Health Insurance


Very Active Member
I was just curious what everyone pays for family health insurance coverage and if anyone uses a supplement plan to help with high deductables, etc? My insurance premiums (through my work) are going up 45+%, so I was just curious.
I have private ins through Anthem. Pay $400 per month. Our dedectible is $6000 and we have no co-pay. That means the ins doesn't kick in a cent until we pay out $6000 for that year. Its a rip off but you need it. For example, 2 years ago, my wife had a blood clot in her lung. Hospitalized for 5 days. It paid off in that instance. I HATE making the monthly payment but what can you do.

Holder of a 2012 LE Utah Deer Tag!!
>No monthly payment just a $5
>co-pay. I work for a
>major HMO in southern CA.

LOL, Sounds about right.
My ins agent laughs at me every time i bring up the need for health ins. i at the least have a expensive Business liability policy, homeowners ins, ins on another piece of property that i own, commercial auto on two Vehicles, and am Bonded but, not that i could afford it, i don't fit within their guidelines so reasonably priced health ins for myself is, according to her, out of the question.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Insurance in general is the biggest scam the world has ever seen, and health insurance is the worst of them all....

I'm 63 and get health ins through my employer. I would like to retire but to buy health insurance for me and my wife would be about $800/month with a $2500 deductable.

Guess I'll work a little longer. At 65 I can get on Medicare plus add a supplement to cover what Medicare doesn't.

I had to have out patient surgery to repair an old injury awhile back. I was in the hospital for about 4 hours. The cost was almost 13K for the hospital alone.

You can't afford to be without insurance.

LAST EDITED ON Aug-21-12 AT 08:00PM (MST)[p]Sure ya could Eel.....but people like you and me just have the decency to honor our debts.

I have to take my kid to a special craniofacial clinic at UCSF for his surgeries and check ups...... I pay $500 a month for my family, I pay a $7500 deductable, and then I pay 10%. All the while Jose and Rosalita are there sitting in the same clinic getting the same care for free.
We just got back from UCLA as my daughter had open heart surgery- had her aortic valve replaced with a pig valve. She's on her own policy which is a lot better than the one the rest of us are on. Her policy pays 80%. We're still paying off her first open heart surgery that she had when she was 8....7 years ago. This latest surgery/stay at UCLA I'm sure will run a minimum of $150K after EVERYBODY gets paid...and believe me...anyone that even spoke to her or looked at an Xray gets paid! I am thankful for that policy because then I'd have to be one of the ones getting that stuff for free! You and I are in the same boat, Hardway!

We got home Saturday and shes recovering nicely.

Holder of a 2012 LE Utah Deer Tag!!
>Good to know she is doing
>well. Wishing your daughter a
>quick and complete recovery.

Yea, what he said.
$46 a month for four of us. No deductible...drugs are free if I get them on base; at most it will cost $9 out in town for meds.

Hospital stays are $25 copay for everything, including surgery, anesthesiologist, RNs, etc. Doctors visits in town cost $12.

I've had two back surgeries, one neck surgery, two ankle surgeries, two knee surgeries, and some other stuff done by outside docs. Never paid a dime of money, other than what is mentioned above.

Inital buy in, however, was expensive in a sense.
>Whats the deal, feddoc? Military or
>Holder of a 2012 LE Utah
>Deer Tag!!


Hey, your daughter...the same one who plays fast pitch?
Ya....same one. She was bummed as hell. She had the choice of having the surgery in August or over Xmas vacation and there was no doubt she wanted it sooner than later. Wanted to not have to miss 2 seasons of ball. This way, she'll only miss one season and will hopefully be back in time for their last tourney in Vegas the 3rd week in January. I'm sure she'll make it. She's bummed but the surgeon said that these pig valves will last 8-10 years so she's good for long while. :)

Holder of a 2012 LE Utah Deer Tag!!
Good comments! Yeah, insurance IS a scam! I work for a small company in Utah and it's renewal time. My family insurance just went from $670 per month to to almost $1,100 per month with a $4,000 (family) deductable. My company shopped around and the other insurance companies quoted about the same price. We are healty, non-tobacco users and have 3 children. The bright side is that my company pays 100% of my premium!
Our premiums for our business is about $1000 for a family and in the $400 range for a single person. I pay half their premium and its a $1000 deductable.

Its expensive but we are stuck with it. At least, by paying it, we won't go bancrupt if there is a major hospital stay/procedure.
The company I work for pays for my coverage and a portion of my family. I pay for the rest of my family out of my paycheck and that totals $65 every other week. This is a so-called High Deductible Plan, which means it does not pay anything until the $3,000 per person/$6,000 per family deductible is met. After that it pays 100%, including perscriptions. I absolutely would not be without insurance. All it takes is one wrong step to be bankrupt without it.


My hunting spot is so secret, not even the elk have found it yet.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-22-12 AT 10:26PM (MST)[p]I pay 450 for myself, going up 10% next month, and 87 for my daughter, my wife gets hers free through her employer. 3 years ago I got to use it after being on the plan about 2 years employer paid at the time, the drug bill alone was 26k. So far I'm ahead but give it 2 more years and I'll be in the red. In my younger yrs I never had insurance, didn't need it. Once you get past 45/50 tho its best to have it because ya never know.

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