Global Warming Debate Over?


Your pie chart isn't accurate. I don't know if global warming is or is not happening the question is, do we spend trillions ruining our economy further in order to not change the outcome due to the rise of China and India?

The U.S. has already cut back dramatically in CO2 emissions only to see the total global carbon production soar.


Every ton of carbon we reduce is replaced by two from China and India.

The chart is accurate you just don't like what it says. 97% of 2500 scientists say human caused global warming is real.

I have to assume since they're scientists they've taken all the information you can gather into consideration before forming their opinion.

I agree with you on China and india, but that has no effect on the fact global warming is real. it only effects how we deal with it.

The odds of 97% of the worlds 2500 foremost experts on any subject being flat wrong after this much research are so astronomical it's silly.

At some point you have to say okay, I can't deny this anymore now what can we do and what are we willing to do. that's where the world is getting to as we speak.

Stay thirsty my friends
U know what happens when u assume? And 97% of scientists are frequently wrong....I give u the chicken egg! Nuff said?
Where were 97% of the top 2500 scientists wrong before? do tell.

If 97 cancer specialists looked at you and said you needed cancer treatment would you go with the 3 who didn't? or the 97 who did? now X those odds by 25. well?

Stay thirsty my friends
I don't care if it is real or not what matters is whether we will wreck our economy dealing with it when the rest of the world ramps up to produce more and more carbon.

If we're just looking at everything from a dollars and cents point of view lets start dumping our toxic waste in the rivers again it's cheaper.

I don't have kids I should be the one who doesn't care. and I really don't that much. still right is right and wrong is wrong.

Stay thirsty my friends
We can always tell China and India to get with the program or we will ban any imports from their countries to the U.S. and try to get Europe to go along with the ban. If you can not sell it, you will not use carbon to build it.

BUT! we all know that will go over like a lead balloon in China and India and also here with our "buy cheap" people.

I'm pretty sure "peer reviewed" means they were all taught by the same Communist professors. What other conclusion could they come to?


Nobody goes there anymore. It's too crowded.
Well, the teperature did rise less than 1/2 of 1% in the last 40 years but it did the same thing at the turn of the century. Here is a bit from the London Telegraph:

"No one has ever doubted that climate changes.
Pretty much everyone ? probably more than 97 per cent, even ? agrees that there is a degree of anthropogenic input, even it's just the barely measurable contribution of beef cattle farts or the heat produced by cities.
But the dangerous bit? No one has come even close to demonstrating it, there is no reliable evidence for it, and very few scientists ? certainly far, far fewer than 97 per cent of them ? would ever stake their reputations on such a tendentious claim.
The background to all this ? and the "97 per cent of climate scientists say?." meme ? is expertly covered in a new paper for the Global Warming Policy Foundation by Andrew Montford.
In a sane world it wouldn't have needed writing. An obscure green political activist called John Cook and a few of his eco-cronies produced a pseudo-scientific paper so riddled with flaws that it ought to have been tossed straight in the bin. Instead, it was bigged up by a compliant mainstream media, a desperate and propaganda-hungry green industry, and by the US President as a vitally significant meta-analysis offering indisputable proof of the scientific "consensus" on "climate change."
Montford concludes:
The consensus as described by the survey is virtually meaningless and tells us nothing about the current state of scientific opinion beyond the trivial observation that carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas and that human activities have warmed the planet to some unspecified extent. The survey methodology therefore fails to address the key points that are in dispute in the global warming debate."
So 440?

Several Years ago we sent bio-Toxic BS that couldn't be incinerated here to Mexico to be burned!

The minute it crosses the Border them Mexicans Ain't afraid to Burn it!

The Wind Blows all the BS/Hazardous Crap right back across the Border in to the U.S.!

SPLAIN what a GAWD-DAMNED Joke that is 440?

Don't need none of your round the House BS Neither!


[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
Sure they do glen they do it with their flawed models all the time! This is how they convince low information voters like meathead the sky is falling and republicans want dirty air dirty water grandma thrown from the cliff, a war on women etc etc etc. And the dems are the only cure! Didn't he say the seas would subside and all would b right in the world when he elected him....look around!
Do you know how stupid you sound? 97% of the worlds climatologists say it's real , well big deal what makes them the experts right?

