

Very Active Member
Which party do most homosexuals support?

Are they more liberal or conservative?

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
Duh? Hippies and homos vote the same, liberal democrap. They want something for nothing.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

We know about Foley and Haggard how many more? is this the Klan forum or did I miss something?
you'd think we'd be intelligent and respectful enough to call "homos" homosexuals.
What is it with you righties obsession with gays? to me it's like old people sex, I know it goes on but I don't like to think about it. to be this preoccupied you must have a hidden interest, yuck.
Excactly, the more gays there are the more women and LE tags are left for the rest of us. I love it.
I've got a good friend that is gay but he isnt "in your face" about it. (That might be a really poor choice of words) The ones that I dislike are like my "Aunt/Uncle" who have to make it known to the world that they are gay and expect special treatment because of it. She/it has threatened to sue every employer that she has worked with for sexual discrimination and harrassment. That is the kind of "homos" that I cannot stand. A lot of them are pretty cool, average folks that just have a different thing going on at home that I dont agree with, but as long as I dont have to see it, who cares? It is the ones who truly believe that the world owes them something (Roosie O'Donnell) or has to accept their lifestyle that I do not like. I also have a problem with gay couples adopting kids.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

>I've got a good friend that
>is gay but he isnt
>"in your face" about it.
> (That might be a
>really poor choice of words)
>The ones that I dislike
>are like my "Aunt/Uncle" who
>have to make it known
>to the world that they
>are gay and expect special
>treatment because of it.
>She/it has threatened to sue
>every employer that she has
>worked with for sexual discrimination
>and harrassment. That is
>the kind of "homos" that
>I cannot stand. A
>lot of them are pretty
>cool, average folks that just
>have a different thing going
>on at home that I
>dont agree with, but as
>long as I dont have
>to see it, who cares?
> It is the ones
>who truly believe that the
>world owes them something (Roosie
>O'Donnell) or has to accept
>their lifestyle that I do
>not like. I also
>have a problem with gay
>couples adopting kids.

I agree wth most of that PB and as much as I hate to admit it I agree with Huntindude on this (blech! that tastes bad just typing it). Why does everyone have such an interest (or hatred) for homosexuality? I could apply the same things said by Polarbear above to people of most religions, political persuasions, financial responsibility (or its it irresponsibility), moral character, cultural beliefs, etc, etc, etc. As long as they don't try to make me pay for their way of life or take part in it, orpreach it to me or shove it down my throat (also a poor choice of words) I don't care what they do.
LMFAO, When you look at the post with the flames, it too funny!

Now known as the flaming homosexual post.. Hilarious!!!
I don't much care what they do either, right up until they try to push their moral agenda into public schools, or on my kids through "diversity education".

Oh yeah. Most probably are democrats.
yeah like Rev. Haggard, Foley, Cheney's daughter, Rove's dad, all good democrats.....OK. ever hear of the Log Cabin Republicans? I don't want to know what goes on in the log cabin, well not unless it's a couple of hot chicks.
Well, sounds like they are liberals.....Hmmmm

Glad I am not in the same political party.

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
"LMFAO, When you look at the post with the flames, it too funny!
Now known as the flaming homosexual post.. Hilarious!!!"

LMAO!! Thanks Forthewall. I'll be laughing about that for days!

Homos and Democrats literally go hand in hand. Homosexuality is sick and wrong. Democrats are just flat out wrong.
Now, now, there are many creative things which homo's have invented...

Just think about that whole thing with the gerbils. x(
I could be a liberal democrat if I was;
1) pro abortion
2) pro homosexual
3) anti guns
4) a member of green peace
5) actually believed that Global Warming will be the end to this world as we know it.

Not claiming Bush or the republicans are the smartest people in the world, but this country was founded on rock solid morals. Something the liberal democrats have chosen to forget. God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.
I am a Republican but I ascribe to the, what goes on behind closed doors is not my nor the governments business. I don't support gay marriage but I really have no an issue with civil unions.

I do have issues with Hollywood always having to put a gay character into every show or movie. I don't believe homosexuality is a human rights issue either. I also don't believe it is a civil rights issue or that gays/lesbians should be defined as subject to "hate" crimes. To much political correctness.

Romans 1:26-32
For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. 27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due. 28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; 29 being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, 30 backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; 32 who, knowing the righteous judgement of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them. NKJV
Gods word is not ambiguous. Hell will be populated by not only homosexuals.

I believe that most homosexuals will vote for the party that would be most accepting of their lifestyle, at the moment that would be the Dems.
Romans 3:23
for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

Luke 6:37
"Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.

