
LAST EDITED ON Jan-20-09 AT 10:37AM (MST)[p]Like Obama or not; agree with his politics or not; like the color of his skin or not; whether you argue that he is "half-white" or a minority - you can't argue with the historical signifcance of this day. And whether or not Obama's promise of "Change" unfolds exactly as he promised on the campaign trail - you can't deny the great change this nation has gone through over the last 100 years altogether and over the last 40 or so specifically! And whether or not you agree that things really have changed or not (you may very well argue that they really haven't) - you can't deny what electing a person of color to the highest office in the world represents to this nation and its people.

Set aside the politics for a moment and appreciate the pure history of this day.

Days like this only come along once or twice in a lifetime.

Whether you think it is good or bad - today is truly historic.

Just enjoy the history.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
happens every four years..........no more or less historic than any of them.
It was a historic event. Now the market took another dump and oil went up so he better pull a few tricks out of his bag and not out of his mouth. The honeymoon just ended.
We're always told to look beyond race, yet that is the main focus of this whole celebrity event. I guess if I noticed the color of people's skin more I would be fawning over it too. Like was said before, it is another inauguration, no better or worse than past.

My favorite line of the past week:

"For the first time the World is going to see an African leading the biggest and most powerful democracy in the World." -- Donna Brazile "This Week with GS"

What is that line missing? In my opinion there is too much focus on celebrity and race.
I to am a little uneasy with the money spent on this inauguration however for the 1st time in a very long time we have come together as a Nation to celebrate a glimmer of hope. At least most of us have.

I to am a little uneasy about all of the attention being focused on the black community. But if you view this day in a historical context you can understand the pride black Americans must feel.

Time will tell if this President can get the country back on track. At least this day we can look forward with hope rather than look back with despair.

It's a very positive day, I can't say it will all go as he has planned, infact I doubt it but not for many years have we had a president as well liked in this country as well as around the world and that's worth something.

Sometimes great things can be done if people think it can be done, we need a change right about now. we're all in this together, if Obama goes down in flames it will be because the economy went to crap even worse. if you want to cut your nose off to spite your face go ahead and wish him the worst.
Yes it is a historic day, I only wish we were electing a conservative man of color. At any rate He is my President and as such I will stand with him and respect him. I hope like hell he does not go soft on terrorist and I hope he can instill some confidence in the economy. As far as the rest of the world goes I could give two turds what they think.
Go Obama G!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-20-09 AT 05:18PM (MST)[p]I don't understand how the change in the president suddenly means we are "all in this together". Weren't we all in it together before?

I also don't understand how we can't oppose Obama but it was okay to trash Bush at every turn. That is interesting logic.

I wish Obama well but I am not holding my breath for anything to change in Washington. None of the politicians are willing to bite the bullet and do what actually has to be done.

He needs to slash spending, gut the entire government, convince Bernanke to raise interest rates. I agree with him that we need to bring the troops home but I would stop with just the troops in Iraq.

Of course none of that is actually going to happen. I reserve the right to disagree with him and unlike the Bush haters I will still respect the office.

I think most of you are right - now the job does begin and lets hope he gets most things right!

Yes I know we are supposed to look past race, but you can't be aware of the racial history of this country and not see this as a day of great progress - a landmark occasion.

And I say that for what it is, not for who it is. I still have great reservations about the man and the changes he has promised to bring. But the people have spoken with a clear solid voice. I really do feel that the vast majority of the US is behind Obama and we are becoming more united. Really for the past 48 years there has been great divisiveness in this country between the two parties, and I think today does represent change. Not because we simply changed the man who is president (though NPR sure billed it as such - I heard some of their liberal Bush hating interviews and man it was putrid Bush hating for sure) - that was going to happen anyway, but becuase we have changed the way we look at the world, and in turn the way the world looks at us. I think we did this for the right reasons - at least our motivations seem pure (yes I still will reserve some skepticism), and we do want to unite and become as great as we ever have been. I think we all proved, even those of us who didn't vote for him, that we believe in our country and our system of government. And yes indeed, that has given us great hope - something that I never thought was lacking.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON Jan-20-09 AT 05:44PM (MST)[p]"I think most of you are right - now the job does begin and lets hope he gets most things right!"

I also hope he gets things right, I think him retaining Gates and holding off on tax hikes were both smart decisions.