We have people like you who don't know their butts from a hole in the ground and some corperate funded politicians telling us they like the odds of 3% of them being right. brilliant.

What we do about it is secondary, accepting science and admitting we have a problem has to come first. denial based on fear never ends well.

Stay thirsty my friends
We have nothing to do with the climate! Cow farts? Did the buffalo not fart? There were probably more of them at 1 time than there are cows 2day! How do u explain the last ice age? I think that was b4 the industrial revolution if my history is correct! How do u explain the fact there is more ice currently on both poles than there has been in 20yrs? We have little effect on climate and there's nothing we can do to change it! If u believe we can change the climate I'd suggest u don't step off that horse cause yer along way from the ground!
please view the video at your leisure....

We must make this an insecure and inhospitable place for capitalists and their projects . . . We must reclaim the roads and plowed land, halt dam construction, tear down existing dams, free shackled rivers and return to wilderness millions of tens of millions of acres of presently settled land." David Foreman, Earth First! This is currently in motion here in Oregon disassembling of dams have begun and the BLM fiasco

We?ve got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing -- in terms of economic policy and environmental policy." Timothy Wirth, former U.S. Senator (D-Colorado)

"A global climate treaty must be implemented even if there is no scientific evidence to back the greenhouse effect." Richard Benedict, State Dept. employee working on assignment from the Conservation Foundation

"Giving society cheap, abundant energy . . . would be the equivalent o f giving an idiot child a machine gun." Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University

"The secret to David McTaggarts (early officer in Greanpeace) success is the secret to Greenpeaces success: It doesn't matter what is true . . . . it only matters what people believe is true . . . . You are what the media define you to be. became a myth, and a myth-generating machine." Paul Watson, co-founder of Greenpeace

The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of liberalism, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened." Norman Thomas, former U.S. Socialist Presidential Candidate.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-20-14 AT 04:00PM (MST)[p]

Who are you to say we have no effect? obviously you don't know how stupid you sound so thanks answering my question.

Manny stick to your religion you seem even dumber with your X-Files conspiracy bullchit.

This quote from our greatest president could apply to this debate.

" In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing...Do what you can with what you have ,where you are.

The GOP quote today could be

"Sit with your finger up your butt and do nothing, because it might not be a problem in my lifetime . besides , trying is the first step to failure "

Stay thirsty my friends
Send your money in to fight global warming then. Pay $3400 a year more on your electric bill. You are in control of you. When you try to be in control of me we have a fight. After the November election let's see just how much we are willing to spend on your fantasy.
Ask the dinosaurs (fossil fuel) about climate change.

It is scare tactics at for the right liars at worst.

Shame on anyone who buys into this propaganda.
>Do you know how stupid you
>sound? 97% of
>the worlds climatologists say it's
>real , well big
>deal what makes them the
>experts right?
>We have people like you who
>don't know their butts from
>a hole in the ground
>and some corperate funded politicians
>telling us they like the
>odds of 3% of them
>being right. brilliant.
>What we do about it is
>secondary, accepting science and
>admitting we have a problem
>has to come first.
>denial based on fear never
>ends well.
>Stay thirsty my friends

Fear is the tactic being used to push the climate change agenda! Don't get it turned around like u always do!
Fear is what drives you people, don't assume everyone else operates off the same motivator.

I have no fear of climate change whatsoever , I farm in the high desert where my crop choices are limited by frost any day of the year. bring that warming chit on ! let california burn up and I'll be growing the high dollar crops in my new warmer climate. WTF is the downside for me ? a higher tax bracket and 4 months without snow ? boo hoo I'll deal with it.

It's a matter if being responsible. first you admit there's a problem. then you see what you can do about it. then you make the excuses why it's too expensive and if Johnny's not going to do it we're not going to do it. then you figure out how to tell your grandkids you're sorry for being a selfish ignorant dumbazz when it's too late. if it isn't already.

So is it safe to say our dipchit elected republicans and their minions know more than the 97% of climatologist they disagree with? yes or no?

