
Long Time Member
21 Elk Points & Counting Amy!

2+ Decades!

This Lindy Chick Got Any Pull?

She Like to Hunt?

I Gotta Figure Something Out!

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
I'll be Amy for this post.

Boulder, early.

Not even kidding!

Hey Bess,
Are you like all the guys who say "I've put in my whole life and never missed a year and can't draw a tag in this damned State"? We know they're lying but let them ramble anyway.

So, how do we KNOW you have that big pile of points?

Just razzin' ya man.
Hey there, Bess. It's good to hear from you! :)

Lindy is awesome to work with, but she has about as much pull as I do. (None at all.)

What you can do with your 21 elk points really depends on which units you're putting in for. Have you looked closely at the 2016 big game drawing odds report?

It looks like there are some limited-entry elk units you could draw without a problem. Is there one you're particularly interested in?
>Hey there, Bess. It's good to
>hear from you! :)
>Lindy is awesome to work with,
>but she has about as
>much pull as I do.
>(None at all.)
>What you can do with your
>21 elk points really depends
>on which units you're putting
>in for. Have you looked
>closely at the 2016 big
>game drawing odds report
>It looks like there are some
>limited-entry elk units you could
>draw without a problem. Is
>there one you're particularly interested

Hey Amy!


There Be One I'm Quite Interested in!:D

I Was just Thinking Lindy deals with Permits...........!:D

Just RAZZIN You Two!

And Zeke?

Are You Doubting My 2+ Decades worth of Points?:D

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
'Tis the season for a little razzin' from Bess. :)

I figured you had a unit or two in mind, but I thought the odds link couldn't hurt. I really hope that 2017 is your year!

Hang in there and have a great Christmas!

Thanks Amy!

We Always Appreciate Your Help & Hard Work!

Merry Christmas to You as Well!

Did You Ask Santa for any New Guns?:D

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
>Stop putting in for the San
>Jaun/La Sal unit and maybe
>you can draw. :)


I Don't Want a PISSCUTTER!:D

I Was Doing some Figuring!

And Figured with 2+ Decades Of Points & A Little Help From the Ladies I Just Might Have a Chance!:D

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
Well I would say, your odds have to be getting better every year you don't draw. :) But this has to be your year !!!! ;-)
Hey Bess,
I think Founder has more pull than Amy and Lindy and he doesn't want you to draw. The MM ratings would plummet if we didn't have this to razz you about and keep the post count up!
Actually Bess, I've never looked forward to someone drawing a tag as much as you! Then we'll celebrate your successes!!!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-13-16 AT 08:09AM (MST)[p]hey bess took me 26 years to draw book cliffs roadless. another friend 28 years for book cliffs roaded .so few more years of waiting. I geuss.
21 points and you're set on drawing the San Juan only? I hope you can be patient for 5-10 more years, bessy! Because to get into the bonus pool will take you 5 years if things remain static. And then it will take another 5 years to clear out your point level in the bonus pool.

It could be worse, you could have 19 points like me.

You could follow goofy's advise and go kill a bull bigger than you would on the San Juan. But that seems like the easy way out. You should really stick this one out until the end! :)
Hey Bess, best of luck. Waiting for a life time sucks:( I used my points on San Juan two years ago and had an awesome hunt:) Going to pull the trigger again this year with the wife and it should be a blast. Not sure if it will be less or more pressure with her having the tag and not myself.If you draw we will have to keep in touch. Always welcome to come down and hang out to see if San Juan is all you think it is!!! :) :) One way or another, should be one more out of your way with points - she has 23 points.
>Hey Bess, best of luck. Waiting
>for a life time sucks:(
>I used my points on
>San Juan two years ago
>and had an awesome hunt:)
>Going to pull the trigger
>again this year with the
>wife and it should be
>a blast. Not sure if
>it will be less or
>more pressure with her having
>the tag and not myself.If
>you draw we will have
>to keep in touch. Always
>welcome to come down and
>hang out to see if
>San Juan is all you
>think it is!!! :)
>:) One way or
>another, should be one more
>out of your way with
>points - she has 23

Hey rman!

Last year was my 30th Year on SJ!

What'd you end up Shooting?

Would your Wife let me put in with Her as a Group?:D

That'd Bump me to 22!:D:D:D

I Need all the Help I can get!:D

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
Very tempting with all that knowledge you have in 30 years on the unit. Man if 6 didn't jump in last year with 22 points and there wasn't 47 in the 22 point pool this year I'd definitely help you out for a little of your knowledge. With only 9 bonus tags it could take us as a group 5 plus years to draw:( PM me your phone number and I'll send you a picture of my bull. Can't add photo to MM from my phone.
> Sent you a PM
>[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U.
>in My Future,Ya She's got
>way with Words[/font]
Bess post up the picture of the bull you guys took off the unit a couple of years ago ? He was a tank. I dare you to post it up. ?
Quit holding out, elkassassinbessy! Or I'm going to start posting in all caps with exclamation points too!
How can you have 30 years of applications on SJ and not draw? Did you miss a couple years in there?

