Greatest Trophy of All Time


Active Member
I was looking over the B&C records the other day and got to wondering, what is the most outstanding trophy ever taken? What is the ONE record that will NEVER be touched? Obviously it's up for much opinion but...thats what we are good at around here!

Burris Buck?
Chadwick Ram?
Spider Bull?
Oakley's Shiras?

etc etc...
LAST EDITED ON Jun-30-09 AT 10:09PM (MST)[p]Looks like it is a Grand Slam (4 of us agree) me too.

Chadwick Ram


SCORE: 196 6/8
LOCATION: Muskwa River, BC
HUNTER: L.S. Chadwick
OWNER: B&C National Collection
DATE: 1936

Length of horn: Right 50 1/8 - Left 51 5/8
Circumference of base: Right 14 6/8 - Left 14 6/8
Circumference of 3rd quarter: Right 6 6/8 - Left 7
Greatest spread: 31
Tip to tip spread: 31

Jack O'Connor always said the Chadwick Ram....wouldn't dare argue with him.

MY favorite trophy is the photo of a very nice deer, along with the 2-page story of my 12-year-old daughter's first deer hunt. It landed us in the Eastman's journal and on a couple of local walls.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
I think the Milton Hunt buck would be in the running for the top spot, but in the end the Chadwick Ram would probably get my vote.

The first deer that I killed when I was 14 with my Dad by my side! It was a little 3x2 and to this day I still remember the feelings and the look of pride on my Dad's face!

The next one will be when one of my Daughters kills her first big game animal.

Inches....sminches!! Who cares!!
Chadwick ram by far. Hard to say if any trophy is untouchable, but that one is going to be hard to beat.
If you combine trophy size and degree of difficulty of the hunt, I would have to say the Cook Dall ram. Backpack hunting with crap gear by todays standards in the most forbidding and physically challenging terrain in North America, Cook took a ram that is not only awesome in size but incredibly beautiful also, on his own without the support of an outfitter or guide. It is an absolutely enthralling tale of a man challenging himself, the terrain and the elements to take what is argueably one of the finest animals ever taken by a sport hunter. For those who don't know the animal or the story, do yourself a favor and look into it. You will not be dissapointed.

Burris buck-roadside tent camp and alot of luck.

Spider bull-Great animal but far from the greatest of all time.

Hunt buck-Top 3-5 bucks of all time. Hard to say which is number one

Chadwick Ram-Greatest Trophy of all time as generally recoginized by most "experts" as an animal that realistically will never be topped. Both horns over 50"s!
Not recognized by B&C of course, but maybe the greatest trophy ever, that will never be surpassed is a pair of elephant tusks residing in the British Museum of Natural History in London and weigh, respectively, 226 1/2 and 214 pounds. According to John Millard, they came from a small volcanic crater called Legumishira, on the northwestern slopes of Kilimanjaro, late in the 1800s.

100 pound tusks are almost unheard of now days.

It is hard to believe that a ram could get old enough to sport those horns unless he never got into a fight over some girls. Could he have be the equivalent of a "cactus buck". After all, castrated longhorns will get horns much bigger than bulls, and they don't fight or breed???


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Good call Eel. If I could see any 'trophy animal' alive today - it would be that elephant. How impressive would that be? A hundred pounder is amazing and this one was 226 #'s.

That is another very interesting story. (going 100% off memory) An arab slave trader sent a few slaves to collect some ivory and they ended up with that one. Something to that affect...

The story behind the Chadwick ram is also interesting and not what you would imagine.
Dalls and Stones are sissies compared to bighorns. Doubt they live any longer as a result - but they definitely do not broom as much.
What blows my mind is that ram still has both its tips. What are the odds.

"blaming guns for violence is like blaming spoons for Rosie O'donnell being fat."
>I think the Milton Hunt buck
>would be in the running
>for the top spot, but
>in the end the Chadwick
>Ram would probably get my

I agree packout.......where is it???...knife handles??

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

damn thats an amazing set of tusks Eel! i've seen one in Botswana (Kruger) that is estimated at 90 pound and i thought that was huge.
Great choice, Eel.. that ele was what instantly popped into my mind when I read the title of this post.. Untoppable trophy.