Stay thirsty my friends
It's safe to say 97% of scientists are frequently wrong!!! (Didnt grasp the egg reference did ya meathead)By your own admission, look who educated these "scientists"!! And there is no problem dipchit! Thats the point!It's all flawed data derived from flawed models! Now explain the last ice age? Did the dinosaurs have large coal burning power plants to warm their caves? Come on captain dodge let's hear it!
And if yer so damn concerned about the environment, how bout speakin out about these new pesticides destroying the bee colony's and the monarch butterfly? Try growin crops without bees meathead!
My grandkids already told me it's not my fault and I can stop crying. I have a clear conscience now.


Nobody goes there anymore. It's too crowded.
Lol eel! But it's sad our public schools are brain washin em! Glad they got somebody to tell em the truth when they're old enough!
You answered my question , you're smarter than 97% of the worlds scientist. it's must be your addictions that keep you from ruling the world.


Stay thirsty my friends
Think you'll ever answer mine? Or do the answers fly in the face of this climate change hoax?
Something for the useful idiots to worry about.

On my scale of shyt to worry about this is right behind who Kim Kardashian is porking these days.
How many years have we been educating you on the real issue with carbon pollution and now you prove the point. Send the Kenyan over to China and have him tell them if they don't stop polluting he is going to draw a red line. Climate hysteria nuts like you are all marching in NY so how come you aren't there?
>How many years have we been
>educating you on the real
>issue with carbon pollution and
>now you prove the point.
>Send the Kenyan over to
>China and have him tell
>them if they don't stop
>polluting he is going to
>draw a red line. Climate
>hysteria nuts like you are
>all marching in NY so
>how come you aren't there?

So you're admitting it's real?

Just say ni##er we know you want to.

Stay thirsty my friends
I think anyone with a firing brain cell should understand that humans have an impact on the planet.

That isn't the question that you presented. You said the debate is over, well even among the scientist who say it is occuring, the debate isn't over. Their models do not match and their predictions have not been born out in the data.

The question becomes is there A. anything meaningful we can do about it? B. What does that cost and what are the benefits.

Anyone with Children or Grandchildren are worried about their future however, there are competing priorities and climate change probably ranks far behind other issues in importance to the day to day life of people now and in the future.

The debate really is just beginning.

I didn't say it was over , I implied it's getting close to over. depending on how much money the top polluters are willing to throw at it to stall maybe it is over.

What can we do about it is where the debate will turn, is it too late is a question that has to be answered as well.

Reagan put this Bob Corell on the subject when he was president and he's worked on it ever since. if he's right, and chances are he knows more than any of us here, just guessing, we're screwed anyway.

If there is a way to stop it, I don't see where cost is an issue. what is life as we know it worth? I would hate to see the debate turn to " it's too late anyway so who cares " , which will be the GOP's fallback position but it may.

Stay thirsty my friends
Correct NeMont. And I think lots of good people are working on new technologies to wean off of fossil fuels and other measures to limit our footprint on earth.

The global warming agenda is much like our "war" agenda. It's mostly designed to screw over the common people and make the elite powerful and rich, IMO.


Nobody goes there anymore. It's too crowded.
I used Corell because I figured if god appointed to the task him maybe he'd be seen as genuine in this crowd. use anyone you like, 97% of the time they're going to say the same thing.

The science has not been proven flawed, to the contrary actually. the loger we go the more obvious it becomes.

Americans now say global warming is real, 48% say it's a major threat, 30% say it's a minor threat. 78%, that's a mandate for action. yet little action , why?

The debate, if you still think there is one is being studied as well.

Stay thirsty my friends
What is the very last thing Americans are concerned about having to do with the environment? Here is the latest Gallup poll recap on the issue. You can all march down to Times Square and leave your trail of filth and trash but there will never be a carbon tax voted in as a federal program. Here ya go:

Gallup has tracked worry about global warming using this question format since 1989. The percentage of Americans expressing a great deal of worry has varied over that period, partly reflecting major global warming news events along the way. The highest levels of worry occurred in April 2000 (40%) and March 2007 (41%). On the other hand, worry reached its lowest points in October 1997 (24%), March 2004 (26%), and March 2011 (25%). The current 34% worry is essentially the same as it was in 1989.


