Good grief


Very Active Member
Is there a position or a side this guy hasn't taken in the last 4 months... I think not. He's literally reversed every decision or thought he's ever expressed on the virus. He's a politician not a doctor.

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His ONLY job was to watch for possible pandemics. He missed this one for 3 months.

Started on China mid November and this clown is telling folks to go to the Super Bowl.

He is super in love with his fame.
NeMont. Today Fauci said what?

  • Stay-at-home orders intended to curb the spread of the coronavirus could end up causing “irreparable damage” if imposed for too long, White House health advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci said.
  • “I don’t want people to think that any of us feel that staying locked down for a prolonged period of time is the way to go,” he told CNBC.
And just today, NM was lectured by MLG that all her decisions were based on science and commandments from experts and not based on whether or not someone should be able to earn a dollar.

Now, one of those "experts" is saying that being shutdown for too long (already there) is a bad thing.
Fauci has realized that 99.5% of the folks that get the virus are capable of being healed for some time now.. Since we now know the death rate is so small as attributed to our health care professionals the only thing we have to master is keeping the groups subject to more complications safer and isolated using the self distancing guidelines and better testing which we now have.

He's a professional and realized he could be the fall guy if the financial system collapses and that was never his responsibility but yet the politicians will cast the blame any direction they can when they realize "their mandated" lock down was responsible for the damn mess (knowing using fear, and misinformation and their biased media to implement it).

Yes it was a lethal virus and we had to take steps to prevent it's spread in some areas but they went overboard and Trump wasn't going to make the mistake of not protecting the people until we had a better understanding of what we were dealing with. Hence his pivot towards drugs to treat it and starting to hint about the economy needing to reopen, weeks ago.

The dem machine keeps reporting the dialogue contrary to what Trump says and here we are in one hot damn mess because politics was more important than the collateral damage millions of families now face as a result of the idiots and press that wanted it kept shut down to damage him.
Much of the damage is already irreparable and unnecessary. Hundreds of thousands of businesses, & countless lives are permanently destroyed... gone in the blink of an eye. The virus didn't cause the damage, it was the reaction to the virus. We've been through far worse pandemics before and not once in the history of the world was the prescription to suicide the economy. Why?... because it's insane.

Like many have said, the cure will be worse than the virus, and the mini dictators and tyrants have revealed themselves to those that have even one squinting eye open. Prolonging the devastation and making it far worse is the Dem machine & their incestuous media alliance that Boskee speaks of. If you have one eye open it's in plain view. Big business, silicon valley & corporate America gets bigger and exponentially more powerful and the middle class takes it in the shorts.
Even more disturbing than these demonrat governors destroying people's financial lives are the sheeple that actually think these demonrat governors are doing the right thing by extending these shutdowns long-term.

Especially when they mouth off and say no full reopening until a vaccine is available.

SCOTUS will be weighing in before long, and when they do and rule extended lockdowns with the taking away of inherent rights is unconstitutional, these governors will realize they are not the ultimate authority.
The Democrat party knows the pandemic may be their last chance to defeat Trump in Nov. and they plan to play it out to the end if it will put them back in power.
They do not care if their stance on the shutdown will ruin the economy as long as it will oust Trump from the White house and allow them to have the majority in both houses of Congress.
We better hope they will loose the fight and take a back seat where they belong. Nov. will tell us if the American people have wised up to the Democrats and their plan.
Lockdown causing increase in suicide, mental health issues: In a four month period they have surpassed the annual numbers!

Suicides on the rise amid stay-at-home order, Bay Area medical professionals say

By Amy Hollyfield
Thursday, May 21, 2020 6:26PM
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Doctors at John Muir Medical Center in Walnut Creek say they have seen more deaths by suicide during this quarantine period than deaths from the COVID-19 virus.

WALNUT CREEK, Calif. (KGO) -- Doctors at John Muir Medical Center in Walnut Creek say they have seen more deaths by suicide during this quarantine period than deaths from the COVID-19 virus.