But here's the score so far. We now have:

-An executive with no executive experience
-A vice president who is known for repeated lying and plagiarism
-A Secretary of State with no foreign policy experience
-A Director of Intelligence with no intelligence experience
-A Chief of Staff entangled in one of the biggest political bribery scandals ever
-A Secretary of Commerce who had to step down because of a 4 year old federal investigation into his bribery scandal the vetting process somehow missed
-An economic plan that our new president has already promised to give us trillion dollar deficits for years

??and now a Treasury Secretary who can't explain why he didn't pay his taxes for 3 consecutive years.

And this was all before taking power. So call me a naysayer until proven otherwise.
I want the best for this Pres. and this country and it truly is a historic day that I am very proud of. That said, I think his address although deliverd beautifully and eloquently in typical O'bama fashion was pretty weak in parts and parts of it were not true at all and kind of convoluted. example -- "Our security emanates from the justness of our cause" The jews had a just cause and Hitler murdered millions as did Stalin, MAO, PolPot, Milosevic, etc. etc. Did the Rwandans not have a just cause to live, how bout the dead in Darfur didn't they have a just cause? Where was their security. "we will restore science to its rightful place" what the hell does that mean? I'm thinking that with the legend of global warming, he's saying that politics trumps actual science that is yet to be determined. Good gawd, I wish the man well but were in for a hell of a ride I fear.
Nemont the difference is Obama took office today and some are already on his case, even wishing him the worst. I admit I've had few good words for Bush jr, but I voted for the bum in 2000 so I can honestly say I gave him a chance.

Obama is our president like it or not , like you I have my reservations but nobody should give up on him before he starts.

Bush was a ther definition of a divider, like when he said after winning in 2004 " I earned political capitol, and I now intend to spend it " now if that wasn't the understatment of the century. Obama is the opposite being a master of uniting people, his enimies become his allies and he inspires people like nobody for some time. I think Americans do feel more united than they have for years, I hope it last , it's a good thing and it shouldn't be mocked by sore losers.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-21-09 AT 09:02AM (MST)[p]HD,

If those opposed to Obama's policies act even with even 1/10th of the hatred heaped up Bush the left and the media will lose their minds.

Obama is president but he is not king or god as some are stating. Read the newspapers today and there are quotes that it was like, "God is speaking to you".

As of today he has gotten elected and sworn in. I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt but I have no faith in him or any other politician to do what has to be done in order to correct things. Government is the problem and more of it will only create bigger problems.

Also he doesn't inspire me to do anything, I am self motived to get stuff done. I don't base my life's decision upon who sits in the White House.

I thought dissent was a patriotic duty? At least that is what the left has been yelling for 8 years. I am a patriot.

Did you read where his first act is to give more money to the banks? "Bold and Swift" action is to complete the bailout of bankers who cannot account for the money already given to them. Did you seen where GM is already asking for more money because they don't have the cast to make the March 31st deadline?

Dissent is good once there is something to disagree on, why not wait until he makes a move.

The money he's going to give out was approved in a bipartisan vote, he's finishing what Bush set in motion so I wouldn't say he did it. many were disappointed in his speech yesterday that he didn't have a clear plan to solve our economic problems, and that he indicated sacrifice would be required. you sound like one of those people, if you don't like him being treated like a god it's not fair expect him to perform like one.

Obama has some of the best advisors in the country on his team including Buffett, I'm not saying they're going to make all the right moves but odds are they're smarter than any of us. we can pizz and moan about their decisions but as I can tell you from my years of disagreement on Iraq it does no good until election time when you can change congress. so by starting to gripe before Obama took office you're getting a great head start on the fall of 2010.

The real question of the day is, what would McCain have done with the economy that would have been better than what Obama is going to do? if the answer is nothing then this debate is kind of pointless.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-21-09 AT 11:44AM (MST)[p]Warren Buffet made his billions by being a brilliant stock picker not by advising on economic issues. It is an entirely different line of work. I respect and admire Buffet's ability to find undervalued companies, to make huge bets on things and win as well as how astute he is on reading a balance sheet. He has not been very astute on Macro economic issues and should not be advising anyone on the structure of the economy

I am not going to surmise what McCain would because it doesn't matter. It matters to me as much what McCain might have done as what Al Gore or John Kerry might have done. That doesn't end any debate.

