Hillary set to conceed



Officials say Hillary is set to conceed to Obama tonight or in the morning bringing the democratic race to an end and reuniting the party. much for Rush's plan and a big democratic implosion.

So now it's McCain vs Obama, should be interesting.
You missed the boat dude. Operation chaos worked better than expected. Has it not been for the republicans voting for hillary she would have been long gone.

Even the democrat strategists admit this.
So what? the goal was to divide the dems so McCain would have a better chance, if Hillary comes out holding Obama's hand this early in the game no damage was done.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-03-08 AT 11:40AM (MST)[p]This is great news for right wingers. The only dem with a chance to beat McCain is going to drop out of the race.
Remember the polls showing 28% of Hillary supports will jump off the party ship?
Well the boat is about to go down!
Love it!
There is a heck of a lot of "Buyers Remorse" going on right now amoung the Dem party. They know with all their soul that Hilary can definaetly beat McCain. Obama is not a slam dunk and they are realy getting worried. But they are stuck with B. Husein Obama and they can not get rid of him. This is pure comedy gold!

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
The goal was to keep hillary in the race which would divide the dems.

You trying to say everything is peachy with the democrats right now?
LAST EDITED ON Jun-03-08 AT 02:43PM (MST)[p] You guys are funny, Obama is pulling away from McCain in all the polls and now that it's over he should continue to gain. Hillary just said she'd take the VP position if Obama offers it . to me this would give us another Bevis and Butthead duo almost as bad as we have now but together they'd be unbeatable. I was hoping Obama would choose a moderate like Richardson or someone, and he might, if he thinks he can win without Hillary my guess is he'll try, if he thinks he needs her she's your next VP. pure comedy? whatever.
Dude, you guys need to go on foxnews.com and read the article. SHE DENISE THE CLAIM THAT SHE SAID SHE WAS GOING TO CONCIDE. I DOUBT SHE WILL. GO HILLARY!!
Don't beleive everything you hear on FAUX, those close to her say she'll make a speech conceeding soon, even if she doesn't Obama has the delagates he needs and super delagates like Carter are stepping up and saying it's over and endorsing Obama. it's over , she's toast and she's already broke so nobody's going to fund her even if she wanted to go on.

Even if none of that matters and it does, the fact she's said she'd entertain an offer of being Obama's VP sounds pretty much like it's over to me. if McCain is going to beat Obama he can't count on Hillary to do it for him from now on, standing on his own merrits and debating head to head might get tough on the old bugger without her help.
Looks like dudes information was wrong again............

She didn't concede.

According to FOX she is going to "suspend" her campaign on friday. Leaving open the possibility to resume her campaign later on should she get some more of the supers to go her way. No doubt she will be waiting/praying for some kind of bombshell to come out on obama.
According to FAUX, that's like saying according to Jesse Jackson.

Hillary is done and she knows it,the dems know it and the super delgates know it. true she hasn't given the speech but her campaign is over, she's joined Ron Paul as a side show. Obama dying would be her only shot, and she might be working on that. her top concern now is getting her money back and holding as much power as she can gather . you guys haven't played much poker if you can't see what she's up to.
You, as usual, only give your bias side or you are not tuned in on what is happening in the real world.
On the issues, McCain has already started giving more depth on the issues facing us in his talk at the Louisiana townhall meeting, covering the economy, Iraq, and other issues. Sometime that Obama has failed to do at this point. He keeps talking about change, but has not given any hard core information how or what that change is.
McCain has also challege him to about 10 townhall debates thoughout the U.S. where both of them will answer questions from the citizens and not questions that were made up by bias reporters or moderators that may want one candidate to appear better then the other by presenting questions that are slanted towards one candidate. A very very smart move by McClain since the one time Obama faultered big time was answering hardcore questions that he had not been allowed to reherse and caught him offguard.

As usual you're off in your own world yourself, we were talking about Hillary and when she'd conceed not Obama vs McCain. the town halls will make or break McCain, I think Obama is too quick on his feet for McCain but we'll see. the first thing you need to tell McCain is to lose that retarded smirkle he gets after every line of BS he says. I can't tell if he thinks he just snowed someone or he's having a stroke.

Hillary has set up a gathering this Saturday to conceed and rally her supporters behind Obama. she says the most important thing now is to unite and defeat McCain. like I said don't get your hopes up.
>Looks like dudes information was wrong
>She didn't concede.
>According to FOX she is going
>to "suspend" her campaign on
>friday. Leaving open the possibility
>to resume her campaign later
>on should she get some
>more of the supers to
>go her way. No doubt
>she will be waiting/praying for
>some kind of bombshell to
>come out on obama.

Suspending a campaign allows the candidate to stop spending money but legally still accept donations to pay back loans the candidate took out...like the money Hillary loaned the campaign.

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- Abraham Lincoln

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