The Democrat party knows the pandemic may be their last chance to defeat Trump in Nov. and they plan to play it out to the end if it will put them back in power.
They do not care if their stance on the shutdown will ruin the economy as long as it will oust Trump from the White house and allow them to have the majority in both houses of Congress.
We better hope they will loose the fight and take a back seat where they belong. Nov. will tell us if the American people have wised up to the Democrats and their plan.

With the economic destruction they have created, with all the other ill effects they have caused, we can only hope "karma" plays its hand and delivers a cosmic style just desserts on the demonrats that caused this this.
Remember a Democratic President (I don't agree with any of his politics) once made the statement.
There is nothing to fear but fear it's self.
It would appear that we're in the fight of our lives to keep the republic. Why any sane individual would support the dems after all this, is remarkable. Americans know right from wrong and the dems obliterated that line and crafted the most scandalous and deceptive act in our nations history, perpetuating a fraud on all of us even their own party members.........Let that sink in a bit.......How could any of us ever trust any of them with our kids, grand kids and the nations future.
The thing is, the demonrats fully expect level headed Americans to continue to honor the rule of law, so to basically fall in step with their narrative.

Less they forget, the Declaration of Independence is the precursory and arguement of reason for the Constitution. In that document it explicitly describes the removal of tyranny from government when necessary. It does not say it can only happen via the ballot box...
The talk of armed rebellion drives me crazy. One SEAL team could take out everyone on this board........

If the democrats win it will be because of right-wing hyperbole.
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The talk of armed rebellion drices me crazy. One SEAL team could take out everyone on this board........

If the democrats win it will be because of right-wing hyperbole.

True BUT which side will the 'Seal Team" be on ? They hate politicians more than anyone on this board.
Agreed, sorta. I started to write a long explanation about what their mission might look like if they were called on to defend against domestic enemies, but that can wait.

My point is that taking up arms against our government is utter foolishness.

When we won our independence, both sides had guns and cannons. There may have been minor variances in the armaments, but for the most part both sides were equally armed.

That is not the case today. Your government has means and methods of killing you that you have never even heard of. And they have some bad hombres who train every single day to do it.

You aren't going to "win back" your government with guns. And you won't win many hearts and minds by threatening armed rebellion.

Nope, the media is the key to victory. Beware the politician who controls the media.

Btw, I have two nephews who are active SEAL's. I know which side they are on.
it seems you can’t swing a dead cat without hitting someone related to a seal.......are there really that many of them?
it seems you can’t swing a dead cat without hitting someone related to a seal.......are there really that many of them?
No, there are not very many of them. And yes, what they do is REAL INTENSE. Besides, who has a better logo than a Bonefrog. ;)
Some light reading on the SEAL's. Roughly 80 platoons of 16 men, although its hard to tell for sure because lots of SEAL stuff is classified. Plus there are a number of enlistees who are in the various training programs (BUD/S, SQT, and others).

So, there are about 2500 active SEAL's, making up about 1% of the Navy forces. Less than 10% of the ACCEPTED enlistees get their Trident. I will report back on how many were in the two respective BUD/S classes. I have a picture but I would have to count a bunch of dudes and I'm lazy.

I am a proud SEAL fan boy. :)

Hey Homer, this one's for you.

You have a 1 in 3,000,000 chance of meeting a real Navy SEAL. :unsure:

That list is pretty good blue hair. I remember walking out to the obstacle course with my nephew, a I was thinking they would have a state of the art training facility and in reality it looks like a bunch of crap they drug out of the ocean and reconstructed
Agreed, sorta. I started to write a long explanation about what their mission might look like if they were called on to defend against domestic enemies, but that can wait.

My point is that taking up arms against our government is utter foolishness.

When we won our independence, both sides had guns and cannons. There may have been minor variances in the armaments, but for the most part both sides were equally armed.

That is not the case today. Your government has means and methods of killing you that you have never even heard of. And they have some bad hombres who train every single day to do it.

You aren't going to "win back" your government with guns. And you won't win many hearts and minds by threatening armed rebellion.

