GOP Future?

Not a chance, the republicans are still regretting letting Steele in the club.

Unless obama is re-elected there will not be another black president for 40 years. If Palin somehow gets elected to the pos good luck for women for more than a few years.

I like voting for candidates with money, I figure they have their's, don't need mine, and can spend what they have wisely. Still waiting for one
I have as good of chance as Palin or a black republican.

Surely the republicans can dig up someone half decent, but they better get on it the primary is not much over a year away.
I said this 18 months ago, there is only 1 guy in the Republican Party that is electable. The current crop of Republicans in office is like the Who's Who of scumbags.

The only viable candidate on the right is Jon Huntsman Jr. our current ambassador to China and former Gov. of Utah. Huntsman is considered by most of today's conservatives as a moderate. A humorous description considering most of today's conservatives are just to the right of John Birch.

If he's smart he'll lay low and wait until 2016. I like the guy, he's from my hometown, bailed out of college, partied, played in a band, then found his way back into college. A mormon, he is pro-choice yet left the governorship with an extremely high approval rating.

As for money, the guy is a billionaire....yep you guessed it he is an heir. But he is as close to an old school republican as any viable candidate can get. The Republican Party is a shambles filled with inept, mentally challenged, exclusionary and defiant partisans. Until the party regains a shred of integrity, cleans house and decides to focus on people instead of party any association with it at this time would be foolish.
Yeah, so let's all support those wonderful, pure as the driven snow, not for the party but for the people Democrats. Seriously FTW? How quickly people forget the November elections.

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

440Sixpack wants to measure your boners!
A pro choice morman party animal? now that's outside the box.

I like him already.
I am sure that GOP leaders will take the advice of 440, piper, and ftw on their best candidates. Good joke ftw.

obama will win re-election or not based on how the economy is doing in sept and oct of 2012. Nothing more, don't believe me, look at his recent cabinet shake-up. He just figured that out.
True, with the sorry lot of losers the republicans have right now you better pray for a crappy economy.

So you've given up hope the republicans could produce a candidate who could beat Obama on his own merits? the bar isn't that high. I think he's out there, but person who could win the general won't be divisive enough to win the primary. there's your real problem.
Cabinet shake up? Not to worry they will all be making millions as lobbyist in the next few years. I would like to know how in the hell they get anything accomplished when we are busy worrying about the next election a day after the current one.

Someone will emerge as a candidate just like Obama did.
FTW is exactly right on this, I have been watching Huntsman for years myself. If you take a long look its easy to see that this radical right stuff is going to burn itself out, its only a matter of time. How is that for some midwinter optimism?
The teabaggers emerged from the ruins of the economy, they represent what's left of the far right. not too impressive, if the economy recovers at all they're toast.

A moderate republican could put the hurt on Obama goo or bad economy , now the question is can the republicans shut the teabaggers up long enough to get him nominated.
FTW, I would think a Mormon would have a uphill battle to win over many non-mormon independants and moderates needed to win a primary or general election.

Many of those voters have the conviction that Mormans are right wing bible thumpers and would shy away from them. To overcome this, he would have to convince a lot of them that he is really pro-choice and does not wear his religion around his neck.

Do not get me wrong, I do not have any problems with Mormons, but I am not your average independant or moderate. One of my best reserve officers that rode with me was a Deacon in the Mormon Church and I liked the idea of his bible in the left hand and his 1911 45ACP in his right and willing to use either one if needed.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-09-11 AT 04:15PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jan-09-11 AT 04:12?PM (MST)

Best thing I can say RELH is to read up about this guy. While Governor he did a lot of good things for business and health care in Utah winning a large portion of their approval. Unlike Romney, he remains steadfast in his views and separates his beliefs from governing and political expediency.

Just to put it in perspective the Dems know that Huntsman is viable, hence the plane ticket to China. Of course, this made sense as Huntsman is no stranger to China and speaks fluent Mandarin and Tai.

You've heard me say it before, this is the only viable guy on the right. Of course, Team Huckleberry will do everything in their power to create a religious split. Like I said, Huntsman is what I consider old-school and a healthy direction for the GOP....which means they will alienate him. As for proof in the pudding on being Pro-Choice, ran for Governor on it in Utah, never wavered, and still holds that same belief today.

Case in point: Hit the link
Indiana's Gov seems to have the momentum with the insiders.