BTW Feleno, Kruger is nowhere near Botswana... Kruger borders Mozambique in the northeast corner of RSA.
All these animals with the hunter's name attached to them. Too bad for Denny, The world record elk will always be known as the "Spider Bull", never the "Austed bull". Not really a big deal now, but 20 years from now if the bull still stands as #1, most people will have to research in order to find the hunter.
The Alonzo Winters typical rocky mountain elk killed in the 60's. He nets 443 as a typical 6x6. I can't see how that will ever be beat. Thats a lot of bull.!!!!

Has to be the Chadwick ram-it is almost universally acclaimed even though very few hunters will ever hunt a Stone's sheep. Kinda like if a LaCrosse player were acknowledged as the greatest athlete of all time...simply amazing.

I will say the story of the hunt itself is underwhelming.L.S. Chadwick wounded the great ram and it was finished and recovered through the tracking skills of his great guide.Much more the guide's ram than Mr. Chadwick's IMO...
You are absolutely right cbeard. Chadwick nicked the ram in the brisket with (of all calibers) a .404 jeffries and Roy Hargreaves tracked it down, killed it and hauled it off the mountain.

To me this post was more about the animals themselves then anything. I will never have a chance to hunt a bull elephant and probably will never hunt stone sheep...but those two specimens are something special...
With the hills, mountains, and deserts as relentlessly hunted during deer season as they are, and with the intense focus on bagging monster muleys, you have to give the nod to Doug Burris for taking that whopper of a typical buck in Colorado back in '72. It's been 38 seasons since and with the advances in back-country travel, optics, airborne scouting, trail cams, year-long Conservation permits, and the increased opportunities to hunt the Canadian plains and Mexican deserts and still no one has bettered that grand buck...yet!
You think about how many Muley bucks have been killed since '72 and it is amazing the Burris buck still stands.
That said, I do belive that it will fall well before the Broder buck.
I heard rumor of a gigantic typical contender spotted & missed in Sonora Mexico just last year.
With all the technology in optics, hunting gear and eqipment and endless spotting with aircraft, the animals that need many years to acheive their size will be the toughest to break with sheep being one of them.
I remember oogling at the Chadwick ram in the Cody Museum many years ago, it is very high on my list of what I consider the very best and very possibly unbreakable.
+1 hunterharry.

I agree..... the burris buck will likely fall but I doubt the broder buck ever will. Although I'm still surprised the burris buck still holds the #1 spot after 37 years.

There is no doubt that the Chadwick Ram is one that will probably never get topped and in my mind definately ranks as one of the greatest trophies of all time. The Broder Buck is yet another one, although the Dewdney Buck is also one that needs to be put on the list. The Entry score was 380. It arrived late to the panel scoring and with 3 teams scoring it, no one could come up with the same number. The Mass on that buck is beyond belief and there is no doubt it would have been a scoring nightmare. With time run out, they settled on a score and that just happened to put it in second place. It could very well be #1 if they had of spent more time on it.
+1 on Chadwick Ram

Does anybody have a pic of the Dewdney Buck, I can't find one anywhere.

I've never seen a pic of the Milton Hunt buck.
Can anyone pull that one up?

Though Muleys mean way more to me, one buck that absolutley blew my mind was the South Dakota state record non typical whitetail.
It is known as the "Fink Buck".
Mass that defies description.
I've never seen a buck anywhere of any species with that kind of mass throughout.
I got to see it in person, but have never seen a photo.
this one Harry....

pretty sure it has a broken skull plate since it is not in B&C....I thought it's whereabouts were unknown but I'm glad to hear from packout that it wasn't lost

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Here's some pics of the Dewdney buck. It was given to Dewdney by an Indian agent in the late 1800's in Bella Coola and is believed to have come from the Chilcotin area. Very possible that this buck was killed with traditional archery equipment. It had spent time in a collection in Europe and was considered one of the World's Greatest Trophies. I believe it was in the early 1990's that it was discovered and measured as the B&C #2 Nontypical.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-04-09 AT 07:51PM (MST)[p]Thanks BCBoy for the tuff to find pics!!

Back up in post 3 or 4, i too agreed that the huge Stone was number 1 in my book but when it really gets down to it, i know that at my age, condition, and financial situation, a huge Muley buck is all, even more than i can wish, hope, or ask for. These truly huge Muley Monsters are super fine trophys in their own right and i'm glad to still be in that game at least!!


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