Happy Thanksgiving EVERYONE

Ahh look, It's oldoregon and his wife. How cute
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!



"Are your not a Vegitarian but you still give me Chit about Hunting you need to just sit down and shut Up."

If that is old oregon and his wife, then wouldnt that make O.O. your dad.....cause Pocahantas there looks just like your mom!!

(Remember Cass, its all in fun)
LAST EDITED ON Nov-27-03 AT 11:51PM (MST)[p]Difference between you and me is that I don't have to hind behind a guest. If I was you I wouldn't be ashamed if somone posted my Wedding picture like OutdoorChick did for you.

Geez You guys are BAD, All I did was post a CUTE pic for the holidays and you STILL lay in to eachother!!!

"Are your not a Vegitarian but you still give me Chit about Hunting you need to just sit down and shut Up."
I don't know who the hell this little sawed off j.e. devlin thinks he is,but he will find out who Houndawg is the hard way.
Maybe he ought to think before he opens his trap!
Just keep it up and you'll get a southern houndspankin you've never seen before.
You don't like it because dawg & cat has got the balls to say it as they see it,Well too damn bad!

I can easily see why Devlin mistook that dog for me. His blurred vision apparently didn't realize that is just a log laying on the ground in front of the dog. And not the "big dawg" as Devlin's wife calls it. ;-)

He clearly saw the dimensions and my knew that only one person on this site could fit that bill. The 'ol HoundDawg!!

However, there is one thing very disturbing about this thread, and no I don't mean that Outdoorschick still dares hang out on this site. Someone actually DEFENDED me on this thread???

I don't know who HoundDawgpup is but it's very disturbing that anyone would come to my defense out here.

What kind of sick world are we living in?

-The Big Dawg
Hound Dawg,

Your killing me man...too funny!! Keep up the good jokes!!

I don't know who this devil in mrs. jones idiot is but if I were him I'd keep his thoughts to himself.
The nerve of him to think this way.
you see the ole NASTY Dawg has already had relations with devlin's woman,the sad part is he don't even know it.
As far as the 'cat' or the 'bob',don't worry about him,he took good care of your lady before Dawg took over.


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