Nope, the media is the key to victory. Beware the politician who controls the media.

Btw, I have two nephews who are active SEAL's. I know which side they are on.

Better study up on your Revolutionary War and the Colonial Army Bluehair, quite certain you are wrong.

It's utter foolishness to think nothing could be done against and oppressive government. The Queens Rangers were the Navy Seals of the day.

Sad you think that when the master speaks, we should jump...
Hey Homer, this one's for you.

You have a 1 in 3,000,000 chance of meeting a real Navy SEAL. :unsure:

that was my point is it possible then for all these people to tell me about their "seal" relative....

I know the long history of the seals...
I think of an armed resistance more like the WWII French Resistance than an all out assault on the Marine base at Quantico, VA. I think that would fail for some reason.
Better study up on your Revolutionary War and the Colonial Army Bluehair, quite certain you are wrong.

It's utter foolishness to think nothing could be done against and oppressive government. The Queens Rangers were the Navy Seals of the day.

Sad you think that when the master speaks, we should jump...
Ok boss. Whatever you say. :rolleyes:
First. The military is NOT allowed to act in the United States. That's why it's the national guard that gets called up, they are controlled by the state's.

Next. It wouldn't start as an armed rebellion. It will start in a Statehouse. A GOVERNOR will stand up. Then to save face DC will "punish" the state. Because politics is mostly regional, likely a cluster of other governors will join. Followed by more punishment, then retaliation by the State(Damns closed shutting water to Cali, Delta power plant shut stopping electricity to Cali) Then succession.

Then it's on.
Yeah it is a tough read:

10 U.S. Code § 252.Use of militia and armed forces to enforce Federal authority
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Whenever the President considers that unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States, make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in any State by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, he may call into Federal service such of the militia of any State, and use such of the armed forces, as he considers necessary to enforce those laws or to suppress the rebellion.
(Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, 70A Stat. 15, § 332; Pub. L. 109–163, div. A, title X, § 1057(a)(2), Jan. 6, 2006, 119 Stat. 3440; renumbered § 252, Pub. L. 114–328, div. A, title XII, § 1241(a)(2), Dec. 23, 2016, 130 Stat. 2497.)
10 U.S. Code § 254.Proclamation to disperse
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Whenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia or the armed forces under this chapter, he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes within a limited time.
(Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, 70A Stat. 16, § 334; Pub. L. 109–364, div. A, title X, § 1076(a)(2), Oct. 17, 2006, 120 Stat. 2405; Pub. L. 110–181, div. A, title X, § 1068(a)(2), Jan. 28, 2008, 122 Stat. 325; renumbered § 254, Pub. L. 114–328,[/QUTOE]

I don't think that is correct

Whenever the President considers that unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States, make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in any State by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, he may call into Federal service such of the militia of any State, and use such of the armed forces, as he considers necessary to enforce those laws or to suppress the rebellion.

Edit: Same as NeMont posted
Here's the skinny for you right winged terrorist types, from the oath of enlistment "all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC".

The military has already done anonymous polls and most all soldiers have responded they will not fire on their own people.

You know who will fire on you? Law enforcement. So fall in behind Manny and get the Lavoy treatment.

Anybody that still thinks this buffoon in chief is still a good president needs to disinfect their brain.
Here's the skinny for you right winged terrorist types, from the oath of enlistment "all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC".

The military has already done anonymous polls and most all soldiers have responded they will not fire on their own people.

You know who will fire on you? Law enforcement. So fall in behind Manny and get the Lavoy treatment.

Anybody that still thinks this buffoon in chief is still a good president needs to disinfect their brain.
Now I'm starting to like our chances. I'd rather face Barney Fife and the fat donut eaters than the military. And most of LE would be on our side.
Look, whether its a LEO or a SEAL that you raise arms against, you are still dead. You lay in front of the (metaphorical) tank, and have your marketing department film it, and you appael to the patriotic sensibilities of the LEO/soldier.

And I stand by my statement that anyone who thinks they are evenly matched against our military is a fool living in a fantasy world.