Jan. 2011 Insiders
Index Score Change from
Jan. 2010

Mitt Romney 78 -3 pts
Mitch Daniels 37 +12 pts
Tim Pawlenty 33 -13 pts
John Thune 32 -6 pts
Sarah Palin 28 +3 pts
Haley Barbour 24 -4 pts
Mike Huckabee 21 +7 pts
Newt Gingrich 16 +2 pts
Rick Perry 6 +4 pts
Jeb Bush 5 -1 pts
Also receiving an index rating: Mike Pence, 4; Chris Christie, 3; Jon Huntsman, Jim DeMint, 2; Eric Cantor, Bobby Jindal, Ron Paul, Paul Ryan, Rick Santorum, Donald Trump, 1 each; Herman Cain, Tom Coburn, David Petraeus, Marco Rubio, less than 1 each.
It's rare but RELH has a point, the " regular " christians took Romney apart because he was a morman and Huntsman is an even bigger target because he's been in Utah for more than a week.

The Manny types will go Sunni/Shiite on both of them in the primary.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-09-11 AT 06:06PM (MST)[p]Im guessing neither one of you has seen him at a press conference, he is very impressive, and he does it using commen sense. He has a great family, and as FTW pointed out, he has money. Heck, Im LDS
I have nothing against mormans, kind of dull to drink with when you grew up around Irish catholics but other than that all my experiences around them have been positive.

On my first hunt in Utah I didn't know mormans didn't drink ( most mormans ) so when I told my guide I'd buy him a drink after dinner ( I brought plenty ) he gave me a funny look, after a sort of awkward conversation we had it figured out. he told me if I killed a book class bull he'd take one shot of Crown, I didn't hold him to it and he didn't remind me. all great people to be around .

Religion doesn't play a factor at all when I'm voting, as long as the candidate doesn't make religion part of his agenda. for most of my catholic friends voting for a morman is only one step better than a muslim or an athiest, that's just the way it is and it's going to show up at the ballot box. I don't see much chance of getting through the primary for any republican who's not a standard christian.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-09-11 AT 08:40PM (MST)[p]FTW, reading up on Huntsman is not going to do any good about him becoming a front runner. I myself do not care what religion he is as long as he does not wear it on his sleeve like some of the GOP does.

He might be the greatest thing since sliced bread in UTAH, that has a large population of Mormons. What I am saying is that the voters in all those other states will have a tendency to hold his religion against him, right or wrong.

Romney saw that and I do not think it will stop there. In a way it is a crying shame if a very good candidate is pushed out the door for that reason, but it happens.

Huntsman being pro choice will appeal to some moderates and independants, but I do not thing enough of them will swing his way. We both know that the far religious right will not accept him and blast him for his religion and his stand on abortion.

I also do not think the far left will fully embrace him and that leaves only the middle ground voter for him that he may have problems convincing them to vote for him.

Like you, I want to see a better choice for President then we have had recently in several past elections. Lets put it this way, if Obama had not switched from being a Moslem to a Catholic years ago, do you think he would have been elected???

I'm a Catholic and would vote for a Mormon, 7 day adventist, atheist, or whatever religion they proclaimed if I thought they could do the job, and would keep their religion separate from their politics. I still believe in separation of church and state, and I get a little tired of the Bible Thumpers trying to jam it down my throat.
Did you guys not read Thread #14, I whole heartedly agree with you RELH and the mudslinging has already begun....hence the link.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-09-11 AT 11:11PM (MST)[p]I did not read the link you listed in #14. I have now and if he is for cap & trade and if his stand on immigration is to grant amnesty to all the illegal aliens, I would not vote for him. It may look that he is too far to the left of that middle ground for me.

Might just be another Arnold, RINO .


FTW, I did some more research on Huntsman. Looks like you picked a guy with a history of flip flopping when it helps him to win office.
About 4 years ago he supported an ammendment in Utah that banned gay partnerships and it helped him to win election in a state that is noted for being very conservative. Now since working for the Obama Admin. he wants to allow same sex unions.

As for being pro choice, he has a history of supporting anti-abortion rights while in office or running for Gov. in Utah which is very strong anti abortion, and now has flipped flopped on that stand also.

Do you like him because he is a friend to business on supporting tax cuts for business in Utah, but he never delivered fully on his promises concerning taxes when he ran for governor.

The more I look at him, the less I like and now I can see why his base support of being a front runner is so low. He is another politician that speaks out both sides of his mouth. It just depends who he is speaking to on what he will say.
It's a little hard to know where he's going to fall on the issues, and what he may have had some support for a few years ago may have changed. that's legal.

I don't see where he's an amnesty proponent, but it's going to happen anyway so who cares.

One thing is clear and that is he's a moderate, that makes him viable in the general election.
FTW, just do a search for "Jon Huntsman political issues", there is alot of infro out there when he was governor. As for the illegal immigrant issue, it did not state he was outright for amnesty, but is somewhat following the Democrat view on that issue. We can guess what that view is!

