HELP! Neighbor from hell


Very Active Member
I'm sure you guys will throw in some good comic relief but I do have a serious question. I have a neighbor that is everyones worse nightmare. She complains about everything. I had to put up a 6' solid fence between us just so she would stop threating my 5 year old with tresspassing for steping one foot over the property line. I have been threatened to be turned in to child protective services for letting my son run around on the lawn in 50 degree weather. (to cold for her liking) Anyway, I could go on with story after story. The latest came tonight. Now she's bitching about my sprinkler water leaking under the fence because she is down slope and some of my landscaping rocks are pushing under the fence. I intensionally put my fence 6" onto my property so there would not be anything like this come up. So I know the rocks are probably still on my property, even if they are a few inches across the fence. My question is.... what about the water. I know it can't be much. Can she do anything legally? Should I talk to our city attorney for advice? What about rain water? Legally, do I have to keep it contained on my property?
Has anyone else gone through this before?

Any thoughts or advice?
Fix the sprinkler! Seriously, I'd wait until youget a call from the city/county. At that point, they will determine what needs to be done. Mention the rock being on your property then as well...

Holder of a 2012 LE Utah Deer Tag!!
document everything she says/does/ video would help your case later. ask overton how to get rid of bad neighbors.
LAST EDITED ON May-29-12 AT 08:20PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON May-29-12 AT 08:13?PM (MST)

Maybe JB is onto something here. Hire her a gigolo... There's lots of guys on here that would likely "hit it". Throw an ad up and see what response you get.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."
Grow some pot up to about 12 inches high, and when you know she is gone, go into her garden and plant the chit.

Spread word around your local slum that she is dealing good, cheap, bud.

Wait a few days and then call the cops.

"I could eat a bowl of Alphabet Soup and
sh!t a better argument than that!"
I finally agree with Eel.

isnt living in the city great!! move to the country see what real people are like,,,,, they will either love you or shoot you,.,,!!
Before I moved to the hill country, I had a dirt bag neighbor next door. I arrested him on his birthday after my wife observed him make a "hand to hand" drug transaction. She called me at my office, where I was working as a member of the narcotics team.
I wrote up a search warrant and served it on him the next day, his birthday, arrested him for felony possesion of marijuana, and took his butt to jail.

He wimpered about he had bought the pot to smoke on his birthday and I got him before he had a chance to smoke it. Funny thing he knew I was a narcotics cop and was stupid enough to do a drug transaction in broad daylight at the curb to be seen by everyone.

Prior to the drug transaction, I had to stop him from chasing his girlfriend into the street and beating her. She later refused to testify against him and I warned him any further incidents and he will go to jail everytime. He moved within a week to a area 20 miles from me.

That Adam Henry was later convicted of kidnapping a female and mayhem-torture on her because she failed to pay him for drugs. Still in prison where he belongs.

LAST EDITED ON May-29-12 AT 11:01PM (MST)[p]From what little you have described of her, I am SURE I ##### work with her. Complains about EVERYTHING!!! Got the news today that she ##### quit! Best day of my 14 1/2 years at the hospital!

But for ##### reals- video the ##### out of her slightly insane actions, and if/when the city comes to you--- hit the ##### play button!

Water runs down hill,#####- there aint nothing I,you, or anyone but Moses or Jesus or God himself can do about it.
The rocks...they're gifts!
My kid likes to run around in warm weather, and it aint your god damn business anyway.

Live ya'lls lives like you see fit- it'll drive her crazy(more crazy than the genetics already makes her), eventually, for her own good, she'll be ##### committed on a 72 hour hold, and that will turn into a long term deal.

Edit; I misspelled a cuss word and it showed up---want to keep it clean!

Put up some signs on her property that read: "ridgetops is a plick" Then sue her and take her house.

Burn a cross in her lawn using salt.

Put up some fake security on her paranoia.

I would consult an attorney, move the fence back (in some instances after the fence has been there XX years, months, etc., she can legally use the property as hers. Check your city/county/state codes for the other stuff.
You need to firmly but tactfully tell her to mind her business. Looks like she's the type that the more you mind her, the more demanding she becomes. Just a suggestion ridgetops.

LAST EDITED ON May-30-12 AT 01:21AM (MST)[p]> Looks like she's the
>type that the more you
>mind her, the more demanding
>she becomes..

Wow!!!! I mean, we were ALL thinking it , but to come out and describe her as "EVERY aging Mormon lady"....Wow! That's ballsy! Especially on a website where we can't say #####!

I would consider a restraining order. Video a lot and the surveillance camera idea pointed to her property is a great idea. If those don't work then I would have her brutally murdered and her dead, lifeless body thrown in a ditch just outside of town. I accept cash only....large bills.
X1 about moving the fence back. That alone would probably send her over the top. Be sure to have video taping her going berserk when you move it. She'll probably threaten to sue you for moving it.
Well, whatever you do, don't ever go in your backyard with a pair of binoculars - not even to look at something dead in the field behind your house.


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:
When I found out my dickweed neighbors didn't like me shooting my shotgun out in my field I made a point of shooting it every day rain or shine. Worked great.