The science has not only proven to be flawed, it has proven to have been manipulated for political purposes.

Those are facts that can be found anywhere you want to look for them.

Again, whether we have an impact is not the question and the earth is warming, however it is not warm as fast as the predictions say it should and there is zero appetite to reduce the use of carbon based fuels around the world.

I have no issue with whether science is studied or not, that isn't what the data they are using shows and it makes it very difficult to support multi-trillion programs that will be added on to my children's and grandchildren's back on science that is used politically.

The only meaningful reduction in the carbon output of the world was the near depression of 2008, it did more than any government policy to reduce carbon emissions.

Like it or not but your portfolio is dependent upon carbon being produced. It touches every part of your life on an almost minute by minute basis, whether it is the clothes you wear, food you eat, computer/cellphone/tablet you use, car you drive, seat you sit on, etc etc are all available to you in their current form due to carbon being burned around the world.

There is no policy maker anywhere in the world that will impose policies that destroy wealth across the world and there is currently no way to quit carbon in a way that makes a difference to the future.

So tell me what scientist have said will stop or reduce global warming in a way that guarantees the future well being of the planet?

Stop and understand that is is almost 2015, in order to get to a reduction of 90% by 2050 as the below link states, what will agriculture have to do? Basically stop EVERYTHING it does today and do it in 35 years, what about the American auto industry we just spent billions propping up, reduce auto emissions by 90% in 35 years? That is only in the U.S., China would have to reduce it's total output by 90% as well in order to reach the low carbon threshold and then to get to zero carbon we have to invest how many trillions into technology to get the CO2 out of the atmosphere? Where do you propose to get that wherewithal to do that and still fund all the other priorities we have?

So sit back and count your money because CO2 isn't going away any time soon.

>From a scientific standpoint it seems
>thge debate is over. all
>that's left it the political
>dog and pony show.
>Now we see how long we
>can keep from doing anything
>about it.
>Stay thirsty my friends

Dude you are such a pot stirrer it unbelievable. The science and debate are not over good grief man.

"I'll admit it, that's hella funny! Good to see you around 202, I wish you would return on a regular basis there's a lot of bruised low lying fruit on here lately. You should be on here on a regular basis especially since it was your political carpet bombing at the campfire that inspired this forum!"
Thank you Forthewall
CO2 compromises .04% of our atmosphere. Humans are responsible for 3% of that .04%. The US is responsible for 25% of that 3% of the .04% of the atmosphere. Do u see how small u are meathead?
Climate change fanatics are on the outside, RED on the inside

"As democracy is perfected, the office of the President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be occupied by a downright fool and complete narcissistic moron."
- H.L. Mencken, the Baltimore Evening Sun, July 26, 1920
The Jews could be put down very plausibly as the most unpleasant race ever heard of. As commonly encountered, they lack many of the qualities that mark the civilized man: courage, dignity, incorruptibility, ease, confidence. They have vanity without pride, voluptuousness without taste, and learning without wisdom. Their fortitude, such as it is, is wasted upon puerile objects, and their charity is mainly a form of display. (H. L. Mencken)

Manny/Zigger You do realize the Mencken was Dude/440 of the 1920's right? I love it a right winger like you quoting a writer who loved Nietzsche of the "God is Dead" quote. who said religion is a fools science. Who believed scientific progress was the calling of mankind.

He also believed U.S. involvement in World War I was wrong and spoke and wrote against it. Zigger you sure you don't want to go with John Cougar Mellencamp song as Manny did and just leave it at that. Damm liberals on this site rallying against American values.
No personal responsibility, it is those darn Koch Brothers, not the George Soros Billionaires. The hypocrisy is too rich to even believe.

The conversation then fell into confusion.
Fields asked: 'So will you lead by example?'
Kennedy Jr interrupted: 'No no...I do lead by example.'
'Are you going to give up your cell phone?' she said.
'No,' he responded.
'Are you going to give up your car?'
Visibly aggravated, Kennedy Jr pointed his finger in the reporter's face and barked: 'Are you going to give up your car?'
She calmly responds: 'I'm not the one who's here talking about the environment'.