I don't expect Obama to perform like a God, I expect him to continue the screwed up economic policies GWB was following when, "Abandoned free markets". I also don't look for Obama to create a single job, make any dents in the debt, control oil prices or accomplish anything in regards to the economy which will ensure we are better off in 4 years then we are today.

I am willing to sacrifice and already have given 6 years of my life to this country. I am not willing to sign an economic death sentence for Obama though.

I disagree with sending more money to any corporation, if we have to borrow this money from the rest of the world then it is just further adding to the false economy we already have.

We can't live on our own blood, we can only flood the world with little green pieced of paper, we cannot borrow our way out of this. The sacrifice needs to include slashing the size of government, letting business fail and letting the market operate. That ain't gonna happen so I can complain about his policies already. It is patriotic to ##### and moan. I think I even heard that from you a couple of times.

I wish Obama the best and respect the office he holds. I just don't have any "hope" or faith he is going to be able to do anything to fix this.

Amazing how we are constantly told not to look at a persons skin color. Yet if someone of color achieves anything it is a major news event.
So whom are the racists and bigots? The ones out there whom think this is awesome cause a HALF black man becomes president, which is souly looking at color.
Or those whom could give a damn and wants a good, working, former CEO that is honest and knows how to run a business and protect our country in the office.
I find it so RACIST, that blacks can have all there organizations, yet if whites have any there racists. If you ask me, blacks are 100 times more racists the whites. They voted for the man, strictly because of COLOR!!
For the record, I would have voted for a very conservative black man over McCain any day!!!
That's the spirit.

What McCain would have done does matter, because if he couldn't have fixed it any better then Obama isn't the problem. so if Obama isn't the problem at least not yet lets not bash him before he does anything.

There are no good ways out of this, your let there be blood theory worked in the great depression, I think you're sadly mistaken to think we as a nation could survive another round like that today. we would have total chaos in the streets and in the markets and we don't know how it would end. I hate to say it but times have changed and we're not a nation made up of the quality people we had back then. what the looters didn't steal China would buy for a song, be careful what you wish for because it might end so well.
"Obama is the opposite being a master of uniting people, his enimies become his allies and he inspires people like nobody for some time."

My God man back away from the Kool Aid. The first part of that statement is totally made up, please prove that claim. Show us the record, please Dude pull that one out of you aZZ. Next the only folks he is inspiring are African Americans, the Daily Kooks, the Hollywood crowd and a bunch of leftist idiots.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-21-09 AT 01:38PM (MST)[p]HD,

The very scenario you are predicting is what is coming. It is not something I wish for this country, I also do not wish for there to be bad times for anybody. However, Wish in one hand and crap in the other and see which fills up first.

The blood in the streets is coming because of things BO is going to do he is the one at the helm now, not GWB not McCain not Clinton. The left spent 8 long years yelling that Clinton was untouchable and could not be blamed for anything that happened after January of 2001. Unfortunately that is the standard that will also apply to BO.

I don't worry about what another stupid politician would do if he were elected. I didn't worry about Gore or Kerry why should I worry about McCain?

We are not in the same place as we were in the 1930's. We don't make anything here anymore, we don't export anything other then little green pieces of paper. Printing more little green pieces of paper will only serve to make each of them worthless then before. My worry is the BO will turn a major correction into a death sentence and squander all the rest of what is left on a misguided notion of "jump starting" the economy.

I don't hate the guy or even wish him ill, if he succeeds I will be the first to praise him however I think this will be the final proof the Keynesian economics is just alot of hokus pokus.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-21-09 AT 02:02PM (MST)[p]Totally agree bwnco!!!!

I would wish that with Obama's presidency the whole racist stuff ends. i would say for the past 10 years the racism is increasing, not decreasing.

We have so many minority only orginizations, minority only college funds, minority only days, you get black history in school and many more. My daughter which is half mexican should have got a minority scholarship, but with a white last name the orginization would not do it.

It is racism dont care how you look at it and as a white american I am tired of my tax money going to some of these racist orginizations. That need to end!

You have banks forced by the US govt. to lend to minorities at the same dollar amount as they lend white people without looking at income or abilty to repay the loans? RACISM!

You have NAACP, NCF, BCL, BET ect ect. could we as whites have an orginization that gets funding from the US govt. and be called the Caucasion College Fund? I think not!