Overton...... I was talking to your neighbors the other day and they told me they hate the shotgun shooting but it doesn't upset then near as much as it would if you ran around in a pink Tutu and a bejewelled tiara singing Led Zepplin at 2:00am....... Terry
Here's an update. I had a little talk with my neighbor last night. At first, she wasn't going to show me where the problem was along the fenceline but after telling her how nice she looked and if she had lost any weight. Just a minute, I gotta go. I just threw up in my mouth. Ok, she did lighten up and showed me the problem area. Come to find out, my daughter had been watering the trees by hand along the fenceline and had put the hose down for about 5 minutes, letting the water run and tunnel under the fence. I'll have to post up a picture of the rocks she's complaining about coming under the vinyl fence when I get time. They're about half the size of a golf ball but she's mad because only an idiot would not have put down a plastic barrier to keep the rocks and dirt in place. I told her she can keep the rocks and I won't charge her a cent. She didn't think that was funny. I'm in the process of putting in a drip line for the trees, so the water thing should not happen again. Meanwhile, she continued with more complaining about one of my fence post caps that had blown off by the wind and if I don't get it replaced, yellowjackets would build a nest in there this summer and she might get stung. I'm thinking, is that a bad thing? She also complained that my horse corral is too close to the property line. The CC&Rs call for 10' minimum between the two. So I was moving corral tonight before I get sighted or worse sued, if the horses happened to bite or frighten her.
On a side note, she did say a couple of funny things last night. She said, while working in her front yard a few days ago. Some little boy came up to her and asked, are you the mean lady people are talking about. I couldn't help from laughing out loud on that one.
You could be like Roy and get your Bino's out & Swear you were Bird Watching!:D

(Sorry Roy,I couldn't resist,that sshhitt still cracks me up!)

[font color=red size=redsize=18"face"]SHOW THEM TO ME![/font]
If You Love Your Country,SHOW THEM TO ME!

I've got Wild Honey Tree's and Crazy Little Weeds growin around my Shack!
These Dusty Roads ain't streets of gold but I'm happy right where I'm at!
All these Perty little Western Belles are a Country Boys Dream!
They ain't got Wings or MM Halo's but they sure look good to me!
pile all your horse chit near the fence.. sounds like you are giving into everything she asks. she will keep demanding more and more. the best thing to do is tell her to fly a kite. then call the jehovahs witness and tell them her address.
go buy a huge container of yard killer, the type that kills all vegetation, and write "I'M A CU*T " in her front yard, that usually seems to mello them out for a while.......
Burn a cross in her lawn with salt.

BTW, don't neglect the fence line. It may seem like a small thing, but, over time...check your local could become hers.
I like the way you guys think. I've had many of those ideas run through my mind the last year or two. Believe me, I don't give in to her all the time but she is not one that can be reasoned with. Here's a picture of the little rocks she was complaining about coming under the fence. The black plastic is on her side and I guess when my daughter left the water running, the water and a little bit of mud and those small rocks pushed the plastic over. She wants me to put a barrier between my dirt and her black plastic. Well, that's not going to happen.

She's one for making a statement for sure. She put up this little rock wall along our property to make sure we didn't cross over when mowing the lawn but now complains if we don't keep the grass trimed on a weekly basis along the wall.
One of these days that wall might end up disappearing overnight.

In this picture you can see all the new dark mulch in my flower beds that my wife went and picked up (two truck loads and spread it all out by hand and shovel. Right when she was just finishing the work, my nieghbor came up to the rock wall and commented about doing something about the garbage(a couple pieces of paper) that had wind blown into the little rock wall. When I came home that night, I could tell my wife had been crying. Kind of hard to just ignore those kind of things.
Seeing as she is so paticular, and seeing as how she is cold hearted enough to make your wife cry over a couple little pieces of paper...well then.... you wouldn't want any weeds growing up against that rock wall would you?....and a good herbacide (like Roundup) would sure wouldnt want to spray it on good windy day.... that stuff will drift....just sayin
>Seeing as she is so paticular,
>and seeing as how she
>is cold hearted enough to
>make your wife cry over
>a couple little pieces of
>paper...well then.... you wouldn't want
>any weeds growing up against
>that rock wall would you?....and
>a good herbacide (like Roundup)
>would sure wouldnt want
>to spray it on good
>windy day.... that stuff will
>drift....just sayin
That's funny, My wife has been accused of spraying her in the face with round up on a windy day. lol If that would of really happened, I'm sure charges would have been pressed. We have a dry riverbed that's between my lawn and the street. I will use round up on the weeds in it. My neighbor said that our round up was killing her grass but you could tell it was a insect problem but she was sure it was our weed killer. She commented about how many of our own plants were dying because of the poison. This was in Oct. and many of the plants she was pointing to, were perennials dying off for the What an idiot.

There's always next year
Best way to deal with a passive aggressive prick like that is find out what annoys them most in your yard then turn up the heat ten fold.
>Best way to deal with a
>passive aggressive prick like that
>is find out what annoys
>them most in your yard
>then turn up the heat
>ten fold.

Yea, what he said.
Hatfield and McCoy ring any bells. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
My friends neighbors came over and asked him if he needed help mowin his weeds. He was in the process of putting his yard in his new house. It pissed him off so he just watered them the rest of the summer. I think you shouldn't trim along the rocks any more aint nothin she can do about it
LAST EDITED ON Jun-05-12 AT 01:13AM (MST)[p]I would get the Property Owner's Association involved if you have one.

The next time she bitches about something tell her to just call the cops. A cop will come out and tell her to mind her own business. Give her the phone number too just to be helpful and let the law know that it is ALWAYS something with her.

You could also put an obnoxiously large (fake) surveillence camera on your property pointed right at her house. Her company would love to come over and see that staring at them. Fricken hilarious!!!
Where is this house?

I will bring my sons rock crawler over at 3AM and do a 45 second "lawn job", that will look like 23 blind gravediggers were practicing for the Special Olympics!

"I could eat a bowl of Alphabet Soup and
sh!t a better argument than that!"

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