You enter into a real trap if you use one verse to defend your position. It is not up for us to condemn and judge those who sin that is god's sole domain.

That is why I do not want government to get into regulating what goes on inside consenting adults bedrooms. No special rights for homosexuals but they should not have government interferring with what they do. Unless churches also want government telling them how to practice their religion.

Nemont, the goverment is not trying to regulate what goes on behind close doors. There is no law against having gay sex, or atleast not a law that is enforced. If there was, our prisons couldn't hold all the homosexuals in our nation. What I'm against is the liberal media, liberal democrats, and all the liberals in hollywood trying to jam this crap down our throats as an acceptable practice. If someone wants to be gay behind close doors thats there progative. I just dont want my kids to have to be exposed to it.

umm... do you guys ever read the posts that are above the most recent one?

pretty much said the same thing. I have no issue with what you are saying.

I used a whole series of verses to make the point that there is a whole list of offenders that will fall under Gods judgement, including homosexuals. You on the other hand took a couple of verses out of context to make your point. Reading down a little further in the Luke text you will notice that we should remove the plank out of our own eye so that we clearly see the speck in our brothers eye. It is not saying to live and let live. You do your thing and I'll do mine. It is saying to make sure your vision is clear so that you can help a brother to see clearly.

My friend you are making a severe mistake if you believe that we should keep our mouths shut and let a brother sin himself into eternal darkness. It is a lie from satan to believe that it is judging or condemning someone to lovingly help a brother correct a behavior that is clearly forbidden in scripture.
I have to take a stand with idabigbuck on this. On a personal level. On a national level I just don't want gays crying to the Government to find a cure for AIDS. AIDS is a disease of choice. We know what causes it and we know what prevents it. No one HAS to get AIDS. If you are so comsumed with your lust that you can't take reasonable precautions to prevent AIDS, then die sucker. It's called PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY! I think the Dems lean towards the Government taking care of them instead of relying on personal responsibility.

Just like I don't want your kids on the school lunch program because you're too damned lazy to get out of bed and make a lunch. Don't tell me you can't afford a loaf of bread and a pack of bologna or tuna and an apple or banana and some chips. Especially when you have a cell phone and cable TV. If somebody had offered to put my kid on the welfare system I would poke them in the nose.

Do whatever you want! Just paddle your own canoe! Sorry, that's just the way I've always been.

Wouldn't you say if the main reason the bible says to hate gays is because they don't reproduce that's a little out dated? tell me one place on earth that needs more people? they're wicked and evil? I've only know a few but I can't say they scare me much, they scare me because I'm afraid I'll laugh at them and make a fool of myself but I wouldn't say they seem very " evil". if prissy little gays scare you then you haven't hung out in the redneck bars I do, maybe you need to get out more. I will agree the ones who push it your face I have no use for, but they're a small minority. I don't believe in hating anyone without just cause, Bin Laden now there just cause. I don't even hate Nemont, D13er,202 and the bunch they just need set strait. hate is why we have the mess in Iraq and the whole middle east, we should all be better than that.
I agree with ya Eeeeeel! I hate the whole "pitty me, for I'm a homo with AIDS" crap!! The same with other std's, drug addiction, alcoholism etc. They are all "diseases" (not really) of choice. We shouldnt be paying for somone's stupidity and lack of self control lifestyle!!! I am still on the fence whether homsexuality is a chosen lifestyle or not but the consequenses of it are. And speaking of stupidity in the homo world, I pissed of a couple of "vagitarian" bull dykes last saturday who thought they were special enough to bring their stupid little dog inside of a store. No, it wasnt a pet store but a place that sold party stuff. There was food on the shelves and it is my belief that unless it was a service dog, they were not allowed. (We all know what kind of "service" that dog was doing!! I think it's name was Skippy or Jif!) All I did was give them a dirty look and the told me to go f- myself in front of my kids. I just turned to my daughters and explained (out loud) this is what happens when homely women try to become men, they are unable to distinguish between right from wrong. My kids laughed an I thought that the dykes were going to follow me out to the parking lot!! I wish that I could have come up with something better but it would have involved foul language and that would have been no better than them telling me to go f- myself. My wife was 2 aisles over and was pissed to beat hell that these b!tches cursed in front of our kids but she was laughing by the end of it all.


Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

First off I never said keep your mouth shut and let someone sin. I said you better being doing it with a proper attitude or you will end up at soldier's funerals saying that "God hates Faggots". I could take just as many verses and turn the table on every point you wish to make by taking biblical text and not putting it into to context.

