Gun Ban Will Protect Firearms?


LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-13 AT 09:47AM (MST)[p]What????? Are you seriously saying this??
My 2nd ammendment protects these firearms already!!!!

The Second Amendment is "Crystal Clear" in protecting all firearm ownership. What is it that Eileen Sullivan, the AP writer, and Sen. Feinstein doesn't get?
>The Second Amendment is "Crystal Clear"
>in protecting all firearm ownership.
> What is it that
>Eileen Sullivan, the AP writer,
>and Sen. Feinstein doesn't get?

Or Obama.....
LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-13 AT 03:26PM (MST)[p]I'm going to say this one more time.

The gun ban isn't about banning guns to "save lives", it's about the government taking control of it's citizens. They want to make it illegal to have guns, and when they say gun ban, they don't mean assault rifles, they literally mean gun ban, as in all guns.

Look it up in a history book, it's been done before, several times.

Don't believe me? Sit back and watch.
You're correct. Except for the sit back and watch part. Time for us to stand up and fight.
Another part of that that should be a red flag to anyone who thinks that gun bans are for our protection:

The purpose of creating such a list was to assure people that the government was not going after any legitimate hunting or sporting weapons. "The other purpose of the list was to have a high profile way of assuring certain folks ? including legislators ? that we would not be going after their weapons that they use for those legitimate purposes," Lenett said.

I guess to them self defense, defense of loved ones, home defense, and defense against tyranny aren't considered legitimate purposes for bearing arms.

I have a long list of reasons to keep and bear arms, and as much as I love hunting (which is a big part of my lifestyle), it is way down that list.

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