Grandson pronghorn success


Long Time Member
My grandson has been after this buck in central Wyoming since August 15th. He wasn't successful in archery and after a long day on the rifle opener he found success. Pronghorn numbers overall are down considerably from the last 3-4 years, but G&F chose to keep tag numbers the same.?‍♂️

From what I have seen on here, this buck should field score around 84+ inches, but in reality will gross over 78.

I'm very proud of the boy. He really stuck with it.


Once you stretch the tape on him let us know what he scores, I’m curious now I would think he would hit that 80 inch mark. Congratulations to your son especially targeting one buck and holding out for him.
Congrats on a great goat and way to stick to it giving it his all. Will be great memories no matter what he scores which will be a great score this year!
Great goat and congrats to the young man.

Way to take a good picture. I think this buck and the one posted before are in the same category but this one is a better picture. All you guys hating on the other buck would think different if it was a better picture with the phone/camera up close like this buck is. Good pictures can make a good buck look great and vice versa
Great buck, tell your grandson congratulations!!!!
Looked over a lot of bucks on my son’s hunt this year and could not find anything I thought would go over mid 70’s.
Great buck I think he'll hit 80" hell if the other one posted was 84" this one should go 90" easy cause it's a much better buck
LOL, Pauns08, I would like to see them side by side to compare. They both look real close to me just built different. I’m no picture scoring pro tho.
LOL, Pauns08, I would like to see them side by side to compare. They both look real close to me just built different. I’m no picture scoring pro tho.
Ya its impossible to score by pictures, the other goat is probably comparable to this one (around 80") HT just doesn't know how to take good pictures haha. I just like busting guys balls sometimes it's all in good fun lol
This is one of those remarkable field photos where there is absolutely no blood on the animal. Where was the bullet impact?

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