The multi-millionaire then declared he will not stop using a phone or a car because he does not believe that quality of life should be sacrificed for the environment.
Some of you worry too much about the people involved and some of the science and not enough about the obvious proof. if Galileo were alive he's get a kick out of this, deja vu all over again.

You might as well accept that humanity as a whole is moving on without you . now your concerns over the effects of carbon reduction and how the rest of the world will cooperate are well founded.

Stay thirsty my friends


>The science has not only proven
>to be flawed, it has
>proven to have been manipulated
>for political purposes.
>Those are facts that can be
>found anywhere you want to
>look for them.
>Again, whether we have an impact
>is not the question and
>the earth is warming, however
>it is not warm as
>fast as the predictions say
>it should and there is
>zero appetite to reduce the
>use of carbon based fuels
>around the world.
>I have no issue with whether
>science is studied or not,
>that isn't what the data
>they are using shows and
>it makes it very difficult
>to support multi-trillion programs that
>will be added on to
>my children's and grandchildren's back
>on science that is used
>The only meaningful reduction in the
>carbon output of the world
>was the near depression of
>2008, it did more than
>any government policy to reduce
>carbon emissions.
>Like it or not but your
>portfolio is dependent upon carbon
>being produced. It touches
>every part of your life
>on an almost minute by
>minute basis, whether it is
>the clothes you wear, food
>you eat, computer/cellphone/tablet you use,
>car you drive, seat you
>sit on, etc etc are
>all available to you in
>their current form due to
>carbon being burned around the
>There is no policy maker anywhere
>in the world that will
>impose policies that destroy wealth
>across the world and there
>is currently no way to
>quit carbon in a way
>that makes a difference to
>the future.
>So tell me what scientist
>have said will stop or
>reduce global warming in a
>way that guarantees the future
>well being of the planet?
>Stop and understand that is is
>almost 2015, in order to
>get to a reduction of
>90% by 2050 as the
>below link states, what will
>agriculture have to do?
> Basically stop EVERYTHING it
>does today and do it
>in 35 years, what about
>the American auto industry
>we just spent billions propping
>up, reduce auto emissions by
>90% in 35 years?
>That is only in the
>U.S., China would have to
>reduce it's total output by
>90% as well in order
>to reach the low carbon
>threshold and then to get
>to zero carbon we have
>to invest how many trillions
>into technology to get the
>CO2 out of the atmosphere?
> Where do you
>propose to get that wherewithal
>to do that and still
>fund all the other priorities
>we have?
>So sit back and count your
>money because CO2 isn't going
>away any time soon.

This post sums it up.

The shrill voices from the other side, do not have a grasp of what it takes to change our carbon output.

Frankly, it there is climate change, we need to consider adjusting to the climate change, while at the same time finding cleaner, efficient and better ways to do things.

There is a group of people out there that just want to use the attack politics for political gain.
NeMont, you left out the best quote from your last link:

Pointing in her face, he (Robert F. Kennedy) says: 'One of the biggest canards that the press if falling for is blaming individuals for their own choices. That's not the issue, the issue is what's happening on Capitol Hill and that's the thing you guys aren't paying attention to.

'You're letting these people you're letting the Koch brothers run our country, subvert our democracy, corrupt our politicians, capture the -'

Fields tries to ask a question but Kennedy Jr grabs the mic aggressively and continues: '...capture the agencies that are protecting us from pollution, and destroying local democracy on every level.

'And that's what you ought to be paying attention to rather than asking trivial and inane questions about what kind of car somebody drives or whether or not they use cell phones.'


There you have it folks. The true goal of the Democrats and global warming.

Nobody goes there anymore. It's too crowded.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-22-14 AT 04:41PM (MST)[p]How is humanity moving on? The world just set an all time high for the amount of CO2 released in the previous 12 months. Have you seen the oil and gas booms going on around the world with increased fracking and production?