And Roadrunner (my apologies if it wasn't you), when you can quit cowering in fear of your 4' 3" tall governor and toss the Lujans out of Santa Fe, then I think you will be ready to march on Warshingdon.

And finally Homer, I realize you are skeptic by nature and press some people to validate their opinions with experience. We all expect to be called a liar by you, but how could you possibly conclude from my posts that I wouldn't be a suitable comrade in arms?
The best way to defeat the ultra left wing liberal Democrat idiots is by the ballot box. Only problem is that we have many foolish idiots, even on here, that will vote for anyone if a "D" is in front of their name. As you can tell, Hunter 1 will be voting for Biden even if Biden is a liar, crook, and has lost his marbles upstairs.
Ill equipped, rag tag bunches have stood toe to toe with overpowering militarys throughout history. Sometimes we were the rag tag bunch, sometimes we were the military superpower.
Here's the skinny for you right winged terrorist types, from the oath of enlistment "all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC".

The military has already done anonymous polls and most all soldiers have responded they will not fire on their own people.

You know who will fire on you? Law enforcement. So fall in behind Manny and get the Lavoy treatment.

Anybody that still thinks this buffoon in chief is still a good president needs to disinfect their brain.
The seals are the salt of the earth and I've spent more than a few days with many of them in my career. They're the true patriots just like the other boys in special ops are and the rest of our military is, Blue hair lest not we forget many of those boys go on to other careers within branches of our government too so the numbers are bigger than just those who serve.

Centerfire in all fairness to you the left's actions have posed a much larger threat to this nation than any in our history.......It's time to face reality here.

Nemont brought up a good point about the President being able to use them for domestic purpose. Given all we've experienced with this damn mess it may come to a point they're called upon for other duty to protect the nation depending on the depth and scope of some illicit actions.

It's time to stop the divisional crap and fake impeachment drama and take their medicine and get to work fixing the nation for all the people.
Centerfire isn't a bad guy or a lost cause he's just been led down the path by a media machine that lost it's way a long time ago. There's so much misinformation out there people literally don't know what to believe and it's all being done by design. Millions still aren't aware of what the left did in Obamagate because it doesn't get reported on.

The complicit media has literally been brain washing people of all ages and indoctrinating them to what they want them to believe is factual instead of actually reporting the facts surrounding thousands of events. It's a very powerful force and the left knows exactly what they're doing with it. Highly educated people are behind the curtain misleading folks on actual events in this nation to shape a narrative on an ideology they chose to support to transform our nation, 24/7 every single day of the years for decades.

It's at the root of the problem and behind many of the issues we face as a nation. It manifests itself by overlaying their narrative on how they want the story or incident perceived. In effect if you tell the lie enough it then becomes the truth in their mind, and any other opposing information is discarded as nonfactual or a lie. It's a very effective technique used in socialist nations to keep the power within the state.
Gents...I have said this before and I will say it again.. both extreme sides R & L are dangerous! It doesn't matter what media outlet you read or listen to they are going to twist and slant the info (ie, msnbc/left, fox/right,etc....) Talk show hosts slant info as well (ie, Randi Rhodes/left, Rush L/Right,etc....). As always in life the truth typically lies somewhere in the middle. Two examples of how each side exagerates their polarized opinions (The left always claims the right is trying to take away social security... The right always claims the left is trying to take away everyone guns...). There are key words that the left and right use to fire up their bases and get people riled up... this is why the people in the US are so divided and venomous. Very dangerous.. Both sides are to blame!
centerfire homer has a valid point. It's the only time in our nations history such series of despicable acts was attempted by a major political party in this country. They knowingly violated their oaths, the constitution and our laws with their deplorable actions and deceit.
First. The military is NOT allowed to act in the United States. That's why it's the national guard that gets called up, they are controlled by the state's.
Active Duty Military MP's are being deployed from Fort Drum as we speak. They were alerted last week to be ready and got the call to be wheels up this morning.

we just might see the insurrection act used in this whole damn mess and if they do the dems better get very worried. That opens the door for military tribunals and other actions by our government.

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