Don't be like the guys who say "I've put in every year for my whole life and cant draw a tag"
.....and then we find out they have 12 pionts! LOL

Tell us the story or I'll start using all caps too! ha

>How can you have 30 years
>of applications on SJ and
>not draw? Did you miss
>a couple years in there?
>Don't be like the guys who
>say "I've put in every
>year for my whole life
>and cant draw a tag"
>.....and then we find out they
>have 12 pionts! LOL
>Tell us the story or I'll
>start using all caps too!

You Misunderstood me Zeke!

Each Year I go Down to San Juan a couple Times in the Fall!

Was Going Down There Long Before there was any Elk on the Unit!

I'm Telling You Zeke there Used to be Many Bucks down there that'd Blow your Mind!

Then The Elk Showed up!

Still a Few Big Bucks in that Country but it's tough!

I'm Down a Few Points from Max!

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
That explains things much better for me since my reading comprehension is sometime suspect!

You're nice to let us "razz" you but in reality there are lots of us pulling for you to draw and do some good down there!


PS: I have one of those bucks on my wall from down there killed about 30 years ago.
I went through there often in 1980 to hunt sheep and saw all the deer. There were no elk or damn few if any back then.
Yep. Drew San Juan deer the year before they put this current point system into play and then the first year of the point system. Then I was in the elk point pool for 21 years with the one point out of max until I drew San Juan elk in 2014.

The deer were awesome back then, but like stated there is still a few good bucks around on the unit. However the elk and the bear have took the unit over in the past 25 years.

Awesome unit to visit, camp in and just scout!!! :)
Only 21 points?
Heck, I'm sitting on 27 points in my home state of SD and still have very slim odds of ever drawing our best unit here before I die. (And I'm only 51)
>Only 21 points?
>Heck, I'm sitting on 27 points
>in my home state of
>SD and still have very
>slim odds of ever drawing
>our best unit here before
>I die. (And I'm only


There's a State with Worse Odds than Ours?

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
My wife has 22 points and i figured it could take 5 more years. I am worried what will happen to this unit if the Monument goes in. Everyone says if will staff the same. But the promises that are being given to natives, who knows if they will end up with the unit or be given special hunting rights, etc. So keep your fingures crossed that the san juan unit will stay together.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-16 AT 07:31AM (MST)[p]Bess is holding out on us! He has left me no choice...





just razzin, of course. YOU PISSCUTTER!
Major Camera/Puter Problems!:D

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]




just razzin, of course

That sounds like trouble a brewin' right there!
I can see the newspaper headlines now.....

Last time I saw Bessy he still had a flip phone and no texting ! Going easy on him his computer is from the 1980's. But I did see the bull in question. If he would have sent it to me I would help you put it up Bess. ?
>Last time I saw Bessy he
>still had a flip phone
>and no texting ! Going
>easy on him his computer
>is from the 1980's. But
>I did see the bull
>in question. If he would
>have sent it to me
>I would help you put
>it up Bess. ?

Still Got the Same Phone BIGJOHN!

Still No Texting!

I Made You Promise Me JOHN Not to say anything if I Showed you the Pic!


Now We Got people Begging to see the PISSCUTTER!

You Know I never take anything worth Posting!

And Still can't Figure out why you want me to Post the Pic on the WWW?

Is this the Pic you are referring to BIGJOHN?

For GAWDS-SAKE Please do not tell them how far the Shot was!


[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
Ah.......well ya that's a stud ! I guess we don't want to see the pisscutter you shot. Maybe another member of the family.
But what about the gun ? I don't think I have seen the specs on that one ?

Come on bessy!

You gonna make a man get on his knees and beg!?!?
Hey Vanilla!

Took Me 30 years just to save enough Money for a Long Range Spike Gun!:D

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
>Did you shoot him in the
>No bloodshot shoulders? :D

In the Ear!

And Right Where I Aimed!

At #### Yards!:D

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
In the basin that's how the shotem. But you had a tag for this one.....right? So no need for the shot threw the ear hole. ??????
ELK your Elk tag and your first SS check should be in the mail the same day.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Bess, due to recent events, the San Juan was saved by some dude from Hawaii. That unit has now gone from a LE to PP(pretty picture) unit. There will still be a unit, but we had to protect it from things like people, so you can look at the pretty pictures and enjoy the landscape for what it was meant to be, 100% non accessible. Thanks for the 2 plus decades, but you know, those evil basterd oil guys and all.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
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