It is true that some of there ansestors where slaves no questions. But havn't we paid enough already?????? Even though not one of my ansestors where part of that my parents, myself, and my kids are now paying for that bit of history in the US?
The problem is he has to do something, and it has to be big. what do you think would happen if he sat back and picked his nose and just said oh well crap happens? if Bush thought watching from the sideline wasn't an option I can't see how a liberal would be allowed to ignore the whining from the people.

I'm not saying you're all wrong I'm saying as our president the voters demand action of him. I think it's ignorant of people to think Obama or anyone else can fix the world economy, and today it is the world economy that must be fixed we don't really have a US economy anymore.

202 as usual you are wrong. Obama does inspire people and is at this point the most popular new president in years, probably since Kennedy. I'm not saying I'm inspired by him, I'm not even sure why others are but the fact is he's a celebrity figure and very popular no question about it. don't try to pass this off as just a black thing, blacks make up 12% of the population so Obama must have pulled a few whites over.

Gallup says Obama has an 83% approval rating for the way he's handled the transition, since that's about all he's done so far we'll have to watch and see but as of now he is VERY popular. go ahead and cry about it but facts are facts.
Obama is very popular. If this was "American Idol" I would say we have a winner. How can this be anything BUT American Idol as of now? He has no record of having actually done anything.

Everyone is googoo over "hope and change" and that's great! But that don't pay the bills.

At this point we just don't know.

Right now it looks like the government wants to do more of what they did to get us into this mess. Not very inspiring unless you're on the receiving end, and not everybody can be.

Roy, this is an historic moment, and I acknowlege that.

Doing something big could include doing the right things in a big way.

The part that people don't understand is that government spending is not "free". In order to put money into the economy it has to take money out of the economy. Whether taxes or borrowing it really doesn't matter.

I would in the 83% who approve of the way he handled the transition. As for change I can believe I don't really think he hit it out of the park. All the usual suspects are appointed to positions of power. It is af if the Clinton administration reappeared just in different roles.

Doing something just for the sake of doing it is usually worse then doing things the right way. I have never said sit back and pick his nose. The actions he is has stated are guaranteed to fan inflation (which is a hidden tax on everyone), further increase a hugely bloated and ineffective government, require huge tax increases in the future, and hasten the collapse of the dollar.

I have kids I care about and their future is not here in America. My wife and I are encouraging them to take their talents and money out of the U.S. and put it to use in a country that doesn't destroy effort and savings through the printing press.

Obama's proposed programs are all short term ideas that have lifetime or longer consquences.

"202 as usual you are wrong. Obama does inspire people and is at this point the most popular new president in years, probably since Kennedy. I'm not saying I'm inspired by him, I'm not even sure why others are but the fact is he's a celebrity figure and very popular no question about it. don't try to pass this off as just a black thing, blacks make up 12% of the population so Obama must have pulled a few whites over."

So I see you responded to the ispiration part of my previous querry. Very nice, however you failed to see that I did include those "whites" as you refered to them when I said the Daily kooks, the Democratic Underground ect ect.

Now since you completely ignored the meat of my query I will as will everyone else have to assume that you made up the part about Obama being a uniter and his enimies becoming his friends. Good one Dude. Nice try.

Yes Dude we can all see you are deep deep deep in the Kool Aid! LMAO
I'm in the kool aid? not at all, I think the stimulus plan is going to fail. I think Americans demand that something be done and it will be done, that doesn't mean I think it's a good idea or it will work.

What most of you fail to recognize is you have no plan, we're on the brink of if not in a depression and you want Obama to scratch his butt and watch. if he did this we'ld have total chaos, while I think throwing money at this is wrong I see no other option for Obama and McCain would have done the same.

Why don't one you come up with a solution, but make it one that will work not a sit and watch plan no politian will go for that. if it's a good idea I have a personal connection to an Oregon senator and I'll get it to him and see if we can get a response.

This should quiet things down around here, like my dad used to say, people know a whole lot more when you're telling them something than when you're asking them something.
I don't know where you get the idea that anybody said Obama shouldn't act boldly. I think there is a pretty good cross section of America that knows he needs to act. However just throwing money in the economy for appearances is worse then doing nothing.

