Hicks' response to SF0155


Very Active Member
Here's the reply I received:

"Thank you for voicing your concerns. I appreciate the time you have taken to contact me and I will take your concerns into consideration on this bill. I am including some experts on this issue that are better capable of answering any of your technical question or concerns."

To borrow a phrase - WTF??!!

If you cannot talk reasonably & in an intelligent manner on the legislation you drafted, why in the hell was it introduced in the first place?
The wording "including" makes me think there was more to Hicks' response. Who are the experts?
I have a feeling it will be Ron Nizolek and some other Bow Hunters of Wyoming guys...

I'll be at that committee meeting, hope they're ready for an earful.

They better have their "stats" togother as well, because I have mine ready.

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