Global warming a fact?


Very Active Member
Recently Al Gore told us that global warming is a fact (must be true, he did invent the internet you know).

It is an outrage for Al Gore to tell you that most true scientists now agree that global warming is a fact.

What he doesn't tell you is that almost 500 scientists from around the world signed the Heidleburg Appeal in 1992 just prior to the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, expressing their doubts and begging the delegates not to bind the world to any dire treaties based on global warming. Today that figure has grown to over 4000.

He also doesn't tell you that recently a Gallup Poll of eminent North American climatologists showed that 83 percent of them debunked the global warming theory.

And the deceit knows no bounds. The United Nations released a report at the end of 1996 saying Global Warming was a fact, yet before releasing the report two key paragraphs were deleted from the final draft.

Those two paragraphs, written by the scientists who did the actual scientific analysis said:

1. "none of the studies cited above has shown clear evidence that we can attribute the observed climate changes to increases in greenhouse gases."

2. "no study to date has positively attributed all or part of the climate change to causes."

Global warming is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the people of the world - bar none.

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
Anyone not believing in Global Warming is a fool IMO. You mention scientists that met and signed an agreement 14 years ago... *FOURTEEN*. There has been a tremendous amount of information gathered since then, enough to indeed, make it a "factual sure thing".

What is up for debate however, is the cause. Is it SUVs? Greenhouse gas? Solar? Natural earth cycles? Martians? We really dont know.

Anyone who believes in global warming caused by man is an idiot IMO.

If you have the facts the rest of the world would love to see them. Should be easy for you to post them here with references.

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
AspenAdventures: If you read the post you will see that DallanC is substantially in agreement with you that the cause is unknown.

I agree. It appears that global warming may be taking place, but the cause of this warming is not clearly identified.

Another question is whether this global warming is even something to be concerned about. The "global warming" perception is taken over some interval of time. That is, warmer relative to what? It is well established that the interval of time 1215 through about 1780 was substantially colder than normal, leading to this period being called "the little ice age." So when we talk about being warmer, is it warmer relative to the "little ice age?" Sure, I would expect this to be the case. When we cite the diminishment of glaciers in the Alps and polar icepacks, is this just the accumulation of the "little ice age" ice accumulation working itself out? Maybe. Is it warmer now than it was during the medieval warming period, from 1000 AD to 1200 AD?

Basically we know precious little about climate mechanisms and what causes major weather transients such as the 500 years long "little ice age." We didn't know of the major weather pattern called "el nino" until, what, the 1980s? We are babies in understanding climate mechanisms. Our long term temperature data are highly questionable. And yet on the basis of this pretty thin data and limited knowledge of climate mechanisms we are supposed to roll back our CO2 emissions to 1990 levels? In a pigs eye, say I. Preposterous.
>If you have the facts the
>rest of the world would
>love to see them.
>Should be easy for you
>to post them here with

Are you serious? Type "global warming facts" into google and you get 3,200,000 hits. Do your own research on this subject, people have temperature readings for the world for a very long time now and its apparent it is increasing.

In alaska they have a contest people can bet on when the ice on the river will break up... it does back almost 100 years with dates/winners clearly recorded. Its proven that the ice is breaking up earlier and earlier every year.

Look I'm not some democratic yahoo screaming "the sky is falling!"... but the fact that the earth is warming has very much been proven... repeately, through many different studies.

Again, what is up for debate is what is the CAUSE. I believe humans do have an effect on it, but I also believe in natural earth cycles. The US was once covered in glacier's, it was once a swamp... heck most of the earth was all a single continent (pangea) at on time. Things change, its always been so. Right now we are warming, its measurable, verifiable. In the 1970's people were concerned with Global Cooling... some day in the future it will cycle back to coolign periods... but it doesnt change the fact it is indeed in a warming cycle.

It has been proven that the Earth is getting warmer, I never meant to dispute that.

What I disagree with most on is the same as you, the cause.

I type in "global warming lies" and I get 2,090,000 hits on Google. That doesn't mean anything. I am interested in real facts from reputable sources that prove that humans are causing global warming.

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
I just wish these "experts" would make an honest assesment to this issue.
While sitting in the Doctors office last week, I was reading an article on global warming that went on to site all these climate models that say this is the warmest the earth as a whole has ever been.
Then I turned the page, and started reading a different article on how that 83% of the earth was at one time a tropical rain forest. Couple of pages further was a third article about Neanderthals living in the last ice age when glacier ice covered most of North Amarica. All of these articles taken on their own were well written and inforitive. Read one after another, vastly contradictory.

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I hunt.

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