The whole plank thing is exactly what I am talking about. Perhaps you have taken the plank out but my experience is that most people who wear their faith on their sleeve have a whole bridge in their eye not just a plank. I am a believer and know my salvation is secure.


Good thing they were not waiting for ya in the parking lot. It would be hell to explain to the MM crowd that you got your ass beat by a couple of lick-a-likes. LOL!

Let's have the International gay parade in Bagdad, pull all our troops out and then nuke the whole middle east. That would solve alot of our problems and probably create a few new ones, but I think it would be worth it.
Don?t you know that if you are a straight, healthy, employed white male in America, you are automatically considered to be a racist, homophobic, elitist bastard?

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

"Wouldn't you say if the main reason the bible says to hate gays is because they don't reproduce that's a little out dated?"

The bible says nothing about hating gays. You have bought the gay propoganda that says if you disagree with them you are a homophobe. We don't hate gays, we hate the sin.

"they're wicked and evil?"

God abhors all sin and the scriptures posted above points out many other forms of wickedness and evil. God is the one who decides good and evil. When left to man you get people deciding what is best for them like NAMBLA, the KKK, people killing abortion providers, Gang bangers, child molesters, ect, ect.

"I've only know a few but I can't say they scare me much, they scare me because I'm afraid I'll laugh at them and make a fool of myself but I wouldn't say they seem very " evil". if prissy little gays scare you then you haven't hung out in the redneck bars I do, maybe you need to get out more."

Who said anything about being scared of gays? I have a great deal of empathy for gays because the vast majority of male homosexuals became that way because of some terrible emotional trauma that changed their natural desire for females. They were usually molested by predators. There are other reasons of course, but I just don't believe that people are born gay. Some people don't think it is evil to molest little girls. Those people seem pretty normal, they don't seem evil, until they get into a room alone with a little girl. I prefer to let God decide what is evil and what isn't.
I've done my time in the bar scene, including some redneck bars. There is nothing going on there that will bring you one step closer to God.
>>I've got a good friend that
>>is gay but he isnt
>>"in your face" about it.
>> (That might be a
>>really poor choice of words)
>>The ones that I dislike
>>are like my "Aunt/Uncle" who
>>have to make it known
>>to the world that they
>>are gay and expect special
>>treatment because of it.
>>She/it has threatened to sue
>>every employer that she has
>>worked with for sexual discrimination
>>and harrassment. That is
>>the kind of "homos" that
>>I cannot stand. A
>>lot of them are pretty
>>cool, average folks that just
>>have a different thing going
>>on at home that I
>>dont agree with, but as
>>long as I dont have
>>to see it, who cares?
>> It is the ones
>>who truly believe that the
>>world owes them something (Roosie
>>O'Donnell) or has to accept
>>their lifestyle that I do
>>not like. I also
>>have a problem with gay
>>couples adopting kids.
>I agree wth most of that
>PB and as much as
>I hate to admit it
>I agree with Huntindude on
>this (blech! that tastes bad
>just typing it). Why does
>everyone have such an interest
>(or hatred) for homosexuality? I
>could apply the same things
>said by Polarbear above to
>people of most religions, political
>persuasions, financial responsibility (or its
>it irresponsibility), moral character, cultural
>beliefs, etc, etc, etc. As
>long as they don't try
>to make me pay for
>their way of life or
>take part in it, orpreach
>it to me or shove
>it down my throat (also
>a poor choice of words)
>I don't care what they

where you been they are trying to force their agenda on our socity and our teens...
I disagree that they aren't born that way. the kid I know was different from the time he could talk, the older he got the more you could tell it. he's the son of a religious ranch family and I can assure you his up bringing was as good as it gets. he's a good hard working kid and life has been tough on him and his family, I'm convinced he would have done things different if he had a choice. holding it against him would be a bigger sin than being born gay.
huntindude, God don't make Gay people. People have a choice. Maybe some are born with a natural disposition to like the same sex, but that don't mean they have to act on it. Some may be born with a natural disposition to be violent, that don't mean they have to act on it.

In a effort to restore Sheria Law, Iraqi Shiite Clerics have ordered the systemic execution of all Homosexuals or suspected homosexual in Iraq several months ago.

So I guess this would be considered to be good news for Peakfreak.

I'm not gay so I could careless about gays, whatever. I do think that the worst thing for any human would be to go through life without love, without the caring touch of another, and to be alone.

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