Tell me how the world reduces it's output of carbon and not infringe on the daily lives of people like the idiot Kennedy who won't change his personal behavior but thinks the Koch Bros. are the problem?

The rest of the world is trying to live like Americans when it comes to consumption. Perhaps not Europe but they already consume a lot, but Asian (especially China) and Indian's from the their middle class aspire to drive vehicles and eat meat like Americans.

It doesn't make any difference if you deny the science or deny the reality that we will continue to pump CO2 into the atmosphere because Carbon base fuels are still cheaper than any other source, the outcome is exactly the same.

Unless you are wanting another near global depression to tamp down CO2 emissions like what happened in 2008 and 2009.

Reducing emissions faster will require people to drive less, or expect less from their vehicles. ?It's very difficult because you have to change people?s behavior,? Heywood says. The same probably goes for reducing emissions throughout the economy.

But the question isn't really whether we'll limit emissions to a trillion tons. It seems inevitable that humankind will blow past that goal. The bigger question is how much more carbon will be emitted, given that several trillion tons remain in the ground, waiting to be extracted and burned

There isn't a policy maker alive who will craft a policy to produce enough pain in the wallets of people to get them to reduce what they consume, especially if that is bad for the economy. The most liberal fire breathing environmentalist like Kennedy is as big of denier as climate change deniers when he says reducing carbon emission doesn't mean giving up something.

So in the end it doesn't matter if one deny's the science or deny's the facts as they exist on CO2 emissions both things end up with the same outcomes.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-22-14 AT 06:05PM (MST)[p]

I said humanity is moving on without the denialist, and it is. wouldn't it be sweet if we could do the same with evolution. I fear superstition will prevent that for some time, if it doesn't kill us first.

I did not say admitting it's real will lead to meaningful changes. in fact I'd bet against that. the only difference between you people and myself is I accept the science and the obvious signs of warming . that doeasn't mean I'm going to push for action, I'd vote against it probably.

You can be selfish without being ignorant.

Stay thirsty my friends
> The Jews
>could be put down very
>plausibly as the most unpleasant
>race ever heard of. As
>commonly encountered, they lack many
>of the qualities that mark
>the civilized man: courage, dignity,
>incorruptibility, ease, confidence. They have
>vanity without pride, voluptuousness without
>taste, and learning without wisdom.
>Their fortitude, such as it
>is, is wasted upon puerile
>objects, and their charity is
>mainly a form of display.
>(H. L. Mencken)
>Manny/Zigger You do realize the Mencken
>was Dude/440 of the 1920's
>right? I love it
>a right winger like you
>quoting a writer who loved
>Nietzsche of the "God is
>Dead" quote. who said
>religion is a fools science.
> Who believed scientific progress
>was the calling of mankind.
>He also believed U.S. involvement in
>World War I was wrong
>and spoke and wrote against
>it. Zigger you sure
>you don't want to go
>with John Cougar Mellencamp song
>as Manny did and just
>leave it at that.
>Damm liberals on this site
>rallying against American values.

yes, I know who he is corny.....and in this particular quote he was right....and he was referring to your type...

"As democracy is perfected, the office of the President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be occupied by a downright fool and complete narcissistic moron."
- H.L. Mencken, the Baltimore Evening Sun, July 26, 1920
LAST EDITED ON Sep-22-14 AT 08:45PM (MST)[p]>You can be selfish without being

There is no difference between being ignorant and knowing the right thing and not acting on.

I don't know how you figure that Nemont. If we all did what we knew was right this world would be a much better place. but we don't do we.

I'm not going to be the one calling for what needs to be done. but I won't fight it if that's what comes to pass. That's the best I can do .

Stay thirsty my friends
>Figured you did Zig I have
>a feeling your a lot
>smarter than most suspect.
>I know it's you're as in
>you are.


"As democracy is perfected, the office of the President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be occupied by a downright fool and complete narcissistic moron."
- H.L. Mencken, the Baltimore Evening Sun, July 26, 1920
LAST EDITED ON Sep-22-14 AT 09:13PM (MST)[p]

red on the inside
Kind of like teabaggers aren't they. well, except for they're not all fat and white.

