GOP Hero To Hit Dirt?

Obama can't be reelected again, seems your Bibi won't be . so if the polls are right he already did.

Everything with you losers is about how much you hate the president isn't it? I bet you can't order your happy meal without telling the window girl how much you hate black presidents.

Stay thirsty my friends
The window girl is the one who brings it up, not me.


It's written in the good Book that we'll never be asked to take more than we can. Sounds like a good plan, so bring it on!
Because she recognizes you from the AIPAC meetings.

Stay thirsty my friends
Maybe he'll take a page outta the dems play book and let those 6 mil dead jews vote for him.
Or maybe their supreme court will let mim be PM even if he loses the vote.

It's not like he's out of a job he can always come back to DC and keep on running our country. at least the jews get to vote for or against him we don't.

Stay thirsty my friends
LAST EDITED ON Mar-17-15 AT 02:35PM (MST)[p]So much for polls lennie. Looks like all our money and all barry's men couldn't put Israels left back together again.
Damn! Dude you struck out again. Go find your hole and crawl into it. Be sure to take your fifth of Crown with you.

>Somebody pass 440 a box of
He's gonna need a beach towel by the time all this sh#t is over with.
It would take more then a beach towel to wipe all that manure dung off his face.

I said it looked like he was going to lose , but unlike you I wasn't stupid enough to bet on it was I? IF he did win, he lost seats and will have a harder time getting his way.

your AIPAC is strong as ever though and the GOP will be locked in a Bibi circle jerk for days. uncle Sam better get some lube and a fresh checkbook with the rest of the world turning their back on Isreal we're all they have left to screw.

Stay thirsty my friends
He who laughs last.

This may be the best thing ever. when Obama tells voters he doesn't want to protect an apartheid state with US lives and treasure the republicans will have to show why americans should do without to fund it. no more just do it without any questions, I absolutely love it.

I only hope this comes to a head before Hillary takes office , she will try to out do the republicans sucking up to Bibi.

Stay thirsty my friends
The way a teabagger sees it a chosen one need not acknowledge a goyim spook at all. so it's different.

This is what I've been wishing for for years. at last, we can have a debate about our welfare state liabilty known as Israel. AIPAC is going to have to work for it for a change.

I had no idea the best think that could happen is Bibi winning, in the way he won.

Stay thirsty my friends
The big question is if Obama cut the subsidies to Israel. Will he also cut the subsidies to those Arab countries in the middle east and the 400 million to Palestine. Some how I do not think so.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-21-15 AT 00:31AM (MST)[p]Dude you are lying again. I found some dollar figures given out in Feb. 2011 for the year 2010.

Afghanistan----10 billion
Pakistan-------4.4 billion
Israel---------2.8 billion
Egypt------ receives 2 billion on a yearly basis and after this date, Obama promised to increase that amount.

I did not bother to add up all the other middle east countries for a complete total that blows your claim of total combined out of the water.


Dude I did some further checking to show you blow smoke out of your A-hole. Here are the figures to show how much aid was given out in the middle east since world war 11 to 2010.

Israel---total of 185 billion. Military and economic aid.

Afghanistan----49 billion
Bahrain--------538 million
Egypt----------114 billion
Iran-----------13 billion
Iraq-----------59 billion
Lebanon--------3.4 billion
Libya----------1.5 billion
Pakistan-------52 billion
Syria----------2.1 billion
Yemen----------2.1 billion
A total of 299 billion dollars to Arab countries that mostly hate our guts.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-21-15 AT 10:01AM (MST)[p]DW

You realize Turkey is allied to us by an Treaty right? They are a member of NATO and we are required to come to Turkeys aid if they are attacked. So Obama was calling an ally when he called Erdogan.

What treaty do we have with Israel? Every agreement with them is an Executive Agreement not a treaty that was passed by the Senate. So we are pledged by the NATO Treaty to defend Turkey but no such Treaty exists with Israel. We have all kinds of mutual agreements with them but as the Senate letter to the Iranians pointed out any president can change those at any time.