I have severe reservations about his intergrity and honesty due to his flip flopping compared to when he was running for office and now when he is not under pressure to garner votes.

It appears to me that he does not stand by his convictions as strongly as you suggested.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-10-11 AT 02:02PM (MST)[p]Or he may have studied the issues more in depth and arrived at a different conclusion. It seems like that would be called learning and not being married to an ideology.

I don't know anything about Huntsman but I am about done supporting those with convictions but no brains.

Article on Huntsman running:

Nemont, if for a fact he had a change of heart due to pondering the issue, I can buy that and accept it as I myself am not a strong supporter of taking a woman's rights away from her to decide the issue of abortion. I also feel that gays should be treated with the same privleges as all of us enjoy.

What sent a smoke sigal up is the fact he was one thing while campaigning for governor in a consertive religious state, then a few years later reverses himself when he no longer needs the votes of the same persons who put him in office.

Did he really have a change of heart, or does he speak out of both sides of his mouth. If it is the latter, how can we trust him on keeping his campaign promises??? Being for cap and trade does not make him a smart person in my book.

Obama made a lot of promises that people believed and look where that led us too.

I don't see why your stand on an issue binds you for life. most intelligent people change their opinions over the course of their life, I'd fear the ability of anyone incapible of change.
RELH I would still like to know where you got specifically got your info. When Huntsman left office, he had a 77% approval rating. That alone should say a lot about this guy considering he won the election by garnering 56% of the vote.

But hey, if he doesn't run better for me!
FTW, if you feel this man is the one you may want to vote for, you should do the research yourself. What I will tell you it was not from what you can consider the source being a right wing smear job.

Why are you having problems finding out what his stand was on certain issues during a paticular time in his political life.? The information is out there.

He may have left with a 77% approval, but after his flip flops I find it hard to believe he would get anywhere near that approval in Utah today. His flip flops came after he left the governorship and started working for Obama's cabinet in the state dept. I have serious doubts about his honesty and intergity after doing what you asked me to do on researching his record.

It appears you may have selected another loser to support just like your last pick with Obama.

FTW, I will clarify my above post and you can research it for yourself.

In 2004 while running for governor of Utah, Huntsman came out and made the statement that he supported an amendment to the Utah state constitution that would ban gay marriage and CIVIL UNIONS. I am sure that he was aware that 70% of the Utah population was against gay civil unions and the reason for his statement was to get elected as govenor.

He was relected to a second term by over 70% for governor. During that second term, on Feb. 9, 2009 he flipped flopped and stated that he was now for supporting gay civil rights. This was after he had already stated he would not seek a third term as governor, other words lameduck governor. The local Salt lake T.V. station ran a poll after that reversal and over 60% of the persons calling in did not support their govenor's position on granting gay civil rights. I think that sounds the death knell to your statement about him having over 70% support in Utah. He had it at one time, but not today anymore.

When Huntsman made this reversal, several insiders made the statement that he changed his position due to looking at a run for president in 2012. It was even said that since he was not seeking re-election for a third term as governor, "he changed his position due to thinking more about what people outside of Utah was thinking then what people inside of Utah thinks."

Three months later after his reversal on that issue, he accepted the state dept. job in Obama's cabinet. Possibly they did fear he was setting himself up for a run against Obama.

FTW, you can believe all you want about huntsman. My personal opinion about the man is that he nothing but another political hack seeking higher office and will say anything to achieve that goal. I do not care if he is GOP, he is in fact another RINO like Arnold who just left us and I do not want or need another political hack lying to me and telling me what is good for me and my family. He can keep his cap and trade that he supports also, and he never fully delivered on all of his tax cuts that he promised while running for his last term.

Well RELH I simply responded to the post and believe that he is the right direction if there is any hope to rebuild a more inclusive GOP. Vote for him, don't vote for him really means nothing since he certainly has not announced his candidacy.

That being said, who do you think would be best?
So we established that a change of opinion disqualifies a candidate. and we wonder why we can't get good leaders.
Dude, I happen to feel that you do have good common sense. Your common sense should dictate to you that something is fishy based on the timing of his change of opinion.

He is only attempting to change himself into something that might be more agreeable to a larger segment of voters and does not reflect his true core values. We do not need any more politicians like that running this country.

As for me, I am waiting to see who comes out of the wood work in the next year and I plan to research their past and try to determine who may be the better candidate to vote for. I hope the GOP gets smart enough to reach down and pull up a state governor that has a real history of doing a good job of running his state and making it a better place to live for the majority of the people within that state.