But other than that.

Stay thirsty my friends
Just to respond to the title of this thread.

Nope it will never be over as long as we got 440 poking us with a stick. :)
>I don't know how you figure
>that Nemont. If we
>all did what we knew
>was right this world would
>be a much better place.
> but we don't do
>I'm not going to be the
>one calling for what
>needs to be done.
>but I won't fight it
>if that's what comes to
>pass. That's the best
>I can do .

?Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right.?
― Theodore Roosevelt
Dude I did not even bother to click on to the link you posted since it seems to be something from Jon Stewart. Listening to that wacko is even worse then a right winger listening to Beck.
If he is your expert source for facts, you are beyond help and far more of a idiot then we thought possible.

I don't believe the world has to survive for millions of years.

The population in many countries birth rate isn't even high enough to replace the population. More and more traditional families are a minority, causing crime,social problems,etc. In the US it is 4 times more common to shack up, kids are more of a bother to many. The only people who are demanding to get married are same sex couples.

Federal deficit and spending, terrorism and tyrants,social problems, Disease and poverty.

We all should be concerned about our children and grandkids future, but I think we can make a difference and be good stewards in more important areas, than worry about global warming, if we can do much about it. just my opinion.
Wrong again idiot, I get it. You and Stewart are too of a kind. Lying pieces of crap to push your agenda and the common sense of a mushroom.

>AT 06:05?PM (MST)

>I said humanity is moving on
>without the denialist, and it
>is. wouldn't it be sweet
>if we could do the
>same with evolution. I
>fear superstition will prevent that
>for some time, if
>it doesn't kill us first.
>I did not say admitting it's
>real will lead to meaningful
>changes. in fact I'd bet
>against that. the only
>difference between you people and
>myself is I accept the
>science and the obvious signs
>of warming . that doeasn't
>mean I'm going to push
>for action, I'd vote against
>it probably.
>You can be selfish without being
>Stay thirsty my friends

LMAO I was right, you could care less about global warming, its more about stirring the pot and being a troll fpr you. You enjoy arguing with a seeing folks get riled up over your comments. Change your handle to Trollingsixpack, it fits you better :)

"I'll admit it, that's hella funny! Good to see you around 202, I wish you would return on a regular basis there's a lot of bruised low lying fruit on here lately. You should be on here on a regular basis especially since it was your political carpet bombing at the campfire that inspired this forum!"
Thank you Forthewall
LAST EDITED ON Sep-24-14 AT 08:21AM (MST)[p]Stewart is wrong? when ice melts it doesn't raise the water level ? he's a jew you anti-semite pig , he is a chosen one and therefore cannot be wrong about anything. haven't you learned anything from listening to yourself?

No wonder you love your conservatard leaders so much you're just as ignorant. better stick to your FAUX news you know they won't upset you with facts and chit like that.

Stay thirsty my friends
So Dude, how about showing us how many inches the oceans have risen since say 2006 when fat boy Gore was saying California beaches would be under water in 5 years. Thanks.
The only thing that is under water is Dude's brain. OOPS! My mistake, his brain is pickled in alcohol and has faith in left wing liberal jews.

You should have sold more of those drugs you stole from the evidence locker RELH . it's sad to see what they've done to someone who started only a little below average.

Glen like most wingnuts you think everything is instant. speeding up from 1,000,000 to 100,000 years is a drastic change , yet you want to see the difference each time you go to the beach for a teabagger rally. it doesn't work that way.

Stay thirsty my friends
Relh this is where the low information voters get their news! It's no mystery how he got elected twice!
You notice that Dude only likes left wing liberals, and hates any Jew, White, Mexican, Japanese that have a backbone and willing to fight and not crawl. Tells me a lot about Dude's moral makeup or lack of decent morals.

Dude since you mentioned " below average intelligence". I hate to bust your yellow balls, but I am well above average I.Q.
Guess that still leaves you the dumb one here.

If you're above average this nation is screwed. I love it when the grand wizard calls out racists. you can't find this chit just anywhere. I love it.

As flattered as I always am by you slow minded fags obsession with me I really wish we could stay on topic once in a while.

