Grandpa writes a letter to the DWR


Long Time Member

In years past I would come down to the winter range just outside of town. I could kill 3 muley bucks after my morning coffee and before lunch with my good ol iron sight .30-30. All three would be over 30 inches wide with at least one being a forty incher. On my way home I would kill a doe to actually have something good to eat.

A couple years ago people started showing up with these new fangled Savage repeating guns with Weaver fixed power scopes. They all wear Stetson hats. Some have super powerful scopes they keep in a leather tube and they just sit by the truck and look at the bucks from 500 yards away instead of walking over and actually getting close to the deer.

Well I just went out yesterday for my annual deer hunt and I ONLY KILLED 2 THIRTY INCH BUCKS TODAY! Those kids and their doo-hickeys have ruined my hunting!

I propose that we ban Weaver scopes and store bought Buck knives. These are just making it way to easy for these killers. Notice I refuse to call them hunters because they aren't. A real hunter would wear blue jeans his red work jacket and a stormy chromer hat. I actually saw a fella wearing brown pants today! I thought we already banned queers! What's he doing there on the deer range? I didn't even know what to tell my grandson when we saw him.

So just so we are clear I'll hit the high points. No Weaver scopes. No Buck brand knives. No queers. Fines for all if you catch them. Free Ass whoopin's and confiscation if I catch them.


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It looks like Grandpa Tri-Touch may have wandered off from the care facility again. Go home Grandpa so they can make you some milk toast and change your Depends. The world is a dangerous place and your dementia is getting worse. Go take a nap and watch another episode of the Andy Griffith Show.
Lol. Funny letter but you outed yourself.


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