I also think you will be doing the same!!!

LAST EDITED ON Jan-11-11 AT 02:38PM (MST)[p]
>It's rare but RELH has a
>point, the " regular "
>christians took Romney apart because
>he was a morman and
>Huntsman is an even
>bigger target because he's been
>in Utah for more than
>a week.
>The Manny types will go Sunni/Shiite
>on both of them in
>the primary.

Well if one can believe in Mormonism then you are definitely gullible.... just proves how you lefties think anything but a Christian...

RELH said" As for me, I am waiting to see who comes out of the wood work in the next year and I plan to research their past and try to determine who may be the better candidate to vote for. I hope the GOP gets smart enough to reach down and pull up a state governor that has a real history of doing a good job of running his state and making it a better place to live for the majority of the people within that state.

well lets hope its not the Anti-Christ....

The first president of the United Nations General Assembly, Paul-Henri Spaak, " What we want is a man of sufficient stature to hold the allegiance of all the people and to lift us up out of the economic morass into which we are sinking. Send us such a man, and whether he be God or devil, we will receive him."

Paul-Henri Spaak,who was also a prime minister of Belgium and one of the early planners of the European Common Market, as well as a secretary-general of NATO, affirmed.
I don't claim to be a religious scholar but the morman religion makes as much sense to me as any, granted that's not much. how can you claim your catholic or catholic light based religion is anymore logical? that's a riot.

I will say one thing for the mormans they practice what they preach, when I'm in a morman community I don't even feel like I need to lock my rig, when I'm in a catholic community like Mexico I'm afraid to get out of my rig. that says something.

my vote wouldn't be influenced one bit by the religion, just how much they push it. in fact a man like Huntsman who's proven he can use logic and moderate his stand makes me think far more of him. did he do it to win votes? I don't give a damn as long as he does what he says.

Hope it's not the anti christ? I thought he was already president?
Manny, that is a pretty stupid statement

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

440Sixpack wants to measure your boners!
manny you're a riot. Next time you talk to God, ask him if i'm gonna draw an elk tag in Utah this year, m'kay?
LAST EDITED ON Jan-12-11 AT 12:55PM (MST)[p]

>manny you're a riot. Next time
>you talk to God, ask
>him if i'm gonna draw
>an elk tag in Utah
>this year, m'kay?

he said no, but i am tho....maybe if you would do a search as I did on that subject you would know why I said that!

I dare you to log on for a few minutes....produced by X mormons...log on a see the short video...I dare you...mormons have zero aritfacts & prophecies that did not come to pass.. ect:

I wonder if this post will be nuked, its been awhile since I've been nuked...
Manny, we're typically on the same side when it comes to politics but you are an absolute stupid ass when it comes to religion. No wonder people bash on religion. You act as if you're all knowing and you end up making people think you're batshit looney so they think all religious people are freaks. Way to represent moron!

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

440Sixpack wants to measure your boners!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-12-11 AT 09:21PM (MST)[p]Californian you and manny could be twins, he's even a californian himself, maybe? just because you part ways on one issue means little.

Manny watch Religuluos, not only is it fall down funny but it will put your religion in perspective with others for you. here is a


Mormans think I'm a jew? I don't think I care for that.
>AT 09:21?PM (MST)

>Californian you and manny could be
>twins, he's even a californian
>himself, maybe? just because you
>part ways on one issue
>means little.
> Manny watch Religuluos, not only
>is it fall down funny
>but it will put your
>religion in perspective with others
>for you. here is a
> Mormans think I'm a jew?
>I don't think I care
>for that.

Quote: Mormans think I'm a jew?
>I don't think I care
>for that.

you blab much can you read this much since it concerns your people...?

read this on that subject:

Thomas W. Murphy (born circa 1967) is a Latter Day Saint anthropologist and writer. Murphy earned his Ph.D. in anthropology from the University of Washington in 2003, and he now teaches in the Department of Anthropology at Edmonds Community College in Washington State. His academic work focuses on Mormon representations of Native Americans and has been published in the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Ethnohistory, the Journal of Mormon History, Review of Religious Research, Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, Sunstone, the book American Apocrypha: More Essays on the Book of Mormon, edited by Brent Lee Metcalfe and Dan Vogel, and elsewhere

Murphy drew attention in the media and from the leadership of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints after the publication of his essay, "Lamanite Genesis, Genealogy, and Genetics." This essay discussed available genetic evidence regarding the geographic origin and lineage of Native American groups. It relies primarily on evidence regarding mitochondrial DNA, which is inherited directly from the mother.