So he congratulates our friends and enemies just not israel? I think you've just elevated his douchiness status, and confirmed he's a petulant child who's a sore loser.
>AT 10:01?AM (MST)

>You realize Turkey is allied to
>us by an Treaty right?
> They are a member
>of NATO and we are
>required to come to Turkeys
>aid if they are attacked.
> So Obama was calling
>an ally when he called
>What treaty do we have with
>Israel? Every agreement with
>them is an Executive Agreement
>not a treaty that was
>passed by the Senate.
>So we are pledged by
>the NATO Treaty to defend
>Turkey but no such Treaty
>exists with Israel. We have
>all kinds of mutual agreements
>with them but as the
>Senate letter to the Iranians
>pointed out any president can
>change those at any time.
The Leader of Turkey is the one taught Obama about the Health care bill (socialism) and how to implement it.
Turkey our great ally. Was it not Turkey that refused us the right to use their country or airspace when needed for strikes in Iraq or Afganistan. Great friends if you ask me. Dollars should have been cut off right then.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-21-15 AT 05:38PM (MST)[p]

Are you sure they refused us transit to Afghanistan?

They didn't allow to use their territory for the war on Iraq but we used their airspace and airfields
I am going from memory and that they refused to allow us to stage army units on their territory for attacking Iraq or maybe Afghanistan. I believe it was Iraq and their refusal pissed off Gen. Swartzkoff as he wanted a two prong attack on Sadaam's military forces. If that is the way they want to play the game, we should not be giving them one red cent.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-21-15 AT 06:36PM (MST)[p]Rehl referred to General Schwarzkopf. He was our general, when was he in theater?
As usual you're full of chit RELH. enjoy.

As allies go, Isael is a great one. why are we even having this discussion? how may conflicts have we been in since 1948? and how many troops has Israel sent to aid us? do tell.

You people are inexcusable. you'd give this nation to Bibi if it were in your power.

Stay thirsty my friends
Might wanna put a pencil to that article lennie. 8mil/day is nearly 3 tril/yr. If they make up that lie I don't put much faith in anything else they have to say.
No Dude you are the one that is full of it. Nice slanted article that you referred too. Where did they come up with their figures as they seem not to be that specific.
As for how many troops they sent to help us. Why don't you take a look at how many troops we never sent them when they were attacked several times and they did their own fighting and kicked the crap out of several Arab countries. Not like Sadie Arabia or Kuwait when Sadaam took over Kuwait and was eyeing S.A. as his next target and we had to use troops to fight their battle for them.
I am laughing about how much time you had to spend finding that slanted article you linked too. Next time do better.

DimWit, if you don't know the difference between a billion and a trillion who gives a FF about what you think.

8 million a day is just a portion of what we give them. do the math, but get someone else to do it for you.

You're a funny old coot RELH I'll give you that. you pull numbers out of your butt, those are gospel. and refute all others.

Prove what Israel gets. I mean everything, aid, military aid, loan gaurantees. and we'll just let all the chit we do for them which we can't bill out slide. like palistinian aid, buying off Eygypt and all that good stuff.

What is it about you people that makes you more dedicated to Israel than the US ? why would you favor giving one dime to a person in a developed country with a standard of living better than many americans? why would you spen american money and american lives to start wars that aren't out fight?

There is no question my devotion is to the USA . you and your AIPAC friends cannot say that. not at all.

Stay thirsty my friends
We don't expect you to be the only teabagger who understands numbers.

Stay thirsty my friends
Dude we could do without your devotion to this country. You are only devoted as far as what this country can do for you and your pocketbook.
For a guy who never served his country in uniform, you should be the last one to ask who in my family I willing to send to fight in the middle east.

I'm sure you were a regular Audie Murphy.