I have stated a solution but it isn't politically viable because it requires sacrifice and hard work. Those are things that do not interest congress. Instead their plan is to borrow more money we can't pay back to get people consuming things then don't need in order to employ people in jobs that aren't sustainable. We don't need to buy any more cars, houses, or boats. We need to increase our savings and stop purchasing stuff. All that pumping more money into the a flawed perhaps even phoney economy does is make the true day of reckoning worse.

Reinflating a bubble that burst is not wise.

Saving doesn't generate revenue, and it doesn't create jobs. Americans should have been saving when they had a job but to save now isn't an option.

We're in a situation now where too many have too much debt. our government is borrowing money we don't have to give to broke banks to give loans to people who are too deep in debt so they'll buy more things on credit and create a job. sounds stupid doesn't it? it is and it is a short term fix to a big problem.

The time for fiscal responsibility by both the government and consumers has passed us by. we're in desparation mode now and there are no good answers.

I've decided I'm just going to try to figure out what's best for me and not fret too much about the big picture. I don't know what should be done or if anything can be done, but I'm not going to blame the new leadership at this point for what's beyond repair. I saw this whole wreck coming years ago and planned for it as best one can, but we'll all suffer in the long run.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-22-09 AT 10:46AM (MST)[p]That is essentially the same conclusion I have come to. That is why I am moving those assets that I can out of U.S. dollars and when possible offshore. I know I want my kids to take their work, talent and money offshore so that our government cannot steal it from them.

I don't blame the new leadership for the mess this country is in however I do believe that the new leadership is going to be making massive mistakes.

Saving do in fact generate revenue. Ask the Chinese how much revenue their savings have generated them.

Increasing savings and slashing the size of government (including all State, local and federal governments)

Don't get me wrong, I assign absolutely zero blame to Obama. He doesn't have his fingerprints on any of this. He does have and will have his fingerprints on the coming budget with a TRILLION dollar deficit, in addition he has request the second half of the TARP money and he is proposing a TRILLION "stimulus" package. All this is financed with the type of vehicle as what got us into the subprime mess. A security backed by nothing at all except the "full faith and credit of the U.S.".

Throwing gasoline on the fire is not a plan. We have cannot consume our way out of this as we have been over consuming for too long. Savings rates need to increase, tax policy needs to be changed to reward savings and government needs to get smaller. All of those are the opposite of the Obama "plan". Can you spell out in detail what exactly that plan is because there are almost no details on it.

It appears he is going to take the worst of GWB's monetary policies and expand them.

I can't see where Obama has a plan, from what I can tell he's going to throw money at the wall and hope something sticks, I have little hope. that said I don't have a better plan, and if I were him and had a nation demanding action I'd probably do the same thing, what else is there?

I think we're in for some tough times but I'm not about to jump ship on America or move my assets, other than Canada I'd rather die here than live elsewhere. I only need another 30 years or so and I'll cash out, I'm well enough off I think I'm fine but if I had kids like you I would probably tell them to think outside the box as well. no empire ever last forever, I hope this is just a big bump in the road but Obama becoming president might be a minor blip of history that historians will recall of this point in time.

Jesus Christ are we negative or what?
Actually I would agrue that I am being patriotic by preserving my wealth and having it available to assist in helping America rebuild. The opportunity my children will have is going to be alot less here in the U.S. then other places around the world. That is just a fact.

I have no control over what Obama does but I do have control, at least for now, as to where I invest my money and my time. I just opened a new office and am expanding my consulting, I borrowed some money, not much, but some for the first time in years to get up and running.

I am bullish on many areas of the world where the fundementals are not impaired and where their monetary policies are based on economics and not politics. I don't plan to move myself but I do plan to dump the dollar to the extent it is possible and sell them while people are still dumb enough to buy them.

You might be right, infact you're probably right I'm just not the type to travel much or put my assets somewhere I wouldn't or couldn't go myself to check on them. ranching is a hands on way of life, I just can't send my money to some far off place I don't like and hope they're looking out for me . the US and Canada are the only places I like, I'm sure this limits me in more ways than just investments but I can't change it. I'm here for better or worse until the end, so are my assets.
So by not answering my question again. Then that is proof positive you completely made up the crap about him being a uniter. Nice.
I didn't answer your question because I had a more important conversation going on , and you're easy to ignore.