Dr. Murphy posited that this DNA suggests that Native Americans are descendents of individuals from northeastern Siberia?corroborating conclusions that anthropologists have long held on the basis of linguistic, physiological, and other anthropological evidence. Murphy notes the 99.6% absence of any genetic heritage outside of known indigenous Native American haplogroups. (The remaining 0.4% is near universally agreed among anthropologists and biologists studying the issue to represent genetic markers that were introduced after the year 1492.)

In his essay, Murphy writes:

From a scientific perspective, the BoMor's origin is best situated in early 19th century America, not ancient America. There were no Lamanites prior to c. 1828 and dark skin is not a physical trait of God's malediction. Native Americans do not need to accept Christianity or the BoMor to know their own history. The BoMor emerged from Joseph Smith's own struggles with his God. Mormons need to look inward for spiritual validation and cease efforts to remake Native Americans in their own image.[1]

Murphy concluded that "DNA research lends no support to traditional Mormon beliefs about the origins of Native Americans" and he has likened the Book of Mormon to inspirational fiction. Murphy has reaffirmed this point several times since the initial publication of his essay in interviews and in videos produced by Living Hope Ministries, a Utah-based evangelical Christian ministry that produces literature and films that question and criticize Mormonism.

In a review in 2006, the FARMS institute reviewed Dr. Murphy's claims.[1]
>Manny, we're typically on the same
>side when it comes to
>politics but you are an
>absolute stupid ass when it
>comes to religion. No
>wonder people bash on religion.
> You act as if
>you're all knowing and you
>end up making people think
>you're batshit looney so they
>think all religious people are
>freaks. Way to represent
>Piper, how's your period?
>Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!
>440Sixpack wants to measure your boners!


thanx... but my Bible tells me to correct error when ever possible, doesn't mean people will listen, but does say they'll get pist as you....

What some of you don't realized (or perhaps you look at this as your chance to take your frustration out of religion, with me as that venue) I had a church for 15 years and studied the Bible for 30, been to cemetery school too...

I recall your a business owner, so I take your input with such, as life experience and would take your advise into consideration because of your experience.

You should do the same?but thanx for the input tho...
Ok anybody can have a typo I was just a little confused. As you know the majority of us that believe in evolution that 84% usually are confused.
Manny I was joking about being a jew, all humanity is related in some way through a common begining of life and evolution. or as you'd say one dude and his rib with an oh my god amount of insest.

How come we can use DNA to prove the mormans wrong but you won't recognize DNA to prove the bible wrong?
>Manny I was joking about being
>a jew, all humanity is
>related in some way through
>a common begining of life
>and evolution. or as you'd
>say one dude and his
>rib with an oh my
>god amount of insest.
>How come we can use DNA
>to prove the mormans wrong
>but you won't recognize DNA
>to prove the bible wrong?

I didn't know there was such DNA, not to mention Mormonism isn't that old....
LAST EDITED ON Jan-13-11 AT 07:09PM (MST)[p] note sequence of events here in these two chapters creation of man?

Genesis chapter 1:26-28 (King James Version)

26And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

27So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
28And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

Important verse: Be fruitful, multiply, and re-plenish the earth?Hmmm RE-PLENISH

Genesis chapter 2:15-23 (New International Version, ?2010)
15 The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. 16 And the LORD God commanded the man, ?You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.?
18 The LORD God said, ?It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.?
19 Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. 20 So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals.

But for Adam no suitable helper was found. 21 So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man?s ribs and then closed up the place with flesh. 22 Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib[c] he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.

My theory is this; God created two races of people; Adam & Eve came after the first, after Cain killed Able God told Cain to leave the garden and then he married a woman, well where did this woman come from?, the bible also says that God put a mark on Cain, some translation come up with Black or Dark in color for the word mark?

Ref: Gen 4:15 - 16


The different races were the result of the Tower of Babel when they were trying to build a tower in order to reach Heaven. Basically, that is when God did His thing and created all the different colors and languages and nations, making it more difficult for everyone to communicate

He confused their languages so they would not understand one anothers speech. Genesis 11:9 So the Lord scatters them abroad from there over the face of the Earth,and they ceased building the Tower of Babel.It was all about man's pride and a turning away from God.Thats where we get the word babble today, this happened after the flood.

Noah his wife sons and their wifes were in the Ark...
Jumped up Jesus that's stupid.

Yes god really hit a home run with the different colors and languages. it spawned a batch of different religions so we could spend eternity killing each other. that makes sense, if your a sadist.

By the way do you have proof god handed out a dictionary for every language?
LAST EDITED ON Jan-13-11 AT 07:44PM (MST)[p]You didn't read that did you....its my job to explain it the rest is up to you...


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