My dad and his 3 brothers all served in the pacific theatre and their opinion of Israel and it's grip on their nation is a large part of how my opinion was formed. so don't lay your holier than thou bullchit on me I was schooled by people who actually fought for their nation .

You're more than willing to send someone elses kid to die if it serves your master and strokes your ego. how noble.

Stay thirsty my friends
Dude,my father and uncles also served during WW11 and I am a vet myself. It seems your family devotion to this country stopped at you and again I say you are the last person who should ask who I am willing to send.

>I'm sure you were a regular
>Audie Murphy.
>My dad and his 3 brothers
>all served in the pacific
>theatre and their opinion of
>Israel and it's grip on
>their nation is a large
>part of how my opinion
>was formed. so don't
>lay your holier than thou
>bullchit on me I was
>schooled by people who actually
>fought for their nation .
>You're more than willing to send
>someone elses kid to die
>if it serves your master
>and strokes your ego.
>how noble.
>Stay thirsty my friends
You must have forgotten it's a volunteer service at the moment and my hat's off to those that do volunteer.
There were no wars during my time at bat, and I had no interest in the military as an occupation. I was in the last of americans to be required to sign up for a possible draft when I turned 18. and I did, and I wasn't. enough said.

Yes it is a choice to sign up today, and as you recall it was getting hard to find enough kids willing to go to Iraq for you so you kept upping the ante. an elective war for Israel might require you to sweeten the pot again.

So maybe the question shouldn't be who are you going to send, but how much are you willing to pay? it isn't a patriotic duty to fight for another country, it's a job.

Stay thirsty my friends
>There were no wars during my
>time at bat, and I
>had no interest in the
>military as an occupation.
>I was in the last
>of americans to be required
>to sign up for a
>possible draft when I turned
>18. and I did, and
>I wasn't. enough said.
>Yes it is a choice to
>sign up today, and as
>you recall it was getting
>hard to find enough kids
>willing to go to Iraq
>for you so you kept
>upping the ante. an
>elective war for Israel might
>require you to sweeten the
>pot again.
>So maybe the question shouldn't be
>who are you going to
>send, but how much are
>you willing to pay?
>it isn't a patriotic duty
>to fight for another country,
>it's a job.
>Stay thirsty my friends
Maybe someday our kids will be forced to read the Koran and other anti American bullsh#t with all technology today seem's like all we need today is park a few ships out their way and give the enemy a tomahawk or two and not send any troops in harms way.
Or, we could let them be muslims and do what muslims do in their part of the world. we walked into a hopeless situation and can't get enough of it.

Don't give me the bullchit story we can't have illegal nukes out there, Israel does, N Korea does. we haven't attacked either of them have we? li'l Kim fed his uncle to dogs, sounds like a nice kid. why is Iran a bigger threat to americas safety than he is?

We live in a dangerous world and always have. we should fight when someone takes a swing, just like Iran has the right to do. I know this is hard for a zionist goyim to understand but that's why this debate has just started. at last.

Stay thirsty my friends
Kim is drummer than dirt, Iran on the other hand is like the rest of those crazy Muslims, well you know like suicide bombers, that would be the ultimate bomb.
"we should fight when someone takesm a swing" I can definately agree with that quote. The only issue is that Iran has already thrown many punches with their unwavering support for Islamic Terrorism. Enough said. Load those bombs and let the fly overs begin. I nominate the "glass man" Bess to lead the formation!
Russia has taken more swings than anyone else. why not bomb them? your ego isn't hurt that bad is it? so lets pick on an easier target. that isn't how a world power should operate.

Stay thirsty my friends
>Russia has taken more swings than
>anyone else. why not
>bomb them? your
>ego isn't hurt that bad
>is it? so lets
>pick on an easier target.
> that isn't how a
>world power should operate.
>Stay thirsty my friends
Like what?
>We can hit the "reset" button
>as Hillary professed. Again.

Ya, because they're no enemy of the usa. C'mon lennie, the 80's called and they want their foreign policy back!

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