So you want proof Obama is a uniter? I'm not sure excatly what proof you want but for example how well did your operation chaos go? did Hillary and Obama kill each other at the convention like you and fat butt predicted? did Obama take his former rival and make her secretary of state or did he crush her? did he keep the present Military leadership on or did he kick them out? just his popularity shows some degree of unity, if people can agree on something that is a form unity. give him more than a day and a half to prove himself and then we'll have more to go on.

Cry if it makes you feel better but as of now Obama is very popular, and he is making an effort to unite the nation. if it will work and if it will last remains to be seen, but for now your whining is pretty silly.
I don't give a rats azz if he's popular Dude. You said he was a uniter. I want you to prove your statement that you made up out of this air. So to you giving HillBill a job and keeping the Aggie to you spells uniter? C'mon Dude you can do better or am I right and you simply pulled that one out of your azz. Weak Dude very very weak. You have got to do better if your gonna compete arround here in the debate.
What do you want? yesterday was his first day. does he have to send hookers and coke to the republicans to show he cares about them? give me a break you're way out there on this one.
I don't mean to speak for Hdude but I heard a little of Obamas "economic stimulus package" today. He's going to "cut" taxes to where 52% of us will have no tax to pay and most of them will get a refund (or a welfare check, if you will). Then he is going to give amnesty to all illegals. At this point he will have "united" enough people so that the Dems will never lose another election. To Obama and the libs that is what united means.

This is how Obama's team thinks the stimulus package should be distributed or re-distributed, right along the racial lines.

"A top economic adviser to President Obama has told a congressional panel the billions of dollars in the proposed economic stimulus plan should be allocated with social issues in mind, to make sure the money doesn't go to just "white male construction workers" or the highly skilled.

Robert Reich, who served as labor secretary under President Clinton, was speaking to the House Steering and Policy Committee Jan. 7 about funding infrastructure projects across the nation.

"It seems to me that infrastructure spending is a very important and good way of stimulating the economy. The challenge will be to do it quickly, to find projects that can be done that will have a high social return, that also can be done with the greatest speed possible," Reich said.

"I am concerned, as I'm sure many of you are, that these jobs not simply go to high skilled people who are already professionals or to white male construction workers," he said.
"I have nothing against white male construction workers," Reich said. "I'm just saying there are a lot of other people who have needs as well.

"There are ways in which the money can be, criteria can be set so the money does go to others, the long term unemployed, minorities, women," he said.

Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., appeared to agree, suggesting federal money be directed to specific groups of people.

The federal government, he said, must "remove the discretion" about where the funds go, or what projects would be involved, even to the point of eliminating any input from governors or state legislatures.

Commentator Michelle Malkin said Reich's statements expose "the lie that the Obama administration is actually interested in revitalizing basic infrastructure for the good of the economy."

"No, what Team Obama really wants is to ensure that the least skilled, least qualified workers get jobs based on their chromosomes and pigment," she said.

Malkin cited Reich's own blog, where the Obama adviser wrote of the economic stimulus plan: "I'd suggest that all contracts entered into with stimulus funds require contractors to provide at least 20 percent of jobs to the long-term unemployed and to people with incomes at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty level."

This, Malkin wrote, is "spoken like a true-blue wealth redistributor. The 'needs' (read: demands) of politically protected minorities trump the need for competently build roads and bridges."
Amnesty International is a human rights organization, the news today was about them praising Obama and had nothing to do with amnesty for Mexicans if that's what you were saying.

So Obama wants to spread the stimulus around, you didn't see that coming? it isn't going to work anyway so big deal.
only one way out of this mess.
pay off debt across the board. people, corporate and governmental.
if that doesn't happen we will fail.
I'm almost there at home march will have me out of debt.. [kinda? my stock in energy will not be payed for tell 2025 and our new building in 2024]
then I'm saving my money at home tell i see something worth investing in hopefully land will come down here to a realistic price.
banking makes me sick with the bailouts they should be aloud to right them self or fail. the bailout is being waisted stolen and hidden.
when energy was hurting only dogged determination and self sacrifice bailed it out we made up 1 mill in debt in 5 yrs if i can do it they can too.
the bailouts should go to help pay up housing and failing loans. that would save banks and homeowners. then housing should be priced at real rates loans should be given on only well priced houses when the market go's to high cut off the loans to control prices. foolish loans and foolish speculators caused this and the gas price rise and fall

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