So big coal being Buchon's top donors doesn't mean anything ? now change the subject or resort to personal attacks.

Stay thirsty my friends
What's the matter Dude. Sounds like you do not like it when someone pulls your own crap on you. You have insulted more people on here with personal attacks then any other person on this site.

The only reason I even bother to answer your mouth drooling B.S. is to prick your hide as you are such a two faced idiot. Have a nice day, and don't forget to fasten your seat belt. You may be in for one hades of a ride.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-24-14 AT 08:58PM (MST)[p]I know you're getting old and it's hard for you to stay focused. maybe you should leave politics to the kids and keep an eye on those bingo cards. I hear the grand prize is a new tricked out california cholo rascal. you'd look pretty cool riding around on that sweet ride wouldn't you? off you go.

Anything to say about Bucshon and who's pulling his strings?

Stay thirsty my friends
That would be far better then that VW psychedelic painted van that you would feel at home driving.

...more watermelons at work....

"As democracy is perfected, the office of the President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be occupied by a downright fool and complete narcissistic moron."
- H.L. Mencken, the Baltimore Evening Sun, July 26, 1920
RELH never lets us forget that old does not necessarily mean wise.

Stay thirsty my friends
....and 440 never fails to remind us that articulate, witty, and rich does not equal smart.

"As democracy is perfected, the office of the President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be occupied by a downright fool and complete narcissistic moron."
- H.L. Mencken, the Baltimore Evening Sun, July 26, 1920
First liar doesn't have a chance. you tell me yours first.

Just to save you some embarrassment, the scale goes above 100 . you though 80 kicked butt didn't you?

Stay thirsty my friends
Yes the scale does go above 100. In fact 110 is considered average and mine is well above that score of 110. I would put you around 110-115 on a good day. On a bad day while soused with alcohol you might bottom out at around 80.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-29-14 AT 08:18AM (MST)[p]I have no idea since I've never taken the test. my intellect hasn't been in doubt like yours has as you can imagine.

I'm glad you were able to prove them wrong that had to be special for you.

Stay thirsty my friends
Dude it took you over 30 hours to formulate your comeback reply. I would say that your intellect is in serious doubt and you do not have all your marbles.

It took me about 30 seconds. I'm not a retired cop, I have other things going on so I can't stay glued to the screen.

Stay thirsty my friends
You are not that good of a liar also. I am in the shop more hours then I am at this computer. I just check in when I come into the house to get a cup of coffee to see if you have left any words of wisdom. So far you have not. Have a nice day!

If you could recognize wisdom you would have aquired some years ago.

I toss you the ball, it goes over your head. sometimes it's hard but I never get mad at you for being slow. I'm too good for that.

Stay thirsty my friends
"""You can't stay Glued to the Screen?"""

I've wasted a lot of Time & Bandwidth around here but I can't even compare to your Bullsshhitt!

You're the only one around here that if had nobody to Argue with,You'd Argue with yourself!

You've Sucked Obamas BS clear past the Gills!


Wake TF Up!

>It took me about 30 seconds.
> I'm not a retired
>cop, I have other things
>going on so I can't
>stay glued to the screen.
>Stay thirsty my friends

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
>"""You can't stay Glued to the
>I've wasted a lot of Time
>& Bandwidth around here but
>I can't even compare to
>your Bullsshhitt!
>You're the only one around here
>that if had nobody to
>Argue with,You'd Argue with yourself!
>You've Sucked Obamas BS clear past
>the Gills!
>Wake TF Up!
>>It took me about 30 seconds.
>> I'm not a retired
>>cop, I have other things
>>going on so I can't
>>stay glued to the screen.
>>Stay thirsty my friends
>[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red
>Hot Barrel & My Dead
>Cold Hands I Shall go
>down Fighting for American Pride
>& Rights!
>I Know I'm Out Numbered by
>Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll
>Throw Their Hands in the
>air & I know I
>can't Lick the U.S. Military
>by Myself when they Turn
>on us but I'll make
>you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a
>Situation where I Hope to
>Hell All Americans become True
>Americans once again & Stand
>up for their Rights!

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