Grizzlies "reintroduction" in Utah. WTH???


Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Jun-19-14 AT 03:16AM (MST)[p] enjoy hiking, hunting, fishing, and/or camping in Utah wilderness without looking over your shoulder constantly? Like to go light weight, without added anti-grizzly-related gear? Like to take your kids with you and enjoy some peaceful moments without CONSTANTLY being on guard (at least not anymore than usual with kids in the mountains)? Well, you might want to enjoy it while it lasts...

Yup, can't wait to go up to my favorite retreats in the Uinta Mountains and spend some time cuddling with the Grizzlies (/sarc off). I call B.S. on any significant number of actual users of wilderness really wanting this, but I imagine all those city-dwelling pv$$!es won't mind supporting. Don't think it will happen?
Personally, I think the "wild" places are too tame these days. Nothing a few grizzlies, wolves, wolverine and lynx won't fix....

There are two kinds of people without
beards - boys and women. I am neither.
I don't disagree that having such places is nice for the 'diversity'. But, holy he!!. They already exist. If I want to backpack in grizzly country, I'll drive up to Yellowstone or the Wind Rivers, which I have done. But I also enjoy the OPTION to have another level of enjoyment from the wilderness backcountry, say in the Uinta Mountains, where I can bring my kids and get away from humans (mostly) and not have to worry about grizzlies. In those nice places, I think we already have enough opportunities to practice 'survival'.
If human safety is the concern, ask someone from Alaska or Canada, which is more feared (due to the number of attacks on humans), grizzlies or black bears (or wolves for that matter).

There are two kinds of people without
beards - boys and women. I am neither.
Hate to tell you but the Grizzlies and wolfs are already in Utah. I think adding more is plain stupid for more reasons then one. But long story short I oppose this because those damned tree huggers couldn't keep their word about the wolfs so why would I believe them now?

?If men were angels, no government would be
necessary.? John Adams
LAST EDITED ON Jun-20-14 AT 00:26AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jun-19-14 AT 11:50?PM (MST)

Well, Diablo, let me see if I understand your logic. Because black bears might be more feared than grizzlies by Alaskans, let's ADD grizzlies to the mix in Utah's wildrness areas. That is just an idiotic response. I don't care if aids is more feared by queers, I don't want to add (more) herpes to the young population of college chicks. Makes as much sense as your explanation.

And deerslayer, yeah, I know about the wolves in Utah. I don't like it. I've seen them, including in the Uinta wilderness and even down near Strawberry Reservoir. But, I am not, or was not, aware of any grizzlies. So, as if it ain't already bad enough, they want to add grizzlies, or MORE grizzlies, if you are correct. I say NO way. Enough is enough.

As for motive(s)...I can't make any sense out of any of their nonsensical lies. The only thing that is consistent is their desire to reduce or eliminate human recreation in the wilderness areas.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-20-14 AT 03:30AM (MST)[p]

>As for motive(s)...I can't make any
>sense out of any of
>their nonsensical lies. The
>only thing that is consistent
>is their desire to reduce
>or eliminate human recreation in
>the wilderness areas.

AND make some MONEY in the process!
Read the article yesterday and then about half the comments. Grizzlies are a whole different animal than Black bears. The area that Grizzlies need to live and eat are so huge compared to a Black bear that there isn't enough undisturbed land to support a breeding population in Utah without them showing up in back yards and towns.

I've bowhunted in Grizzly country in Idaho and it sure changes things. If there are any resident Grizzlies now in Utah there needs to be some proof to try to help show that we don't need any introduced.

I seen a Grizzly a few years back out side of Evanston WY, I was heading to the mirror lake highway/on the high way and I was about 1 mile from the state line. I am sure that bear just seen the Utah state line and stopped there because there are not any Grizzlies in Utah. I have also seen trail camera photos of them. I am sure there are more wolfs in Utah then Grizzlies but after seeing the photos and the bear so close to the state line it does not take rocket science to figure it out. I wish I had some photos of the bears if I did I would post up some photos for your viewing pleasure.

?If men were angels, no government would be
necessary.? John Adams
Now they told us it would just be Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. No they wouldn't take a little bit at a time. I don't remember to many Utah folks up in arms to fight the first fight. Good luck I will be watching.

Sherlock, my point was that if human safety is your concern - and it sure seems like you're scared - then you should be pushing for the removal of all predators from Utah. I've had several firefighters from Alaska tell me that they worry more about black bears. Unfounded? I don't know.

But...statistically your chances of being struck by lightning are about 50 times greater than being attacked by a bear. Probably best just to stay in the house and watch tv.

There are two kinds of people without
beards - boys and women. I am neither.
I have heard of grizzlies in and around Utah. Does anybody have any evidence? A photo or a photo of a track? I do not think it is too far fetched to think that one has crossed the border. I just took the family bear hunting in Idaho and saw twice as many grizzly tracks as black bear tracks.
Imagine our big game populations if we have wolves, grizzlies, black bears, lions, and coyotes. All those together will take out a lot of our big game. I sure as heck will think twice about where i'd be hunting if the grizzlies do end up here.
Don't know if this one made it across the border or not...

There are two kinds of people without
beards - boys and women. I am neither.
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