is that simple then you're the most ignorant basturd on this site.

What probably started as a government effort to steal water rights from western ranchers 20 years ago, more than likely has evolved into an issue of Harry Reid, his son, the Walton family with their billions, ENN..a chinese solar company, The Chinese government, and a shyt load of money to be made. The problem at hand is Clive Bundy and his cows stand in the way!

Do a little research about the federal government screwing over private citizens out west. Read a little about Hage v. United States.

The federal government can shyt on private citizens all day long and you will support the feds all day long. Why? because you sir are a liberal socialist communist sympathizer. tried and true!
Good 'ol america hater trigger, I wondered if you were down there standing behind a skirt.

You don't have to tell me about government and natural resources, it's been part of my life for 30 years. but there is fighting them and there is being stupid and irresponsible, this loser is a nobody with no ranch trying to steal from the public. I have found the NGO's to be far more trouble than the government itself, and I can't blame the government for acting in the interest of both sides of public land issues.

There are unjust cased without a doubt in the west, your hero is not one of them. why do you think he's lost every court battle and the REAL ranchers of the Nevada cattlemen's association are not supporting him? it's just a bunch of you america hating deadbeats cheering him on isn't it?

Stay thirsty my friends
You never cease to disappoint 220!
Exactly what I expected from you... we all know which side you are on.

I imagine alot of CATTLEMEN aren't supporting because they're too chickenshyt scared to stand up to your beloved government that has been so good to you!
Nice post! NMPaul

Go ahead and get the crown out 220, you're gonna need a few shots so all this will sink in!
NCM are not supporting him. I see their statements as trying to appease the ranchers, but, certainly not supporting Bundy.

Their last statement regarding good faith negotiations are wishful thinking.
This guy allowed it to get to this point, he is not rational.

This is not the battle to pick.

The EPA is out of control and is used politically instead of its original intention.

In my business I deal with some of the worst bureaucrats. EPA, Haz waste, BAR, etc.... I stay within the law as much as I hate it. There are plenty of cheaters that get away with plenty. Got to play by the same rules.
We still have a great country and the opportunity is there to be successful without cheating.

One of the things I hope comes out of this, is some exposure to how the Feds abuse the endangered species act.


Margaret Thatcher: "The trouble with Socialism is, sooner or later you run out of other people's money."

"A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own." - Unknown
Read down to the Sage Grouse part. That's next.

History: Why one county commissioner from Utah supports the Bundys

The whole mess goes back to 1993 when the BLM began to modify grazing permits that limited how much cattle a rancher could run on public lands in Clark County, namely the 600,000-acre Gold Butte area. The restriction was done in order to protect the habitat of the desert tortoise which had been declared an endangered species. Cliven Bundy refused to comply with the new restrictions and stopped paying the grazing fees. He also refused to acknowledge the federal authority of the BLM, believing any money he paid to the agency was, in a sense, going to he used to put him out of business.

Previously impounded cattle running back onto the range after being released by the BLM, Clark County, Nev., April 12, 2014 | Photo courtesy of Darin Bushman, Paiute County Commissioner, St. George News
Previously impounded cattle running back onto the range after being released by the BLM, Clark County, Nev., April 12, 2014 | Photo courtesy of Darin Bushman, Paiute County Commissioner, St. George News

As well, the Bundys hold their rights to graze cattle across the Gold Butte range were established by their ancestors that settled the land in 1877. The Bundy?s inherited those rights, and argue they should be honored.

Cliven Bundy did attempt to pay his fees to Clark County, the entity he saw as the right administrator of the Gold Butte area, said Ryan Bundy, one of Cliven Bundy?s sons. The county ultimately refused to accept his payments, and money that would have been used for fees went to improvement projects on the contested range, he said.

Now, 20 years and two court orders later, the BLM closed Gold Butte to public access and attempted to round up and impound the ?trespass cattle.?

?This is a matter of fairness and equity, and we remain disappointed that Cliven Bundy continues to not comply with the same laws that 16,000 public lands ranchers do every year,? BLM director Neil Kornze said in a statement. He also states Cliven Bundy owes the BLM over $1 million.

Cliven Bundy refused to comply while other ranchers in Clark County did, he said. Now he's the last rancher standing. The compliant ones were regulated to death by the BLM, the Bundys claim. While on the surface it looks like this was done in the name of the tortoise, the Bundys say the real heart of the issue is the federal government's thirst for ever-expanding power.

Bushman said ranchers in Paiute County may be facing a similar situation that the Bundys did in 1993. He said a large part of the county is federally-managed public land ? land which could be declared closed to grazing if the sage grouse is declared an endangered species.
I bet those were his points when he went to court. He went to Court and lost.
He could appeal it or live with the courts decision and go buy another ranch or adjust like millions of people have done over the years and continued to be successful.
It appears he has an attitude that he inherited an entitlement and is owed it.

I do not always like the system, but, I have worked within it to be successful. I certainly have not hid behind others skirts and let others step into the firing zone for my benefit.
When you're too far to the right for Glen Beck. that's your sign.

Nothing said changes anything, as Paul said it was all used in court and Bundy has lost every time. at what point do you accept loss and man up?

If it's simply a matter of who had what first, then a local tribal member should buy 1000 head and displace Bundy as the rightful grazing rights owner. his family was there long before Bundy's, since we've established that normal US law does not apply in this case. why not?

Sometimes to understand a case you have to look at the who and the why. most of the Bundy suporters are not from NV, most don't know a steer from a bull. most are fat, white , brought an AR-15 and planned to put women in the front line when their war began.

This is not about Bundy, it's a chance to shoot at the US government. Beck isn't right very often but he is here.

Stay thirsty my friends
I agree with your last statement. Most of those who showed up don't even know why. They just hate the government. Clouds the issue.
If Bundy was anything but a narcissistic loser he wouldn't have wanted bloodshed over his lost cause. let alone putting women in front to take bullets for him.

If you look at the so called range war he hosted, it sheds light on how he got here in the first place.

Stay thirsty my friends

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